General Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Are visions a psychiatric disorder or a spiritual gift? (P&R)

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25018points) October 8th, 2020

Where can I learn more about them? I have had since I was 4 years old. They are constant except when I am in a deep sleep.

I would like to have answers from both sides.

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9 Answers

kritiper's avatar

Definitely NOT a “spiritual gift.” Consult a book on psychiatry or psychology.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@kritiper Might be an inner voice. Like rehearsing what to say. Is helpful sometimes. I am not sure that they are visons. I would like to know how to switch off when not needed? I would like to learn how to switch off when sleeping or when relaxing?

JLeslie's avatar

Most likely schizophrenia. Do you take medication for it?

kritiper's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 An “inner voice” is not a “spiritual gift.”

gorillapaws's avatar

Visual/auditory hallucinations have no supernatural component. The person’s mind is generating signals that don’t correspond to reality. Is a bit like a color-blind person experiencing color that is different than what everyone else sees. It seems just as real to the person as any other experience—at least that’s my understanding of how they work.

YARNLADY's avatar

No, I don’t subscribe to that theory. I believe the mind produces images and thoughts entirely based on various enzymes present, and visions/ hallucinations can result. There must be a “memory” component as well, but nothing due to imaginary outside forces such as “spiritual”. The brain strives to “make sense” of situations, through previous examples.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@all I am looking for both sides. Does anyone believe that it is a spiritual gift?

LogicHead's avatar

Could very easily be both. Why would visions depend on your state when it isn’t you that orignates them

jca2's avatar

I don’t believe it’s a spiritual gift although if you have voices in your head or visions, you might sometimes think it’s a spiritual gift.

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