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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Do you know anyone who was, or is, scared of hand sanitizer?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25106points) October 10th, 2020

I was 20 years ago. I am fine with it now.

I thought it would kill the good bacteria and dry out my skin. I also thought it would harm (poison) my insides some way.

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7 Answers

seawulf575's avatar

I have never really cared for hand sanitizer. In my mind it is a way to supplant our immune systems. Also, it is borderline napalm. Having problems starting a campfire? Squirt some hand sanitizer onto it and it will flare right up. I’ve seen the pictures of people that got too close to flames after using it.
On a side note, when I worked at the nuclear plant, they used hand geometries as part of their security protocols. You had to have your hand “read” before you could enter. Someone pointed out how unhygienic this is so they put giant economy sized bottles of hand sanitizer at the entries and exits of the plant. I pointed out that if I wanted to cause trouble, I could easily pull the cap off, toss in a match and throw a fire bomb at the guards. The next day the giant bottles were in extremely large and heavy “stands”.

snowberry's avatar

I’m not scared of hand sanitizer, but I am allergic to the smell. Most contains alcohol, which gives me severe asthma. My behavior might be interpreted by someone who doesn’t know me as being “afraid” of it.

Pandora's avatar

I think anyone with a severe skin condition on their hands would avoid hand sanitizer. When my daughter had severe eczema on her hands she was even nervous about water. It is like throwing water on burnt skin. Hand sanitizer would’ve made her feel like her skin was on fire.

janbb's avatar

200 brands of sanitizer were listed as dangerous by the FDA recently so it is probably a good idea to be afraid of them.

jca2's avatar

I never used it before this whole Covid thing. I purchased some at Costco but still don’t use it. I use it if I’m in a place where they make you use it, like some stores and doctors’ offices.

I never used it before because I read articles about it killing the weak germs so the strong germs could multiply. This is also why I don’t buy anti-bacterial soap for use at home.

I also don’t use hand sanitizer a lot because it would dry out my hands.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s just rubbing alcohol. It can’t affect our immune system.

I avoid anti bacterial things too.

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