If civil war breaks out in the US which state are you going to?
Asked by
JLeslie (
October 11th, 2020
from iPhone
Do you think borders might change?
What exactly is the civil war about? What is the goal of each side?
How do you see it play out? Is it gunfire and deaths? Secession?
Are you staying and fighting? Staying and hoping it blows over? Leaving the country?
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25 Answers
It’s irresponsible to be stoking the fear and anger. There isn’t going to be a civil war.
I think your neighbors are having too many Trump Rallies with guns and rocket launchers on golf carts !
Not going to happen.
Yes, this question seems unnecessarily alarmist. I suspect there may be some violence and even murders by domestic terrorists but preparing for civil war is not in my playbook.
I’m not preparing for civil war but I do think that at the rate things are going, who knows what’s going to happen in the future. I see so much division, on the internet and in real life, where people are so full of hate about all topics – everything from politics to racism to Covid. Things are very divided. It’s a fact that forces from outside the country are feeding the flames of this and helping divide people. The media doesn’t help because you can look at Fox News or you can look at a liberal news source and get two totally different stories.
I don’t consider this post alarmist or stoking fear and anger. It’s a hypothetical post, no different from anything else that’s hypothetical. She’s not asking people to take up arms or harm anyone, or saying anything negative about views.
Where I live, today, there’s a car drive to support Trump. I saw a post on Facebook, and people were joking (half -joking) about harming each other, shooting paint balls at the car parade, others talking about defending themselves who will be in the car parade. This is the shit that divides people. @JLeslie‘s post is not dividing people.
The state of Zacatecas in Mexico, where my extended family lives. Seriously. I won’t be participating in a war where the enemy is my own countrymen. War is awful enough; it’s especially deplorable when it’s brother against brother. If this country devolves to the point of civil war, then I’ll wait it out and come back when something new and better has risen from its ashes.
Lol. Animalistic. I’m one of the most empathetic to both sides of the political opinions on this site. I’m the kumbaya jelly. @Jeruba mentioned being fearful of civil war on another Q and no one blinked an eye. I guess maybe she worded it better, she does have a fantastic way with words.
It’s just a question about which state do you think would be a good fit for you. It’s not about getting people to #riseup! I criticize those encourage such things like the alt-right groups.
I have a friend who lives here in The Villages who thinks about moving because all of her neighbors are Trumpers. I think that’s nuts. My neighbor on my right is a Trumper, and we love him and his wife and would do anything for them.
I’m completely against the extreme division, anger and hate I am seeing.
Now, to answer my own question, I have told my husband for years to renew his is Mexican passport. Just in case we ever needed to flee, although that would not necessarily be my first choice I like it as a plan C. I think I’m more of a flight than fight person. If violence actually started breaking out I might seriously consider moving to a state that was calm or to another country.
I don’t think we will have a civil war, but people need to WAKEUP and stop being so manipulated by propaganda and be nicer to each other.
If you message me I’ll give you a link to a short lecture I attended recently about the media and politics. You might see something in it that surprises you about what your side does.
I think if states seriously wanted to secede, most likely this time the central government would say good riddance.
@janbb Why germane to this discussion?
Here is the USA Today article if you want to see a short video on the event. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.usatoday.com/amp/5954176002
When I read these stories I don’t think about civil war, I think about the senior vote in Florida.
Supposedly, NY Times was here this morning.
I saw on TV this morning, I think it was MSNBC, little old ladies being escorted by EMS away from the Pence rally yesterday because supposedly they were fainting from heat stroke (I think it was in the 90’s when he was here). Ridiculous to focus on that in my mind; that is not the story.
Meanwhile, what is happening where I live is mostly just people coming out for to represent. Golf cart rallies and signs in yards. Sure, a few screaming crazy people here too. Mostly, we zumba, meet up to listen to music and dance and people are playing tennis and golfing and swimming. None of that is partisan. That’s the overall reality here. My Trump neighbor brought a gift of pecans from his drive back from KY. I don’t think he and I are going to be facing off in any war.
I was thinking about the threat to the governor of Michigan, the threat to the capital building of Michigan, these people are scary, willing to explode things and I guess willing to die. They find glory in fighting, and parts of our culture reinforces it.
If there was to be another Civil War, I can’t decide if it would be the Republicans vs. the Democrats, the blacks vs. the whites, the law abiders vs. the anarchists, or the theists vs. the atheists.
I live in Chicagoland. I see no reason to go anywhere else.
I’d move to that “foreign country” Hawaii.
Too far for Redneck NRA members to drive out with their bazookas and shoulder mounted rocket launchers, on jacked up pick-up trucks..
I already live in a foreign country, Alaska. If you don’t believe me, just ask the businesses that charge us for international shipping when they’re in, say, Florida. I imagine Hawaii gets much the same treatment. Sigh.
I’d hunker down right here with my family.
But if I could round them all up and take them with me, I’d go to Washington State. Washington seems to have its act together.
I live in very red Shasta County in very blue California.
For many, many years people in this area have supported splitting the state, creating the new state of Jefferson. The reasoning for this is that Southern California (Los Angeles, San Diego) gets more funding and attention than we in the far north. I am not saying that position is correct or legitimate, but only that there has been conflict here, and it’s never come close to a state civil war.
My hope is that moderate Biden will calm down much of the vitriol prevalent today.
@kritiper Right! Who exactly would be fighting who and what is the goal and plan? That’s partly why I think there won’t be a war.
Hopefully it won’t happen. Even if we have to get Draconian with extremists. On both sides of the fence.
I’m staying where I am unless it gets really bad, then I’m packing my bags and moving to Puerto Rico and let all the nut cases work out their issues.
I do hope they’re enjoying themselves.
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