Social Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Should I lie to people calling on behalf of one candidate or another?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33640points) October 13th, 2020

I’ve been getting call after call from candidates running for various offices here in Georgia. Last night, there was one for Kelly Loeffler – one of Trump’s biggest supporters and someone who anathema to me.

The human called talked for a while and then asked “Can Kelly count on your vote?”. I said “you’ve got to be kidding!” and hung up.

Should I have said “yes”, thereby making him think that I was supporting her? (and potentially misleading them to overconfidence).

What’s the most anti-candidate action to take when confronted with this situation?

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9 Answers

Inspired_2write's avatar

Either answer would give them a number of people for or against, so I would say “I am not sure yet, as I need more time to think on it” that way they can’t write anything about for or against.

Zaku's avatar

If you say you’re not sure yet, they may put you on a list of undecided voters and then more effort might be spent trying to change your mind, both on that call and in later calls, mailings, etc. If you’re really dedicated to wasting their time, that might work best.

hmmmmmm's avatar

@elbanditoroso: “What’s the most anti-candidate action to take when confronted with this situation?”

Keeping the phone canvasser on the phone as long as possible means that they will not be able to place as many calls to other people.

jca2's avatar

I don’t answer the phone if I don’t know the number calling.

kritiper's avatar

Get an answering machine and screen all calls.

Jeruba's avatar

I don’t try to be anti-candidate. I’m anti-phone abuse. So I tell them all, “If you call me up and pester me on the phone, you won’t get my vote.”

Or else simply “I don’t do politics over the phone.”

Last week someone called and said she was reaching out to “Republicans like you” for support to help reelect President Donald Trump, and I laughed out loud and told her never to call me again.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What if someone pretends to be for a candidate and be an ass?

Zaku's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 At least in current US politics, it seems like a challenge to me to act badly enough that someone who supports the candidates I oppose, wouldn’t just tend to agree with.

Me: “Yeah, let’s mine and log the almighty $%@# out of our parks and forests! And kill all the wolves and bears and owls!”
Imagined caller: “Yeah!”

Me: “Maybe we should just NUKE the border! That’ll keep ‘em out!”
Imagined caller: “Good idea! USA! USA!”

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