Social Question

What small kitchen appliances do you like and which ones do you regret buying?
Instapot, toaster over, rice cooker, indoor grill, microwave, Brava oven, mixers, blenders, there are so many.
I love my toaster oven and use it almost every day. I always make sure a square pan can fit when I buy one so I can make full entrees and desserts in it. My last two I could fit most frozen pizzas in my toaster oven also.
I use my blender about once a month and my electric hand beater not very often, but it is invaluable when making certain desserts.
The rest of my appliance I could do without. I bought an Instapot and probably shouldn’t have. It’s easier to use the stove and slow cook.
I have a rice cooker and never use it.
Indoor grill I’d rather have a grill pan honestly.
I have a crockpot and it works well, but often I just use the stove.
I’m interested in the Brava oven, any of you have that? Do you like it? Does it toast bread?