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elbanditoroso's avatar

Is Prime Day just a way for Amazon to clean out unsellable crap from their warehouses?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33701points) October 15th, 2020

Looking at the featured items on sale this morning, there’s nothing new and compelling.

How do they choose what stuff to sell on Prime Day?

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8 Answers

jca2's avatar

There’s a lot that is sellable. The thing with Prime Day is that not all deals are that great. Some are just 10% off which is nothing.

A lot of my shopping is done in store at Costco and other local places, and on the internet but from store sites. Amazon is good for large quantities of things (stuff in bulk) or if you want something specific (for example orange sneakers).

janbb's avatar

I use Amazon for some things but have never gotten caught up in the hype about Prime Day. I never shop on Black Friday either.

ragingloli's avatar

“Prime Day” is just a transparent attempt by Amazon to invent their own “Black Friday”, where they can increase their revenue by having fake discounts.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Yes. And sell prime subscriptions.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I keep a list of things I need/want and look for them during sales like Prime Day instead of looking for random bargains. Last year I bought sheets.

This year I got three $10 credits for buying things (which I buy anyway) beforehand from Whole Foods and from Amazon’s small business section, and for reloading my Amazon gift card balance.

Then I bought a Moto G7 Power phone yesterday for $134. Net $104 for a nice phone

cookieman's avatar

Aren’t all big sales at all retailers a way to move inventory? Like anywhere, some deals are better than others and it’s only valuable to you if you wanted to buy the item anyway.

Brian1946's avatar

I’d say it is.

I only shop at Amazon as a last resort.

Here’s an email I received from the Courage Campaign that articulates why:

“Amazon has mandated overtime for workers this week. There are 200,000+ more workers in the warehouses than there were six months ago. Quota requirements make it impossible to social distance or sanitize effectively—which is why 20,000 Amazon workers have contracted COVID-19 so far.

Amazon workers are protesting working conditions, and we’re joining them by boycotting Prime Day.

In a Hawthorne, California, Amazon warehouse, worker Gabby tried her best to keep up speed while following social distance and sanitizing rules. She was reprimanded by her employer.

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos is using Prime Day to push cheap goods on us and expand his profit margins, and the workers are paying the price. Amazon warehouses are too crowded, and the production requirements too high, to get the job done while protecting workers from COVID-19.

Last week, workers marched in front of Bezos’ house to protest the lack of PPE and ability to social distance in the warehouses, as well as the $15/hr wage they’re paid while Bezos makes millions per hour and has increased his wealth by $73 billion since the pandemic began.

But as long as we keep using Amazon at the rate we are now, things will never change for the better. We must be proactive with our buying power to stand up for worker rights.

That’s why we’re asking everyone possible to boycott Amazon on Prime Day, and then again on Black Friday and Cyber Monday, so that Bezos is hit in his own wallet and realizes he has to stop putting profits over people. Please support your local businesses and workers, instead.”

jca2's avatar

@Brian1946: It sounds like Amazon needs a union.

Edit to add: I just googled and I found that although there are almost 20k employees at US Amazon and Whole Foods, it’s less than 2% of their US workforce:
Source: CNBC:

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