What coincidences have you experienced that are so inexplicable that you wonder if it might be kismet or the supernatural?
Please nothing too spooky, I’m about to cook.
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31 Answers
Many, many years ago, I had just been dating this girl about six months. One day, my mother pulls out a shoebox full of old photos for us to look at. There’s photos of me as a baby, in grade school, in little league baseball. My girlfriend thought it was funny that I looked so different. Soon, she holds up this one photo of me in a baseball cap, at a carnival. I was about six or seven in the photo.
She says, “Why do you have a photo of me?” and points to a little girl standing behind me at this carnival. We never went to school together, did not share any friends, yet here we were captured in the same snapshot as children.
Today, we have been together for 31-years.
^Wow! You gave me cold chills!
As a 4–5 year old, I’d take off often. I did it in a crowd at a parade once. Mom saw me folllowing my dad and half-siblings. It happened again at a concert. I was around five and had no idea who they were.
Still now when we are in the same place, I’m drawn like a magnet. Kinda creepy.
After I got divorced, I dated a number of women. I met one that was a housekeeper at work 4 different times in just basic social settings…at the grocery store, gas station, etc. We would talk and were very comfortable together. Any way, I got tired of the single’s scene and started thinking of what I wanted in a long term mate. I wrote it down..three criteria. One day I was walking through one of the buildings and bumped into this woman again. She uncorked on me about men in general after recently having several really odd interactions with them. I eventually asked her out and we started dating. Very quickly I found out she had also been thinking about what she wanted and didn’t want in a man. She had 3 legal pad pages filled, front and back and in the margins. When she let me read them, I met most of the items. Then we started meeting each others friends and family. She knew all my friends because they used to go to the same parties. But we had never met. She was in the same schools I was, but we had never met. Her brother was in my class and I never knew him. My brother was in her homerooms and she never met me. Basically our lives had crossed paths in a hundred different ways, but we never met. Then, after I got divorced and she was just ending her first marriage, we got together. We celebrated 19 years of marriage this year.
I gave up my job working in a family business and left on a Friday. On the following Monday, the public libraries were closed so I took my son to do research at the local college library. While there I got to talking to one of the librarians I knew and it turned out they had a part time position in reference that had just opened up. I worked there for the next 20 years.
@seawulf Sweet story, glad the stars aligned!
When my older sister was in the final stage of cancer, my supervisor said to go take care of her and her children; they would cover for me. It’s an 11-hour drive to the hometown, and I stayed at Mom’s house going over to Sis’s every day. It wasn’t a pleasant experience witnessing her go downhill every single day.
Two weeks later, I suddenly woke up at 4am and knew that I needed to get over to her house. Sis had passed away, but her body was still warm. I just sat there until her daughters woke up and could break the news. The look in the 15 year-old’s face just about slayed me. She rushed past me into her mother’s bedroom to check. After living with her mother’s illness for five years, maybe she didn’t believe an end was coming.
I don’t know what caused me to wake up so early and get over to their house. All I can say is that it was like being jerked and urged to get going. There was a force driving me to get there before her girls woke up. Perhaps it was her.
@Pied_Pfeffer Similar experience with my mom. She was bleeding out internally from a fall and didn’t know it. After she refused to answer my phone calls and was slurring, I literally could NOT sit down. Something (I call it God), told me to get there now.
We broke down her door and she was laying in the floor with almost no BP (under 40) and blood everywhere, naked. I got her covered while my husband called 9–1-1.
The ER doc chewed me so bad I cried for letting her get that bad, and said she would have died within a few hours with no medical intervention. They said with her on blood thinners it was amazing she lived through it.
Another time, when I was only 16 years old, my bestie and I went to stay at her rich uncle’s in KC suburb. While there on day three, I got a very strange feeling and told Jacque we had to go home right now. She didn’t believe me for about four hours, then we drove home (four hours or so.)
When we got back to our duplex, about 15 of our male friends had left our place to go driving around being silly, bored without us. Well, while we were driving home, and they were driving drunk, one of the youngest guys stood up in the back of the truck when it hit a bump and he fell out. The boys thought he was fine and took him home later, but he died in his sleep from a brain bleed.
I’ve always regretted that she didn’t believe me, because I truly feel he’d be alive today. RIP Justin.
OK I’m looking around for Rod Serling now. This is Twilight Zone stuff. Or maybe I’m just miffed because I’ve never had anything out of the ordinary or paranormal happen to me. I never even have cool dreams like some folks have. Just mundane goofy crap like finding a dent of unknown provenance on my car, or a rusty hole in the bottom of my meat smoker. Go figure.
@Nomore_lockout Right? “Imagine a place..”
Why the hell would an ER doc chew you out when you didn’t even know she had fallen, @KNOWITALL?
@Nomore_lockout Open your third eye, my friend! There’s magic all around us.
A few years ago, about ⅓ of our ranch home’s electricity wouldn’t work. It had never happened before, so of course my husband was at the breaker box and i was freaking out about a large bill.
I said ‘I sure wish my grandpa was here, he’d have it fixed already’.
A shadow flitted into the bathroom and I saw it out of the corner of my eye.
I said, “Honey, I thought you were in the laundry room messing with the breaker?”
He said, “I am!”
I went over to the guest bath where I had saw the shadow, and all the lights were working again. I said, “Good one, papaw!”
Never happened again.
And for the record, I have never believed in ghosts or the paranormal at all, ever.
@Dutchess_III I think he thought I’d neglected her to the point I almost let her die. He didn’t know she lived independently or had hidden the fact that she had some blood in her stool, or anything.
I forgave him, but that night, with my mom half dead and paddles on the bed, I was destroyed by his words. He was pissed. And if I had been that kind of person, I would have wanted him to chew me, ya know?
@KNOWITALL Well, I guess magic is cool but it needs to leave my car and meat smoker alone. Oh never mind, it was only a dream.
Growing up I lived kind of in the country. We lived at the end of a dirt road cul de sac. There were only 3 other houses around our cul de sac. I did a lot of walking those days (always barefooted) and sometimes found my self walking home after dark. Coming around the small curve at the beginning of our street, I was always relived to see our porch light.
Well, the light burned out, and it was out for a couple of weeks, at least. I did not like it, Sam I Am. It’s kind of spooky with trees all around and you just can’t see!
Then one night I was walking home and I was really glad to see the porch light burning again. YAY!
I went in the house and to my parents, who were downstairs, and said, “Thank you thank you for changing the porch light!!”
They looked at each other and said, “Did you change the porch light? I didn’t change the porch light…” Neither one had changed the porch light.
I went to the front door and flipped up the switch….and the porch light was still out.
I can think of a million logical reasons for what I saw, but it was so real…..
@Dutchess_III Creepy!! Someone wanted you home safe. See, that kind of stuff is freaky cool.
I want a paranormal experience! Ah, no I don’t who am I kidding. Not much into ghosties and ghoulies and long fanged beasties, and things that go bump in the night.
One time my son caught a jar full of fire flies. We had learned that if we try to keep them, by morning they’ll be dead. So we looked at them for a while and then my son said, “Well, I guess it’s time to turn them back to the world.”
Our neighbors across the street had a bug zapper and it was SO annoying.
Any way, we took the jar out on the front porch, he took the lid off, then made a throwing motion with the jar, like it would throw the critters out (which it wouldn’t, of course.) Almost immediately the neighbor’s bug zapper went crazy! Chris spun around with wide eyes to stare at me! I felt the same way, but there was no way that it was our fireflies being zapped. It was impossible, so I reassured him of that.
The coincidence was just exquisite, though.
Dang it ya’ll are frustrating me! So many interesting stories…I guess bug bears and booger men just don’t like me. : (
Don’t really know, something I was used to hearing when I was a kid.. If you’re a bad boy at bed time, the bug bear will get you! D @Dutchess_III
@Nomore_lockout You should look that up on Urban Dictionary and see the ‘new’ meaning….haha! (Buga Bear, NSFW)
And maybe one of the vampire clans will come back to fluther someday to entertain you.
@KNOWITALL Well actually, my older sister was just mean when she was baby sitting us. Other sis could do no wrong, booger man would get me if I held my mouth wrong.
@Dutchess_III “bugbear ... (1581) 1 : an imaginary goblin or specter used to excite fear 2a : an object or source of dread b : a continuing source of irritation : problem” -from Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary 11th ed.
@KNOWITALL Vampire Clans? Think I’ll pass on that one. Anyway as my old pappy used to say, Count Dracula is just
just a brand of cereal for kids. ; )
They are an odd bunch those Vampires!
@ Dutchess_III I Imagine! Lol
I can’t remember their names!
Don’t think I would even want to. Vampires are worse than that mummy critter.
My older sister used to read me this poem by “James Whitcomb Riley”:https://poets.org/poem/little-orphant-annie after tucking me in bed.
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