Why does it seem that Conservatives hate teleprompters?
Asked by
October 16th, 2020
Do they think the candidate is being fed data by someone off stage?
Do they like gaffes said by the candidates like the pandemic of 2017 ended World War 2?<Trump’s words not mine.
If they were getting data from someone off stage wouldn’t a small earpiece be better for that sort of thing?
Do you have a dislike for teleprompters ?
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22 Answers
Obama’s use of a teleprompter was a moronic taunt from conservatives, to paint him as dumb. It’s moronic because every politician uses them, including Trump who uses it as an insult.
It’s moronic because AM radio listeners have been trained so that “teleprompter” is a Pavlovian trigger to think “Ha ha! Dummy needs a teleprompter!”
Too many Republicans can’t read that fast….
They think they’re smart enough to remember the whole speech…WRONG!!!
They don’t like being told what to do much less what to say.
Given how many of them use teleprompters, most do, even Trump, I think it’s all just deflection. True, Trump rarely sticks to a scrip but he uses one.
I think teleprompters have a time and a place. If you are giving a prepared speech, teleprompters are okay. If you are answering questions, they aren’t. The reason they aren’t is very simple, especially for presidential candidates. When you are POTUS, you are expected to be able to interact with foreign leaders as well as our own leaders. You are expected to be able to make decisions on the fly if necessary. If all you have ever shown is that you cannot answer questions without the help of a teleprompter, you haven’t shown you are ready to assume the mantle of power in this country. You have merely shown you can read what someone else wrote for you. Even if you are giving a prepared speech, you ought to have a clue as to what that speech is so if there is a problem you can ad least continue on without looking completely lost. In the immortal words of Ron Burgundy, Go Fuck Yourself, San Diego….the perfect example of trusting too much in a teleprompter
(How could a teleprompter even help you answer off the cuff questions?)
Teleprompters are lost on trump because he can’t read. Literally.
Sorry, Wuffie, not buying that. I watched the entire town hall with him and not once did he seem to focus on your fictional teleprompter. He did have some notes, notes that seemed to involve lots of numbers, but that only makes sense. I doubt most of us can remember a lot of random, probably changing numbers, to spout off the top of our head. Biden made no effort to hide the notes from either the moderator or audience, so it wasn’t even done ini secret. Trump may have done the same, I don’t know. I didn’t watch that town hall other than the weird gushing woman who loves his smile and told him how handsome it made him. Whatever floats your boat.
I agree with @Dutchess_III – teleprompters are only useful if you know how to read.
@AlaskaTundrea I might buy that since I have had the exact same thought about other examples people have tried using where the story is “look! you can see him reading it!” I don’t buy those. But this one starts with him telling someone to “move it up”. Not sure how that phrase would fit into any kind of answer he might come up with. I can’t come up with any reason for that phrase other than he is looking at a screen or a cue card or something and he needs it adjusted so he can see it better.
Oh, Wuffie, you slay me. Again, wild accusations that, in the grand scheme of things are about a meaningless topic. And, again, your obsession with trying to push not only a meaningless topic for falsely are more bothersome than who used or didn’t use a teleprompter. Why don’t you do some research and contact the visibly hostile questioner at the Biden town hall who seemed to glare at Biden and want nothing more than Biden to admit Trump deserved credit for something. I’m fuzzy on what now. The Israel agreement, maybe. I’m sure he’d have been on Fox spouting about teleprompters and the second coming of JFK Jr. by now if there were any merit to your accusation. Besides, wasn’t the original question why conservatives dislike teleprompters so much, not whether you hate that you think Biden used one while no one buys your story.
@AlaskaTundrea The original question is to why conservatives hate teleprompters. Let me ask: Do you see yourself as a conservative? I will guess not. You certainly don’t respond to questions like one. I gave my answer on why I, as a conservative, don’t like teleprompters. As soon as I did, the attempts to discredit that comment started coming out. I gave an example to support my ideas. You promptly tried discrediting that. Your proof seems to be that you call it a wild accusation, but really no facts behind that claim.
So getting back to the original question, if you aren’t a conservative, isn’t any opinion you have nothing more than disinformation that shows your hatred of conservatives?
Wulfie, thank you for your answer and that you don’t think teleprompters are a bad thing when having to deliver a speech ,but you dislike them for answering questions, you want the answers coming from the person not his advisers .
Did I get that right?
Yup. Just like many things, there is a time and place for it.
That makes no sense. There would be uncomfortable pauses as his advisers typed up the answers.
I agree @Dutchess_III far faster to use a small ear piece and just say it to their man.
Well I disagree with anyone other than the candidate answering question.
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@seawulf575 The instance where Bidne “appeared to be reading from a teleprompter” was actually where he was looking at questions being submitted via messenger onto a computer monitor. That was confirmed by the reporter hosting the question and answer period.
And Biden was responding to questions form the audience. The answers could not be fed into a teleprompter.
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