Someone mentioned in another thread that there used to be some vampire clan in Fluther?
I assume they were yanking my chain but is is near Halloween so I’m taking the bait. True or not? My Inquiring Mind wants to know?
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55 Answers
Oh, there were a few folks around for a while with horror-comic-book names and creepy avatars, and I recall some silly dialogue, but I don’t think it amounted to much. Maybe I just wasn’t paying attention.
Can’t say that I blame you. Lol ok just was curious. I saw that and was like, vampires? WTF?
Yeah. I’ll see if I can find some of them.
@Dutchess_III Some of the threads or some of the vampires? Not aiming to get bit tonight. ; )
type “Vampire” in the search field.
K will check it out in a bit. At work now and boss is on the way out to bring some time sheets. Thanks! That should be interesting.
They got together and built a large tower in NYC to celebrate their vampirish identity.
The Vampire State Building.
Lol @ elbanditoroso. Good one! Why didn’t I think of that!
I remembered that one had “holy” in h/h username, so I found this: UnholyThirst88
That’s all I remember, but that might lead you to some threads if you use the Google site search function (much better for searching Fluther than Fluther’s own search).
This Q should probably be in Meta.
It’s true…they come & go depending on how hungry they are…it’s been a while since their last feeding, so you just might get lucky!!!
@LadyMarissa but but but I’m at work on a dark conrtruction site in the boonies and I got no blanket to hide under. Uh…now what is it they don’t like? Onions, tomatos, taco seasoning? Damn drawing a blank here.
Thanks Dutch! That’s what it was, yeah garlic. Now where the hell do I find garlic in Nowhereville CenTex at 9 o’clock at night? Damn spooky threads. Uh jeepers creepers where’d they get those teethers? Yo, no cavities?
@Jeruba. Well that’s very comforting. Not a bag of Doritos to be found within 15 miles of here I’d guess. Now I’m hungry. Damn the vampires I want a bag of Doritos to myself. Just have to take my chances tonight. Anyway this is Texas, not Romania.
I liked them. I thought it was kind of fun.
They were friendly with one of the former Jellies who is now deceased.
They left and then returned briefly but if I remember correctly, they were told that what they were doing (the whole fake persona and silly answers based on the fake persona) was not appreciated, and so they left for good.
@jca2 Not surprised. When I heard about it my first thought was that this forum is rather seriously minded for a group like that.
“They left and then returned briefly but if I remember correctly, they were told that what they were doing (the whole fake persona and silly answers based on the fake persona) was not appreciated, and so they left for good”
But we have one of our own who fits that description quite well. Only they have been here so long , and they’re so consistent in their persona that it’s accepted. @jca2
Who would that be @snowberry?
You think they’re seriously minded now @Nomore_lockout, you should have seen them when the flood hit in 2009! They didn’t even have sections, like “Social.” There was only one, and it would have come under “General AND NO LAUGHING ALLOWED!!”
I remember a pancake clan.
There were. But one day they got invited to a stake dinner.
@Dutchess_III May all your dreams come true, and may all your pancakes be naked.
Don’t turn on the lights cause I don’t wanna see!
@jca2 Well….cough. Charming thread that was. Don’t have time to read the whole shmoe, but yeah I got the drift. Not sure I wanted to but, yeah. Demon’s ate someone’s baby, got a chu
cacabra tossed in for added flavor, everything in between but the Mummy and the Abominable Snowman. So umm…how’s bout this election peeps? Heh…backing away, slowly.
I didn’t always get their sense of humor, yet I found them to be quite entertaining!!! They enjoyed playing their little games & I’m guessing that they will swing back through on an evening when they grow bored & need to entertain themselves.
@LadyMarissa Well ma’am it’s y’all’s site I’m just posting on it. At any rate, remind me to keep some garlic and a silver stake handy.
As soon as you started posting here, you became part of this madness. I seriously doubt that you’ll need any garlic & a virtual silver stake is always at hand when you need it. I don’t think you need either!!!
Well I hope not Marissa I always try to give vampires a wide berth. Or coffin?
With the internet, their berth (coffin) can’t get much wider. Anyway, they weren’t bad vampires. They were more like being on Team Edward or Team Jacob…you can’t lose no matter which team you choose to be on. I found them to be a pleasant change of pace…FRESH AIR!!!
I thought they were lots of fun.
Well….to each his own I suppose. Anyway I’m not the Grand Inquisator of Toledo and who knows, I might need a transfusion someday. So pass me the claret, Barret. Make that type O, Daddio!
I started avoiding their Qs and As because it was like talking to someone who is always doing verbal cosplay. They pretended to be vampires, so every single question or response played that up, even when the questions they were answering had nothing to do with “the night” or “blood” or “darkness” etc, but they would turn it into that, and it got old real fast.
@Kardamom Yeah that’s kind of what boggled my mind when I saw that thread that mentioned vamps. I mean like I say, to each his own but I’m surprised the mods on here put up with that. It seems like stuff you would see on some other forums I won’t name, but not on here. Always struck me as a button up outfit more or less.
@Nomore Told ya.
I agree with @Kardamom, little too into their own fantasyworld to last here. Good kids though.
Well what can you say. I mean that Vlad the Impaler, what a guy huh? More fun than a coffin full of monkeys. Uh did I say coffin? Barrel I meant. Barrel full of monkeys. My Bad.
Excessive cuteness of any kind does get old.
And from an old thread no less.
I’m trying to buy a vintage armoire from a young lady. She thinks she is soooo cute, and that being ditzy is endearing or something. I hate women like that.
Now now, patience with the Millennials. And what’s an armoire?
They’re like a cross between a closet and a dresser. I have a cheapy I bought from Amazon. It houses my desk top along with the attendant junk. When I have company over, I just shove every thing in and close the doors.
The one I’m TRYING to buy is vintage. I’m trying to coordinate with my son so he can help. I asked her if we could come get it after 3:30 tomorrow. I probably won’t hear back for 3 or 4 days.
Just burn her phone up, let her know you’re serious.
She said I could text her but she didn’t give me her number.
At first she said she was on the corner of 9th and B. That narrowed it down to 4 possible houses!
Then she said it was an apartment complex, but didn’t give me the apt number!
It’s been very frustrating but I think I have her pinned down.
Maybe you should text her and tell her you changed your mind. Might lite a fire under her ass to complete the deal. How many takers could she possibly have anyway? Just an idea.
I can’t text her. I don’t have her phone number!
Anyway her “roommate” was much more reasonable and I was able to pick it up today. My son came by to help.
^^^ Ooh! You’ll have to share some photos.
@dxs Remember, if you mention them too many times they come back. Careful. haha!
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