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janbb's avatar

This is petty but is Fluther picking on me?

Asked by janbb (63391points) October 18th, 2020

Very often the number of GAs that show up in my lurve account are more than are displayed on the thread. So I will see that I had three GAs in my account sidebar but it will show on the thread as only two. I know most people have maxed out on me so it is not a question of raising my lurve score but simply mere ego pique that it bothers me.

Anyone else notice the same? I know some of you are far above caring about GAs but those of us with shaky egos need all the lurve we can get. :D

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21 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Site has been funky today !

The exclamation point to the left of “Activity for You” has disappeared and reappeared.

canidmajor's avatar

It depends 9n the day. Sometimes the sidebar reflects it accurately, sometimes not. Instead of looking at the count on the post, look at the sidebar giving you some extra support. :-)

janbb's avatar

^^ Bah! Humbug!

Hawaii_Jake's avatar


I use mobile 95% of the time, so I have no sidebar. I would concentrate my attention wherever I had the higher score.

kritiper's avatar

I don’t question it but I get GA’s but not the lurve points that are suppose to go with them. Trust in the mods!

SavoirFaire's avatar

@janbb The Community Feed can be confounded in various ways, but I haven’t heard of the Lurve sidebar on the My Account page getting messed up. Any chance you could send me some screenshots of your Lurve sidebar and a mismatched answer or two?

@kritiper Other jellies can only give you a certain amount of lurve each. So if someone who has already maxed out on you gives you three GA’s today, you won’t receive any points even though all three answers will show that they received a GA.

Jeruba's avatar

I’ve noticed that too now and then. I don’t take it personally, though. It’s just one of those little buggy things that might warrant attention if the site were still being actively maintained. I’m just glad it’s not any creakier than that. It’s like an old rocking chair that’s probably going to simply fall apart one of these days, but meanwhile it’s comfortingly familiar, as long as you don’t run over your own foot.

chyna's avatar

You are being snubbed @janbb.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I couldn’t like a post this morning of Grimmy’s. Refreshed and seems fine now.

janbb's avatar

@Jeruba Of course I don’t take it personally. That was just my humor showing. But it is a little bug and it bugs me a bit.

janbb's avatar

@SavoirFaire I“ll let you know the next time it happens but not sure how to screenshot the sidebar to show it. The problem is not the sidebar; it’s that it might show as me getting 4 or 5 GAs over time for a post and the thread may show only 2. The thread is not updating. It’s happened a number of times over several months. No biggie but still buggy.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I have had that happen is as well. The other day it showed two GAs for a response but that answer itself only had one

janbb's avatar

@SergeantQueen Thanks. Yes, that’s what I’m talking about.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

@SergeantQueen No problem. I don’t think it’s an issue (as in, I don’t care) but it’s interesting that it seemingly has randomly happened

janbb's avatar

It happens a fair bit to me or I wouldn’t have even brought it up.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Well yeah, It’s happened to me a few times too that I’ve noticed. At least 2 or 3 times. I just meant that it’s never happened prior it just started randomly

SavoirFaire's avatar

@SergeantQueen Thanks! We’ll have to pass it on to Ben, but there’s two possibilities that I can think of off the top of my head. The first is that someone managed to click “Great Answer” twice before it registered (there’s a couple of ways of doing this). The second, and I think this is more likely because the site is being buggy right now, is that the servers are out of sync and giving you multiple notices. The site is designed to detect and correct display errors on question threads, but not in the sidebar.

@janbb By any chance, do you know if the other times this has happened to you are also times when the site has been buggy (missing graphics, loading errors, server slowdowns, and so forth)? It might help us land on a particular theory for when Ben takes a look.

janbb's avatar

It’s not been buggy for me at all in other ways so unfortunately, I can’t draw a connection. I don’t recall feeling there was a correlation with other people’s buggy times. It’s been sporadically happening over the last three or four months.

janbb's avatar

@SavoirFaire Just now, I’ve got 3 GAs for my comment about Disney toward the end of Dutch’s dog thread in my Lurve but it is only showing up as one on the thread.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I don’t know if you are on a computer, but if by chance it is windows 10 and you want to screenshot “Windows key + shift + S” should allow you to take a screenshot of a specific part of the screen, if you were still interested in doing that. @janbb

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