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Caravanfan's avatar

Dodgers or Rays?

Asked by Caravanfan (14178points) October 18th, 2020

I’m all in for the Dodgers, if only to piss off my friends who are Giants fans.

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41 Answers

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Dodgers are a “real” team to me. Even with a 20+ year history I can’t recognized the Rays as such. They’re in the weird expansion nebulous category.

Yes, I understand the Dodgers have a similar stigma after the move from NYC. But I lived in LA and enjoyed a few games & Dodger dogs

JLeslie's avatar

I can get behind the Rays if you want. Their stadium is about an hour and forty five minutes from me. I used to live very close to it.

Brian1946's avatar

I’m leaning towards the Doyers, but I like the Rays, because they beat the Asstrolls.

If the Big Blue Wrecking Crew had recently won consecutive Fall Classics and were going for a 3peat, then I might actually be leaning toward the Rays.

When LA lost to the Nationals last year, I was disappointed, but I loved that they beat Houston, and that their fans jeered Trump with such vociferous passion.

Tropical_Willie's avatar


I remember going to the Dodgers World Series game number 5 at the Coliseum with my grandfather (he had a copy of my birth certificate so I could get in as a kid, I was 5’ 9” and about 155)

gondwanalon's avatar

Devil Rays all the way!

SEKA's avatar

I’m not into sports and I’ve never heard of the Rays, so no feelings either way. The Dodgers have been loved and respected most of my lifetime. So, I guess I’ll break my own rule and go for the Dodgers

zenvelo's avatar

Having been a Giants fan since 1962, my heart condition would be made worse if I ever rooted for the Dodgers. It would just be wrong.

@Caravanfan You can consider your self successful..

My two favorite baseball teams are the Giants and whoever is playing the Dodgers. I even cheer for the Yankees over the Dodgers. Tommy Lasorda can go bleed blue for all that I care.

Playing in Dodger Stadium without fans must make the players feel like it is always the 8th inning…..

Caravanfan's avatar

@zenvelo Ha! My two favorite teams are the A’s and whoever is playing the Giants! (And the Padres)

One day when Covid is over, we will need to get a beer.

nightwolf5's avatar

Dodgers for me too! Plus who doesn’t enjoy Dodger Stadium?

zenvelo's avatar

^ Chavez Tavine has the worst hot dogs in the major leagues. Vin Scullly can take a Farmer John where the sun don’t shine.

IIf Dodger Stadium is so nice, why do fans show up late and leave early?

Caravanfan's avatar

@zenvelo At least at Dodgers stadium fans don’t spend the whole time on their phones.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

@Brian1946 I’m with you about the Houston Cheaters, even though I adore Dusty Baker (Nationals fan here).

Although I worship Dave Roberts and Mookie Betts (also a Red Sox fan; they play in a different league than the Nats), I’m going with the Rays.

Brian1946's avatar


You’re right- they only spend time on their phones when the ball is dead, which in baseball, is 99% of the time. ;-o

Brian1946's avatar


I too love the Dust- he was a major contributor to the Dodgers’ 1981 championship. As I recall, he wasn’t the manager when the Asstrolls cheated and Gurriel flashed his bigot banner at Darvish.

Even though the Brooklyn Bummers haven’t won it all in 32 years, I’d be happy for the Rays if they did. I’m looking forward to seeing some awesome outfielding from Cooty Barfinger, Betts, Renfro, and whoever the Rays’ other excellent wallbanger is.

Too bad we don’t live less than 3K miles apart during these Covidian times, because even if the Rays win, I’d be up for celebrating their championship and their beating the Cheaters.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

@Brian1946 “I too love the Dust- he was a major contributor to the Dodgers’ 1981 championship. As I recall, he wasn’t the manager when the Asstrolls cheated and Gurriel flashed his bigot banner at Darvish.”

No, Dusty Baker was brought in as fresh blood, as part of the cleanup after the cheating scandal.

Hey…let’s not forget about Osuna, the wifebeater whom Houston was delighted to sign after his MLB suspension, and Brandon Taubman, the assistant general manager who praised Osuna.

Caravanfan's avatar

Well, the Astros are gone, now thank goodness. The A’s couldn’t get the job done so the Rays did so.

I have nothing against the Rays, in fact I like the team. I wouldn’t be upset if they won. It’s just that I have to maintain my West Coast allegiance, and I know the Dodgers team way better than I know the A’s since I’ve been seeing them all year.

Brian1946's avatar


“Hey…let’s not forget about Osuna, the wifebeater whom Houston was delighted to sign after his MLB suspension, and Brandon Taubman, the assistant general manager who praised Osuna.”

If Washington can change their name to “Football Team”, then the ‘stros can change their name to the Houston Wifebeating Cheaters!

Brian1946's avatar

I’m glad to hear that Cooty Smellinger is going to forego any forearm-smashing celebrations. Apparently the youthful fool has finally realized that he can play even better, if BOTH of his arms stay in their respective shoulder sockets.

Brian1946's avatar

ALL RIGHT! Cooty hits one over the wall and it’s 2–0, Doyers!

Good to see he eschewed the forearm bash, but the foot tapping looks weak.

Brian1946's avatar

Mookie just stole second base, so I think everyone gets a free taco on October, 28?

Brian1946's avatar

I was afraid this would happen: apparently Bellinger’s right shoulder injury, has impeded his ability to extend his arm to make a catch.

Brian1946's avatar

Poor little Gulf Guppies- they’re like a batting-practice team for the Ravine Wreckers. ;-(

Incoherency_'s avatar

▲ Thread-hog alert! Thread-hog alert! ▲

Caravanfan's avatar

@Incoherency_ It’s baseball. It’s allowed.
(And how did you do those cool triangles?)

Yes, the Dodgers showed how it was done. That was one of the worst managing decisions I have ever seen by the Rays manager. He never should have left Glasnow in. He couldn’t find the plate.

Brian1946's avatar


To do a ▲ using a desktop PC:

On the far right side of the keyboard you should see a number pad.
Find the Num Lock key in the upper left corner.
Above it you should see an LED.
If it’s lit, press the Num Lock key.
If this extinguishes it, then you’ll know that LED is the indicator light for that key.
Press the NL key so that the LED is lit.
If you don’t see any lit LED’s in that keyboard area, press and release the NL key so that one of those LED’s is lit.

While holding down the Alt key, use that number pad to type 30: ▲ 31:▼ 167: º

Love_my_doggie's avatar

^^^ What a great trrick! Thank you, @Brian1946

For my fellow oldsters, who learned on a typewriter and want to gravitate toward the numbers across the top of the keyboard…. ALT + 30 and ALT + 167 don’t work with those keys, only with the number pad.

Brian1946's avatar


You’re utterly welcome and mucho gusto!

Give ‘em hell, Snell! Layin’ the bagel on the Blue Buffoons! ;-D

Caravanfan's avatar

And the Rays are making this a Series! WooHOO! We have baseball!

zenvelo's avatar

Dodgers lose, all’s right with the world…

Caravanfan's avatar

@zenvelo It was a great game.

Incoherency_'s avatar

With their black & orange unis, I hereby nickname the Giants, the Holloweenies! ;-D

Out of geographical respect to @Love_my_doggie, I shall not apply this atrocious appellation to the Orioles.


Brian1946's avatar


The Hollow Giants were the best team of the previous decade.
If the Dodgers win this Series, then they and the Giants will have won 7 each.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Q: Who stopped the Dodgers in 2019?

A: (Lori frantically waves her arm and says, “Ooh! I know! Pick me! Pick me!”) The unassuming Nationals.

Brian1946's avatar

▲Unlike the Wifebeating Cheaters, the Nat’s didn’t have to resort to subterfuge to stop them and then go on to win it all.

Caravanfan's avatar

@Love_my_doggie Oh, I was all for the Nats in that series. I loved that team.

Caravanfan's avatar


Caravanfan's avatar

That was a sensational game, and a fantastic win for the Rays.

JLeslie's avatar

Too bad I wasn’t betting.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

That was a sloppy, poorly-played game, with so many runs scored, the lead repeatedly shifting, and both bullpens getting depleted. But, it certainly was fun! Has there ever been a weirder ending to an MLB game?

I’m counting the hours until Kershaw-Glasnow tonight.

zenvelo's avatar

Bill Buckner is thinking, “maybe people will forget about me now.”

Caravanfan's avatar

@Love_my_doggie “Sloppy, poorly played”. Maybe, yes. But it sure was fun. I mean, I’m rooting for the Dodgers, but this was adorable.

I think both managers are over-managing, and I think Roberts made a very poor decision in pulling Urias.

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