Social Question

Can you help me with lots of questions about fireplaces?
All questions are about a gas fireplace that doesn’t have a chimney, but is vented.
1. If a house was built with a simple fireplace, no fancy brick around it or tile, is it easy to add the tile or brick to dress is up? Or, is the dry wall done differently, like is the dry wall flush with the fireplace if you are just going to paint the wall, and set back if you are going to add an inch of tile, brick or stone?
2. If the fireplace is the standard square-ish fireplace, is it easy to change it to a more modern thin horizontal rectangle? With the rectangle be restricted to how high of the floor it can be by the “plumbing” that was originally done? Can it be a much wider rectangle than the original fireplace?
3. What is the advantage of having a hearth at the bottom? Do you prefer that look to straight down tot he floor?
4. Do you prefer a mantle or without a mantle?
Please comment on anything that you think might be applicable that I have not asked.