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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What odd things that you were threatened with by your family and teachers?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25105points) November 1st, 2020

I was threatened that I would end up being a McDonald’s restaurant manager for life if I didn’t get honours in school.

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17 Answers

jca2's avatar

In first grade, I was doing something weird with my eyes and the teacher said “Your eyes are going to freeze like that.”

That was a mean old lady teacher who was the teacher for my mom. I guess that’s an advantage of giving teachers now a “20 years and out” pension, because nobody now has teachers that their parents had. My mom told me the teacher was mean when she had her, too.

ragingloli's avatar

I was regularly threatened to be sent to an orphanage.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Fast food is a shitty job for most, but management ain’t a bad gig. Especially if you make regional/district manager. District manager for McDonald’s can make up to around $110k/year, with an average of $70k/year.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Darth_Algar I thought that one needs a car to do the regional/district manager gig? I lost my drivers license earlier in the year.

Darth_Algar's avatar


Well yes.

To be clear, I wasn’t necessarily suggesting that this is a viable career path for you at this point. It’s not an entry-level position. Just that it’s not really as much of a threat as someone might think.

filmfann's avatar

My Dad had a friend who ran the juvenile hall.
He would always tell us he would have us stay there the next time they went on vacation.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Fast food is a shitty job for most, but management ain’t a bad gig.

20 years ago a friend of mine talked to an In ‘n Out store manager, who said he made $80K – $100K depending on sales. I have no idea what is typical in the industry. In ‘n Out is a family-owned company with a reputation for treating employees well.

Regarding the question – my first grade teacher was an ancient battle axe who kept a 6 foot 2×4 labeled “Board of Education” in the corner.

She never hit anybody or even touched it. She just pointed at it. I don’t remember feeling threatened, but we obeyed.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

My dad always threatened me with military school if I had bad grades or behavior issues in school. Never panned out fortunately, but then I would usually staighten up my act for a while. : ) Always figured new semester is a new story.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Nothing. Dad used to pull out a Southern saying, “Now I will beat ya s’verly about the head and shoulders if you do that again!”
He only said in response to minor infractions so we knew he didn’t mean it.

cookieman's avatar

My father would jokingly say “I’ll hit you with so many lefts, you’ll beg for a right.” or “I’ll hit you so many times you’ll think you’re surrounded.” He never actually hit me.

My mother would very seriously twist my hand until my wrist was blue, lean in and angry-whisper, “Shut the fuck up or I’ll kick the living shit out of you in front of all these people.” This could be in a store, at a family get together — wherever the mood struck. She actually hit me pretty regularly.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

My mom never hit us but she could wield a mean switch. Nothing worse than the sting of a green switch on your posterior. Ouch !

Dutchess_III's avatar

@cookieman….I am so, so sorry. I did that to my son…ONCE. But it was a life and death moment that included frogs. I didn’t twist his wrist. I gave him a Spock attack, harder and harder, while casually talking to my sister, to keep the truth from her….

cookieman's avatar

@Dutchess_III: Yeah, the lean in and whisper technique works well, just without the threats of physical violence.

Dutchess_III's avatar

That just makes me so sad. @Cookieman. So sad.

Darth_Algar's avatar

My parents learned early on that physical punishments didn’t work with me. It just gave me a disrespect for their inability to control their temper, and made me get more clever about whatever I was up to so that I wouldn’t get caught again.

As for my disrespect of their temper – I feel it was vindicated once mom completely lost her shit and actually broke the paddle over my sister’s ass. She knew it too, as she never again resorted to physical punishment after that.

Actually, now that I think about it, it was pretty much just mom. I don’t recall dad (who’s much more level-headed and even-tempered than mom was) ever laying a hand on my sister or I.

Dutchess_III's avatar

We always had to go to our rooms and “Wait for our dad to get home.”
Then, when he got home, exhausted from work, he was required to spank us. His heart was never in it and I finally realized it didn’t hurt at all.
One time my sisters put a book down the back of their pants. Dad pretended not to notice. :D

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