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KNOWITALL's avatar

Have you read the list of endorsements for each Presidential candidate?

Asked by KNOWITALL (30042points) November 2nd, 2020

I just read through the endorsements for each candidate and was curious if you had?

Bonus question: Which endorsements do you prioritize, for your vote(s)?

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35 Answers

janbb's avatar

I don’t pay attention to any endorsements. I make up my own mind.

chyna's avatar

I don’t read endorsements. I don’t know what someone else’s agenda might be. I know what I’m looking for in a candidate and vote accordingly.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay So kind of you to list a few for Biden, although that was not the question.

What do those mean to you, if anything. Do these people have credibility with you? If so, why is that? Does any particular ‘group’ endorsements have an impact on your vote?

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

My list does not influence my vote. I would vote for Biden anyway. Yes, those hundreds of people have credibility and show that Republicans who are concerned about the future of America acknowledge the damage Republicans have done to the country.

LadyMarissa's avatar

20 former Republican US Attorneys support Biden

Can’t honestly say that they swayed my vote as I saw this AFTER I had already voted!!!

jca2's avatar

I haven’t looked at the list of endorsements but I know what causes I feel strongly about (workers’ rights, pro choice), and I vote accordingly.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Interesting thanks. I honestly was curious about who knew, or cared, who was bought and paid for on both sides of the aisle.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Plus I keep reading liberals are boycotting Home Depot for the owner endorsing Trump.

canidmajor's avatar

Not all endorsements are ”bought and paid for”
Contributing to the campaign of a candidate is not the only kind of endorsement.

rockfan's avatar

Many Republicans support Biden, which makes sense because Biden is basically a moderate Republican.

Cupcake's avatar

I value the endorsements of medical and health organizations

stanleybmanly's avatar

I’m not interested in endorsements this time around. I refuse to believe that anyone living through the last 4 years requires the opinion of others on what we have all witnessed other than perhaps “can you believe this?”.

Zaku's avatar

I use endorsements mainly for candidates, ballot measures and referendums that I do not know enough about.

However, in this case, I will look at the list of Trump endorsements, to know who to have the lowest of opinions of. I am relieved and amused to see how many on the wiki list are people I already had the lowest opinions of, considered to be airheads and tools already, etc. (e.g. Of all former presidents and vice presidents, it looks like only Dan Quayle is endorsing Trump… LOL.)

Ooh! It occurs to me that today is the perfect time to save a copy of that wiki page! Since there may be some retractions later.

I have also used the lists of people endorsing primary election opponents of Bernie Sanders as a way to detect not-really-progressive politicians and organizations.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

who was bought and paid for on both sides of the aisle

What does that have to do with endorsements?

Zaku's avatar

LOL! The comparison of endorsements from ambassadors is hilarious!

Trump has 9, 3 of which are his own appointments.

Biden has about 200 listed…

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay If a group endorses a political candidate, that generally means the candidate will vote as they wish.

canidmajor's avatar

No, @KNOWITALL, again you are mistaking “endorsing” with “throwing money at”. The two are different.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@canidmajor Maybe it works differently in your area, but I assure you, to get endorsements here in my area, you have to prove it with votes or you don’t get endorsed again.

canidmajor's avatar

So you were “bought”? Interesting admission.
No, I am going on general definition. “Endorsing” a candidate is done with published support, “Donating to the campaign” is essentially the “bought and paid for” thing you are discussing.

JLeslie's avatar

@KNOWITALL I do have friends trying to purchase from Lowe’s rather than Home Depot.

Meanwhile, the benevolent leaders of my fair city give a tremendous amount of money to the Republicans, and every time I spend money in the grocery store, a restaurant, any store here, I am indirectly giving Republicans money, because the stores are on Villages commercial property. They own practically the entire area. Let alone I bought a house from them.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@canidmajor Municipal level politics don’t declare a party or get endorsements. Good attempt at a slam but you have to do your homework first.

@JLeslie Right, along with millions of my friends who are not watching the NFL, etc….

With you, I’m more interested in your Jewish religion influencing your vote or not, and if not, how you reconcile that with your faith.

LadyMarissa's avatar

@jca2 Thank you for the lists. One of the things that I did notice was that Biden did NOT have the Grand Wizard of the KKK endorsing him nor Putin of Russia!!! I also noticed that trump did NOT have Kim Jong-Un of N Korea endorsing him & I thought that trump said that they had become best of friends!!!

I noticed the none on Biden’s list had convicted criminal as their claim to fame. Plus I did notice that many who endorse Biden had Republican listed as their claim to fame.

I wasn’t that shocked by anyone on either list. I have NEVER taken my business to Home Depot simply because they have LOUSY customer service & NOT because they support someone that I loathe; however, my BFF has spent a fortune buying from the My Pillow guy simply because he supports trump & she has boycotted many businesses who supported Dem candidates…I see NO difference whether it is don by a Dem or Rep!!!

JLeslie's avatar

@KNOWITALL I’m not religious so my religion has almost no influence regarding my vote. Very religious Jews tend to be politically conservative, so I don’t have a lot of political views in common with them. Jews who aren’t religious I would evaluate just like I would any candidate any religion. I guess I would have a presumption that they would think similarly to me, but you just never know.

Bernie is Jewish, and I didn’t vote for him either time, although this last time I considered it more. The first time when he went up against Hillary (I believe her to be a practicing Christian) I supported her over Bernie.

When Gore picked Joe Lieberman I wasn’t happy, because he was too conservative for me.

I think back to when BLM protesting was in full swing and a jelly was talking about how there is always a group at the top. I was shocked and disgusted. I never imagined that type of thinking, it never occurred to me. So, I guess that person might think if we have a Jewish President it somehow gives Jews more power, or puts them on top and benefits other Jews?? I don’t think about it that way at all, and I don’t think that is true. Just like I don’t think Obama being President gave Black Americans some sort of advantage.

As far as endorsements, if someone I respect endorses someone it probably has less affect than when someone I don’t trust endorses someone. The endorsement of someone untrustworthy would make me pause, but mostly I just decide for myself.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@JLeslie Interesting and thanks. There are many endorsements that people here take extremely seriously, like Mo Right To Life, Farmers Bureau, etc… I was just curious about the rest of you. And of course religion plays into it all.

JLeslie's avatar

@KNOWITALL when I consider the amendments on my ballot I look up the opinions of the League of Women Voters and they usually put what they support and what other groups are endorsing for or against. It’s helpful. It helps me check my thinking on an issue, because who or what organization is supporting is a clue. I never agree with all of the League’s positions by the way.

Same with judges, people who endorse judges gives me a clue to whether to vote to keep them in office or not. The judges are difficult because information isn’t always easy to find.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@JLeslie Good job! That’s what I do with past voting records. There’s no better gauge of future votes, to me, than past votes, all of which are public record. :)

canidmajor's avatar

No, I don’t “have to do my homework”, endorsements, as I defined them, are indeed given to municipal candidates.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@canidmajor As you defined them. Got it.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Municipal level politics don’t declare a party or get endorsements. Good attempt at a slam but you have to do your homework first.

I work on a campaign for a commissioner in public works. The ballot lists party membership. He has endorsements from unions, politicians, and the local newspaper editorial boards.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

If a group endorses a political candidate, that generally means the candidate will vote as they wish.

Still no idea how that is supposed to equal “bought and paid for”. Also, there is no single “vote” to be had. The president’s responsibilities are too broad for any single person to agree with all his policies.

You’re declaring that Biden will “vote” the way 100s of Republicans wish AND how all his Democratic supporters wish.

It’s a ridiculous claim.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Call_me_jay Different things bro. I’m not saying anything about Biden either, calm down.
The question is about political endorsements and if you care about them. Capisce?
Many people have compared big endorsements by groups and PAC’s to a Nascar racers sponsor jacket. Crude but you get the idea. As many here don’t seem to care, that answers that. Adieu.

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