Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Did you ever use psychology on your kids?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) November 2nd, 2020

The grandkids were here and did some work around the house. I wanted to pay them, but then the oldest boy (13 but acts like 7) piped up and said “Zoey’s piggy bank just disappeared!”
That sounded suspect to me. I wouldn’t put it past the 13 year old to steal it and play dumb…especially when Dad said it had $67 in it!
I said “You know what? The minute Zoey’s piggy bank is found I’ll get everyone’s money to them!”
That way I wasn’t pointing any fingers or accusing and getting denials and all that crap.
That was Saturday.
Wadda ya know the bank showed up the next day!

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4 Answers

Nomore_lockout's avatar

It’s a miracle!

Nomore_lockout's avatar

After thinking about this, I remember that I had a ploy I used on my grand sons, not so much the girls. But they didn’t fib much, or at all. If the boys did something and I wanted the truth, I would ground both of them to their room. I said, you guy’s can sit there and stare at the wall and be bored silly, no tablets, no TV no nothing, until one of you tells the truth. As long as you’re honest, I cant do anything anyway. I wont spank you for telling the truth. Most times, the truth would out. But I would keep my word as well, and set the little farts free with no more issues. They began to realize that honesty is the best policy. Now if I could find a ploy to make the girls stop fighting over Little Pet Shop crap. Geeez…

si3tech's avatar

Tried to. Like reverse psychology when my teen son asked if I thought he should get his long hair cut. And during toddler age not wanting to eat his meat. I told him he should save the meat for last.

Dutchess_III's avatar

When my kids got old enough to understand, when they did something wrong, they would have time out. However the length of timeout depended on them. As soon as they could tell me what they did wrong AND what they should have done instead, they could come out. It it took them 2 seconds or 2 days, I didn’t care.
It was amazing how quickly the kids became self aware and wise! It was really the best disciplinary tactic I ever hit on.

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