Social Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

If voting machines don't stay up all day, can we call it Electile Disfunction?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33685points) November 3rd, 2020

Any good topical election day puns?

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3 Answers

kritiper's avatar

Yes you may.

It is election day. In Japan they don’t have elections since they can only pronounce their “L“s as “R“s.

I heard a report on TV this morning, but I’m not sure I heard it correctly. By what I thought I heard it sounded as though lots of voters took a laxative last night because the reporter seemed to say that the voters were producing a good early morning turd out.

LadyMarissa's avatar

You may…just be aware that trump is very familiar with that problem & has a lawyer named Rudy sitting in the wings to take care of that problem!!!

si3tech's avatar

Too too funny!

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