Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

Can we make this the Q for discussing voting results as they start to come in?

Asked by JLeslie (65976points) November 3rd, 2020

Anything related to the election. Talk about your state or another state. Results that are shocking to you. Ask a question if you are having trouble getting information on a state you are curious about. Any shocks regarding local elections? Amendments?

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188 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

I can not wait for all the posts documenting and reflecting your inevitable descent into despair.
4 more years of clownery and comedy.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I can’t decide if I want to watch the returns or put on some long movie and get drunk watching it. Actually, it amounts to the same thing.

JLeslie's avatar

I put on the TV an hour ago to catch up on local reporting and my county had a small technical problem at a voting location, or maybe a few locations, I am not clear, early on, but all straightened out. Nothing to do with scanning or counting the ballots, something with the registered voter list. Voters were able to come back later, vote a provisional ballot, or wait. It was cleared up quickly. The Secretary of State here in Florida was on TV earlier saying everything has gone smoothly otherwise and no problems are being experienced or anticipated. Florida already had more than 50% of the vote counted before today.

Right now, my husband is watching Judge Judy on DVR. It is 6:32. I think Florida polls close at 7:00.

Do all polls close at 7:00? Or, it varies by state? I know people already on line get to vote even if it goes past 7:00.

A friend of mine just told me on facebook that Tennessee had a covid location for people who were sick and needed to vote. Does your state have that?

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

When do news organizations start calling states?

On the radio today, I heard NPR (or maybe it was my local station) said they on the AP. But reading through this site I do find an answer: Associated Press dot org – How we call races

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Do all polls close at 7:00?

I think one of our Flutherites said NY closes at 9PM.

longgone's avatar

@JLeslie Polls close at all sorts of different times. Some at 6pm, some at 10. I found this interactive map earlier.

I also want to share this distraction tool for anyone who’s anxious. I wish you all a peaceful day and night, and hope very much that there’s a clear result as soon as possible.

Has anyone had issues voting?

JLeslie's avatar

Did you hear about the robocalls that told people to vote tomorrow or other false information? I just heard MSNBC talking about it again. I wonder if some are from outside the US? I hope if they are Americans who do this they are found, arrested, and convicted.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I think they avoid calling states before the west coast votes, but again, I can’t find a source.

JLeslie's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay I think they start reporting when the polls close in the state. Florida has two time zones, so we will have to wait until 8pm EST I think for Florida, except for local elections in the eastern time zone.

If I understand it correctly.

JLeslie's avatar

Trump won Indiana.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

We had several polling places with computer problems at opening today. Seems to be computer listing of registered voters, they extended the hours by the down time!

North Carolina – - Edit

Jeruba's avatar

@JLeslie, that’s with 8% of the votes counted. Eight.

JLeslie's avatar

Oh, I saw a check mark on my screen for Trump. I thought that meant it was decided for Indiana. Would they put a check mark just for 8%? I will have to pay closer attention.

JLeslie's avatar

I just saw the map, Indiana is already colored in red. It is the only state red right now. Every other state is nothing, no color.

Jeruba's avatar

Look at percentage of ballots counted.

It’s probably also not the only map.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

@JLeslie I think they start reporting when the polls close in the state.

I thought they held back to avoid discouraging west coast/Hawaiian voters.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Indiana is not in play. We knew Trump wins it. All we really need to watch is Pennsylvania and Florida.

Unless it gets REALLY close. Then we care about:

JLeslie's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay I thought they just held back releasing data so people within the state aren’t discouraged, although in Florida part of the state is in central time and they still started reporting, so I guess it is just once the polls close in a particular county maybe?

I’d say with the electoral college it more has to do with whether your state is already very red or blue regarding discouraging people to go vote. Although, I think a lot of Americans don’t understand the electoral college, so maybe that is naive.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

California voters might skip the election if they think their candidate is winning.

Even if they are right about the presidential race, it effects all the races down ticket.

JLeslie's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay People worried about the candidates down the ticket would still go vote you would think.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

@JLeslie People are lazy

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I have a Zoom event coming up at 7pm Central. We should have some US Reps online. I’m interested to hear.

longgone's avatar

@JLeslie and @Call_Me_Jay Another concern with all the early reports is that people might be swayed to vote differently at the last second, simply because they want to be on the winning side.

JLeslie's avatar

@longgone Really? I would never think of that. What does that say about our voters?

longgone's avatar

@JLeslie I think it says something about people in general. Of course, most are probably not that undecided on the way to the booth.

JLeslie's avatar

I think Florida could trigger an automatic recount. They haven’t been talking about that on the channel I am watching.

@longgone I would have to agree that people do seem to want to go along with the popular crowd. It’s very disappointing.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I am happy Florida was counting mailed ballots as they arrived instead of a forced rush like here in Wisconsin.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I am simultaneously on the Zoom call. So far all dedicated adamant Democrats which is not interesting. Preaching to the choir.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

McConnell won Kentucky. Bummer. Not a surprise.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Biden sewed up Virginia.

Dutchess_III's avatar

OMG. Kansas is leading blue!!! Just leading….

stanleybmanly's avatar

Hot dog! Good luck dutch!

JLeslie's avatar

Michigan is only 12% in! It’s 9pm EST now. If it hinges on MI we won’t know tonight I’m guessing. I think Florida could go to Trump. They say too close to call, but the counties in the panhandle are mostly Republicans. Are the southeast counties finished counting?

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I got a shoutout on the Zoom call! Neat being recognized on a call with US Reps.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Lots of Midwest polls are not yet closed. When they close, numbers will spin fast.

JLeslie's avatar

OMG Patty_Melt! So happy. :)

Patty_Melt's avatar

I couldn’t pass up tonight. I’ll be in and out.

Texas straddles two time zones also, so reporting will be odd, probably.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Hey, @Patty_Melt ! Great to see you!!

Patty_Melt's avatar

I knew this would be the hot place to hang tonight. ;-)

Patty_Melt's avatar

Poor ABC guy in Colorado having trouble with his mask.

So far, Trump has national popular vote.

JLeslie's avatar

Ok, starting to stress now. How late will these poll workers work?

Patty_Melt's avatar

Until it’s done. Big turn out could make them stay open quite late. Anybody in line by closing time, gets to vote, no matter how long the lines are.

JLeslie's avatar

@Patty_Melt I mean the counting and reporting. States that didn’t allow mail-in ballots to be counted until today? I don’t think most states had long lines today that they would need to stay late for people who wanted to vote. I think Michigan was one of those states that they might have hundreds of thousands of mail-in to process.

Patty_Melt's avatar

The mail ins are given a few days to tabulate officially, but they can look at the names and know what party they are registered with. They make a preliminary guess based on that.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Some guy was on a few minutes ago to explain that. I think he did it better than me.

That’s how they get a check mark with only 8% tabulated.

jca2's avatar

NY polls close at 9 pm.

NY tends to vote Blue. Upstaters tend to be Republican, people in the metro area tend to be Democrats. I live about an hour north of the city, and there’s a mix of red and blue here, probably 50/50 or a little more Republican.

Patty_Melt's avatar

If NY goes red, Hillary has to vote for Trump.

JLeslie's avatar

It’s different every state for mail-in. Michigan is just starting today, but Florida is basically caught up with mail-in, we have been counting for three weeks as the ballots arrives. Florida still has ten days for out of country ballots, but it won’t help enough in my opinion. A lot of out of country are Republicans.

I just wondered how late Michigan for instance will stay tonight? Will they call it quits at midnight and come back tomorrow?

Mimishu1995's avatar

How are things going now?

JLeslie's avatar

10:30 pm eastern time, so the west coast (California, Washington state, and Oregon) are going to start reporting.

Some of the crucial states I don’t think will be done counting tonight like Michigan and Pennsylvania. Florida was consider important, but I really think Florida is going to be Trump even though the channel I am watching won’t call it yet.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Texas looking purple. Hard to take.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I thought they said Michigan is looking pretty red so far.

JLeslie's avatar

TX is shocking to me. Do you think it went more blue partly because Bush made statements against Trump? I know TX also has some Californians moving there too, and the MX vote.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I think it is mostly about liberal exodus from California, and California has been getting redder in the south.

Nevada is looking red.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Yep, Trump has a strong lead so far in Michigan. 38% ish counted.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Pennsylvania leaning strong red right now.

Demosthenes's avatar

@JLeslie Texas’s change is also a result of its increasing Latino population. Hispanics are nearly 40% of the state’s population (about the same as California) and they often vote Democratic.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Not lately.
Latinos have been joining the right.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Nevada has left the planet. The spacemen took over area 51 and took the whole state home with them.

Darth_Algar's avatar

@Patty_Melt “If NY goes red, Hillary has to vote for Trump.”

Not actually. Each party appoints its own set of electors in the state. Whichever party wins the popular vote in that state has its electors vote for the president. Thus the Clintons only vote if NY goes blue. Moot point though, as Biden has won NY.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I misunderstood the gears and wheels on that. But, as you said, we have passed that point now.

jca2's avatar

I took a nap and woke up to news that Trump is trying to declare victory and cast doubt on certain votes. Ugh.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Fuck fuck fuck fuck. Kansas.

JLeslie's avatar

I did the math and the Latin American population in TX looks to be steady at 38% since 2010. The Latin population grew in numbers, but so did the total state population.

Many Hispanics vote Republican because of religion and even if they aren’t Cuban or Venezuelan they are afraid of what happened in those countries. Then there are people like my husband’s family who see Trump as a corrupt leader like all the leaders in Mexico, increasing their own wealth and their own family, and they always felt America was different. The Democrats should have played on that, but they didn’t.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@JLeslie Religion is a powerful motivator. And one of the big differences in issue politics.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

The spread between Trump and Biden at 8:20 AM Wednesday is 49 (Forty-nine) votes in North Carolina. That is with over 4 million votes counted.

Still counting mail-in ballots !

JLeslie's avatar

Disgraceful some of our states didn’t allow counting to start two or three weeks ago as ballots arrived.

In my opinion it is abusive to the poll workers who are now counting under intense pressure, and not just the wage earners who are counting, but at all levels who have the responsibility of counting the vote, but especially those processing the ballots during, covid, and during such a hot election. It is also unfair to the residents of those states and to the country.

Many Republicans are happy about it, they think they can challenge anything counted after Election Day. Which is ridiculous. It is not the fault of the voter that the state is taking a long time to count.

I guess no matter who wins the other side might feel it was stolen.

jca2's avatar

Just in: Joe Biden has taken the lead in Michigan.

jca2's avatar

Looks like Dems are taking Maine.

LostInParadise's avatar

It is surprising how close the voting is. In states won by Biden or Trump, the margin of victory has been fairly narrow.

JLeslie's avatar

Georgia is fascinating. Becoming purple for years to come I think.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

It appears that Biden won Wisconsin by the skin of his teeth.

JLeslie's avatar

Is it possible Trump loses by less than eleven votes and Arizona is a pivotal state? I haven’t worked through the scenarios, but I think he lost that state because he was horrible to John McCain. Trump’s usual way of trying to demean and bully people who disagree with him. We need some examples of how that is bad behavior that comes back to bite you.

JLeslie's avatar

All of the states are probably missing some out of country votes. Do they all allow counting for those past election day? Florida is ten days after. Floridians can still clear up signature problems through tomorrow I think.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@JLeslie I just told a Trump loving friend that exact thing. If he’d have shut his mouth, stopped tweeting and acted his age, this wouldn’t be a close race. Maybe there’s shady things happening, maybe not, but he put himself in the position to lose.

JLeslie's avatar

@KNOWITALL I think so. If he had at least not acted like a bully ten year old to cater to his crazy fringe supporters the last 4 years he would not have lost so many Republicans. I know the fringe helped get him elected the first time, but this time was a different calculation.

I actually don’t mind that he tweets, I mind what he tweets, and how often he tweets.

Darth_Algar's avatar

@Patty_Melt “I misunderstood the gears and wheels on that”

Yeah, it’s kinda convoluted. It used to be that the people of each district at least voted for their district’s elector. But that was done away with and now the parties appoint the electors (who, of course, tend to be party big wigs and loyalists).

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Can someone post the popular vote?

LostInParadise's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 , Biden just beat the popular vote record. Link

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@LostInParadise from your link.
Biden has garnered almost 70.5 million votes for president.
Trump has received 67.8 million votes.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Republicans have swarmed the Detroit counting room and are howling “stop the count!!” They have also filed a lawsuit. They’re following their Florida 2000 playbook.

Detroit Free Press – Chaos erupts at TCF Center as Republican vote challengers cry foul in Detroit “People gathered outside the ballot counting area pounded on the doors and windows, shouting, “Let us in” and “Stop the count” as only about a half-dozen tables continued to count ballots.

LostInParadise's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 , That is about the same lead that Clinton had in 2016. After the mail-in votes are counted, Biden’s lead could be could be considerably larger.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Michigan results are in. Biden won the state.

Electoral count: Biden – 253, Trump – 214. 270 or more wins.

If Biden wins in Arizona (11) and Nevada (3) as predicted, technically the race is over.

JLeslie's avatar

Florida 2000 was a very different situation.

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Dutchess_III's avatar

We always knew that mail in ballots take the longest to count, which is why I just do not understand why anyone, who had the means and ability to vote otherwise, didnt.

ragingloli's avatar

Because they would prefer to avoid getting infected with the drumpf plague.

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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

In CTV Canadian News channel has Biden at 263. Everywhere else has Biden at 253. Global Edmonton has Biden at 264.
Why the differences?
I am assuming that CNN is right?

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 Someone maynhave added Arizona’s 11 electoral votes to to Biden’s total, which already included Arizona.

Response moderated
Darth_Algar's avatar


Each network has its own people who calculate this stuff. Some are more conservative (I mean in the general sense of the word, not in the political sense) than others.

It’s worth noting that nothing is official until a state has certified its vote. And that doesn’t have to be done until the Electoral College convenes at the US Capitol next month.

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Tropical_Willie's avatar

Trump has not been seen on TV since he declared himself President at 2:30 AM Wednesday morning !

No mercy from FB or Twitter for his lies.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Complaints of improper procedures reported in multiple states. Those complaints must be investigated.

Some projected totals have been withdrawn, and changed.

It is probable some outlets are confused about what to report.

Dutchess_III's avatar

We were told exactly what trump would do, and that is exactly what he is doing.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Wolf Blitzer from CNN said that they might have more results in 12am eastern time. Or 1 and a half hours from now.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 2½ hours from now.

@Dutchess_III If Trump were to make a wise move, it would be to wait out the results, assess if/by how many electoral votes he loses by, and then ask for a recount in one state where the race was incredibly close, and it might take him over 270 had he won there.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

@JLeslieThe Brooks Brothers riot was a demonstration at a meeting of election canvassers in Miami-Dade County, Florida, on November 22, 2000, during a recount of votes made during the 2000 United States presidential election, with the goal of shutting down the recount. Many of the demonstrators were paid Republican operatives.”

JLeslie's avatar


RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Pied_Pfeffer thanks for the correction.

Dutchess_III's avatar

My teeth hurt.

Brian1946's avatar

Biden’s leading the EC vote count, 264–214.
If he wins NV, which has 6 EC votes, then he wins.
He’s leading Trump there, 588,252–580,605, with 75% reporting.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Brian1946 I’ve been looking at the result for a while. Seems like Biden will win.

Brian1946's avatar


I hope you’re right.

If he does win, hopefully he can get the US to deal with C19, Vietnam style!

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

The white nationalists are acting up in Arizona. Arizona Patriots is an anti-immigrant hate group.

Hundreds upset over ballot counting protest in downtown Phoenix
“It all started when the extremist group AZ Patriots initially walked right into the Maricopa County Recorder’s Office at Third Avenue and Lincoln Street, live streaming around 7 p.m. One of the members was wearing a military vest and made a claim the County used Sharpie pens to make some ballots invalid. The conspiracy gained traction on Wednesday, but the officials said that it is not true and Sharpie pens don’t disqualify ballots…

”...Also protesting was Jennifer Harrison, a leader of Arizona’s Patriot movement. She had a megaphone and was calling out Maricopa County Recorder Adrian Fontes, saying, “Where are our votes, Adrian?” Fontes is the head of elections for Maricopa County…

”...The group continued to grow with more than 200 people there as of 9:30 p.m., with it being mostly Trump supporters. They chanted “Four more years” and “Count the votes.” Others chanted, “Stop the steal,” implying Biden was stealing the election in Arizona.”

Demosthenes's avatar

^Ironically, in Michigan, they’re shouting “stop the count!”

Doesn’t seem to be a matter of principle here. :)

Patty_Melt's avatar

Stopping the count is because it makes fewer which need to be audited. Only the ones already counted need to be audited.
They were not following proper protocol. The counted votes need to be audited, and if there are any outstanding ballots, they need to be processed properly.
Sharpies do invalidate ballots. The ink soaks through, making marks in wrong places, which invalidates the ballot. They can then use that person’s identity to cast a ballot reading anyway they want.
I encountered a similar ruse in a past election.
The reason for not counting mail in ballots until after polls close election day, is they can print a list of registered voters who did not vote, and use those to fill in blank ballots, again, however they want.

Nothing new. Only getting caught at it is new.

longgone's avatar

^ “Stopping the count is because it makes fewer which need to be audited. Only the ones already counted need to be audited.”

And the uncounted votes don’t need to be looked at? Why is that? Unless they’ll be thrown away, it certainly seems like all should be checked. Like they’ve been doing.

Darth_Algar's avatar


You know goddamn good and well this has nothing to do with less votes needing to be audited.

JLeslie's avatar

@Patty_Melt I don’t see why a sharpie would invalidate a ballot.

If the ink spread out to voting for two people the vote wouldn’t be counted by the machine. You can’t vote for two people. The ballot would be rejected wouldn’t it? Plus, the voter would see a problem as they did it if marker went everywhere and get a new ballot in most. Permanent ink wouldn’t run. Non-permanent ink would only run if it got wet. I always tell people only use ballpoint ink on legal documents and checks. This is an old rule taught to me in accounting class, and those old accountants and lawyers are trying to use it I guess. It doesn’t invalidate anything if it’s legible.

You can audit without stopping the count. Start auditing the ones already counted. Businesses don’t stop working when being audited. Although, if they want to stop and audit that’s fine. They still would need to audit all ballots wouldn’t they?

I’m fine with an audit, I’m fine with full transparency, I’m fine with asking for a recount on a very close vote, I’m just not fine with lies and excuses and accusing poll workers of purposely trying to fix the vote, and that is what Trump is doing.

Poll workers do their job with both Republicans and Democrats present.

Poll workers don’t have pens and blank ballots. Plus, they do their job in a room with other people present. They are opening ballots and scanning them. They aren’t writing anything. I actually think every office should have a bubble for “no vote” so there are no blanks, but like I said, poll workers aren’t marking anything.

Republicans have been the ones refusing to count or change laws regarding counting earlier. They insisted on Election Day or after from what I have read. My guess is so they can say this stuff they are saying now, and try to discard the mail-in votes, which we in the country knew was more likely Biden votes.

Trump said it, “red wave” for the election day voter. He bragged about it. Told his people not to worry about all the blue votes from mail-in ballots.

If Trump loses Arizona it is a blaring reminder that his bullying tactics are unacceptable to many Americans. He didn’t just show disapproval of John McCain, he was downright mean and disrespectful. I don’t think Arizona liked it. John’s wife campaigned hard to ask Republicans to have the courage to vote for Biden, and I think some did.

jca2's avatar

Trump lovers I know in real life have been very quiet the past few days. If he won right off the bat, they’d have been crowing and bragging and laughing. I am guessing they’re very nervous now.

JLeslie's avatar

I’ll add, Republican counties and states that wouldn’t process votes until election day or later left the voter unable to check if their ballot was received by Election Day and fix any problems. I have a family member in Florida who handed his ballot in at the voting center and his ballot was lost, it never showed received when all the other family members’ ballots did; all ballots handed in together. All we can figure is his ballot was never processed and opened.

Because we could check it ahead of time, he went in person to cast a ballot over the counter and his other ballot is voided.

jca2's avatar

I love how the Repubs want to change rules now that the results are not in their favor.

JLeslie's avatar

I think some republicans who never vote mail-in don’t know the whole process.

The signature check is done before the envelope is ever opened. The person checking the signature and the person checking in the ballot against the voter rolls never sees the actual ballot. They don’t know who that person voted for.

Some ballot processing centers have live cam online. Anyone can watch.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I’ll add, Republican counties and states that wouldn’t process votes until election day or later left the voter unable to check if their ballot was received by Election Day and fix any problems.

Our state election web site says, “Clerks have begun recording election participation, but it may take up to 45 days for this process to be completed.”

My record shows “Completed absentee ballot received!” but I voted two weeks ago.I don’t know if there will be another step showing it was counted.

jca2's avatar

I voted in person on Election Day (yes, with Sharpie). 2:30 pm, in and out in less than 10 minutes.

I saw today on the news there was an outbreak of Covid from one site, not sure where.

JLeslie's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay In Florida when I look up my ballot there are 4 catagories and they light up at each stage.


I have no idea how it is in other states.

I know my parents were emailed when their ballot was received in the sate of Maryland. I don’t know if they received another email when counted.

Florida does actually let voters clear up problems with ballots after Election Day, but you can’t vote after election day, meaning get a new ballot or hand in a ballot. They contact you if there was a signature problem for instance, and you have to rectify it within 48 hours I think. Or two days after election day, something like that. The exception is out of country ballots can arrive up to ten days after election day.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s been 264 to 214 for 48 hours. I don’t understand.

jca2's avatar

One of the states, North Carolina maybe, said they won’t have a total until next week. It’s like, really?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@jca2 I thought they said 45 days!

hmmmmmm's avatar

Counting is hard. Most people only have 10 fingers and 10 toes.

jca2's avatar

@KNOWITALL Results will be another week, according to Fox News:

I think the 45 days may be to certify the results.

Dutchess_III's avatar

This is absurd. I think the mail in ballots were the same ballot as the one I filled out when I voted in person. When I was done I fed it to a machine and the machine read the results.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_III That’s what I don’t understand.

longgone's avatar

@Dutchess_III There’s a pandemic going on. The people staying home were saving lives by preventing giant, untraceable clusters of a dangerous disease. One of them might have saved your life, deciding to vote by mail instead of breathing on you.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It wasn’t a “Either you vote by mail or vote in person” situation @longgone. There were other options that were just as safe as voting by mail.

longgone's avatar

@Dutchess_III Oh, I’m sorry – I really didn’t understand that. Didn't even think about it. I’m losing my mind from acute anxiety.

What other options are there?

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

_ I think the mail in ballots were the same ballot as the one I filled out when I voted in person_

I don’t know if it’s the same in every state, but where I’ve been they check the signature on the ballot envelope against their file. They have party observers looking over their shoulders who question the results.

In several places they have rabid ninnies hooting and banging on the doors while they do it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Dropping it off at a ballot box and bypassing the USPS altogether for one @longgone.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I would like in the future to use fingerprint scanners and “Dancing With the Stars” voting technology. Would that work or be more mayhem?

longgone's avatar

@Dutchess_III Ah, that’s so obvious. I would still be reluctant to do something like that, right now, considering the alarming numbers in my area. So for anyone using public transportation, I get it. It’s not so fun to get into an airtight vehicle with thirty strangers.

When you’re driving, of course, it’s much easier.

Ignorant question, possibly – but in what way are drop-off ballots easier/faster to count than mail-in ones?

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t know, except that it’s the mail in ballots that are stalling the whole process, appparently.

Brian1946's avatar

Here’s an encouraging update:

Although Biden still sits at 264, his lead in the NV vote count has increased by almost 4,000.

He now leads IMPOTUS, 604,251–592,813, with 76% reporting.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Trumps not concession speech was hard to follow. My guess is that If it goes to the supreme court that he would win. Seeing that Amy Barrett tips the court 6 – 3 in favor of Republicans.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Oh God it’s still going?

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

@Mimishu1995 It will be going on for a while. In the year 2000, the result was not final until December 12.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Jay oh… I heard about the dead voter scandal yesterday too. This is going to be a long ride…

Dutchess_III's avatar

Wow. I guess I didn’t realize that then @Call_Me_Jay. Of course I was going through so much bad stuff that year I’m not surprised I don’t recollect that.

Brian1946's avatar

Here’s a chamomile tea update:

Biden is now leading in PA & GA.

cookieman's avatar

@Brian1946: Slim leads all around, but only one of those states (or Nevada) will get Biden to the 270 and the win – so…very tentative ‘yay!’ with a heaping helping of cautious optimism.

(just know that I have a full on happy dance waiting in the wings should things go the way I hope)

stanleybmanly's avatar

Win or lose, we’re in for weeks of recounts before an official verdict. If the fool is ditched, there will be no grace or dignity to his exit. Get the popcorn ready for the spectacular finale.

Brian1946's avatar

I don’t know how accurate this is, but I just heard on The Young Turks Special Coverage, that a recount request will only be honored if the loss is within 0.5%.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Republicans are taking the news as expected.

Police thwart alleged plot to attack Pa. Convention Center where votes are being counted in Philly – “On Thursday, the Philadelphia Police Department received a tip that individuals armed with firearms were on their way to the Convention Center area in a silver Hummer truck…

”...Minutes later, police said, two bicycle patrol officers discovered two armed men. Police said neither had a valid Pennsylvania permit to carry and were both placed under arrest…An additional gun was recovered from the inside the Hummer, police said. Firearms charges are pending for both men.

“The vehicle had a window sticker and a hat with the logo for the internet group QAnon, which is known for spreading conspiracy theories. The FBI has labeled them a domestic terror threat.

“At least 24 congressional candidates in this current election have endorsed or given credit to conspiracy theories promoted by the group.”

ragingloli's avatar

I guess it is time to label the entire QAnon movement as a terrorist organisation, like Antifa.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Wisconsin can have a recount if the spread is below 1%, which is true this election.

Georgia will probably have a recount, too. ‘State law permits a candidate to request a recount when the margin is within one-half of a percentage point.’

They are howling for one in Michigan but the spread is 140,000+ votes. They’re delusional.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

74 to 69.9 million for Biden popular vote.

JLeslie's avatar

Q is a terrorist organization according to the FBI. Their latest schtick is this.

Here’s a quote, “Dept. of Homeland Security controlled ‘official ballots’ production. Dems print extras, not knowing about non-radioactive isotope watermarks on ‘official ballots.’ Military sting operation. After weeding out all counterfeit ballots, Trump landslide confirmed.”

I have a woman in a facebook group right now talking about it, that is how I found out about it. Lunatics, these people will believe anything.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What is the percent of voter turnout vs. total registered voters?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 Just fyi, you could register the day of the vote so that would be impossible to know a definitive number for ‘registered voters.’

Here’s a good article about some of the issues currently:

JLeslie's avatar

October 5th was the deadline to register to vote in Florida. It varies by state. I think most of the states that have same day registration are out west, I saw a map once.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@JLeslie Yes, I should have posted the link, sorry.

In 19 states you could register and vote on election day.

Patty_Melt's avatar

To answer Q’s above directed to me, I never said the uncounted votes don’t matter. Of course they matter, but it makes less of a hassle ahead if they take care of an audit of processed votes first, and then move on to the uncounted. Also, once a count is finished and sealed, it can be seen, but not discounted, even if it is an obvious forgery.

My question as I read through this thread, no, I think I will post it. See my question in general.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I want to make this point…
President Trump is following the very advice Hillary had for Biden, said publicly.
The link

Brian1946's avatar


”(just know that I have a full on happy dance waiting in the wings should things go the way I hope)”

I’ll probably just feel a lot less anxious about this, so I won’t be doing a happy dance, but I will be rockin’ with relief!

Patty_Melt's avatar

Michigan – for those denying any proof.

Nevada trends purple, so taking a close look by both sides would be understandable.
Past governor Kenny Guinn was Republican, but he was generally liked by both sides.
Sadly, he didn’t have long to enjoy his retirement.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

“Michigan – for those denying any proof.”

Nothing in that video is proof. It’s just a party official making allegations. If she had evidence she would go to court.

Instead they’re spreading unfounded accusations on Youtube and Facebook. It’s transparent.

Brian1946's avatar

Here’s an obscure baseball reference: just like the LA Dodgers, 9 million Californicators are the Big Blue Wrecking Crew. ;-p

I voted for Howie Hawkins, so actually I’m part of a much smaller Green Machine. Hmmmm, that describes my 23-years-old Honda, where Howie has never been. ;-o

Patty_Melt's avatar

Jay, interesting how Dems think they can call proof allegation, and magically it will be so.

The glitch was reported, and acted upon. Other counties used the same application, which may have had the same effect.
All fact.
Whether or not it was intentional remains to be seen. So far it is being treated as a boo boo.

Dutchess_III's avatar

What are you talking about @Patty_Melt? He said the post you shared was not proof of anything.

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t think Trump or any of these Republican politicians think there is purposeful fraud going on in any big way by Democrats. They just say things to rile people up and then go laugh as they watch Facebook and twitter explode. I feel them laughing behind the backs of Americans all day long.

Look at what Rick Scott tried to do. He proposed a bill saying all counts would would have to finalized election night when he knew full well not all of the mail-in ballots would be counted and mail-in would go to Biden disproportionately. Here’s an article.

I read in PA they could have started processing mail-in earlier, but many of the Republican counties refused to citing they didn’t have the staff. So, those people can work three days after the election, but none could work three days before?

I believe it is an organized and coordinated effort by some Republican leaders to not get a complete and honest count. They aren’t all in on it, we see Republican Governors and election supervisors wanting to get a full count, who care about our democracy, but then there are people like Scott and Trump who obviously want to cheat. They are the cheaters.

Patty_Melt's avatar

@dutchess, you got a lot of room to talk. I saw you live chatting on a conservative YT livestream.

Dutchess_III's avatar

You did? Don’t suppose you want to share it with us, because I don’t recall chatting on YouTube ever in my life.
Now you just lying and making shit up.

Patty_Melt's avatar

It was ABL. He has regular live chats and plain as day I saw a comment from dutchess, spelled just like that. I commented right after, but I didn’t see anymore from you.
I don’t remember just what was said. It is always very fast conversation, dozens of comments go by in only a minute. The only one I remember at all was somebody said it was their birthday.
Oh, and some woman was disappointed to learn that ABL was recently married.
If I wasn’t so stunned to see you there, I would have backed it up to get a screenshot.

ragingloli's avatar

a dutchess, or duchess, is the wife of a duke. it really should not be surprising that multiple people would decide to use that term.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

@Patty_Melt Here is an article explaining Antrim County results. It was a problem with unofficial results and not the official counts.

Detroit Free Press – Antrim vote glitch: Expert shares how county mistakenly flipped from red to blue – ”“The erroneous reporting of unofficial results from Antrim county was a result of accidental error on the part of the Antrim County clerk,” the state agency that oversees elections said in a news release.

There was no problem with the voting machines or vote totals, which were preserved on tapes printed from the tabulators, the state said.”

“All ballots were properly tabulated. However, the clerk accidentally did not update the software used to collect voting machine data and report unofficial results.”

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

@Patty_Melt Here’s one Republican response to the Republican disinformation campaign:

Tina Barton, Rochester Michigan City Clerk – “As a Clerk, my job is to run the elections fairly and securely. All ballots are and have been accounted for. There were no missing ballots. The accusation that 2,000 ballots were found is categorically false.

“As a Republican, I am disturbed that this is intentionally being mischaracterized to undermine the election process.

“This was an isolated mistake that quickly rectified once realized.

“Every voter should have complete confidence in our voting system. Every vote that was cast was counted accurately and there is a paper ballot backup.

“I stand by our reported results.”

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

They’re working to incite violence.

Company run by top Trump aide sent texts to supporters to protest outside Philadelphia ballot counting site: report – “The unmarked messages were blasted out from phone numbers leased by Opn Sesame, a company run by Trump campaign digital director Gary Coby that offers text services to Republican candidates, according to the Washington Post.”

“ALERT: Radical Liberals & Dems are trying to steal this election from Trump!” began the short text, sent in the hours before Democratic candidate Joe Biden took the lead in the state.

“We need YOU! Show your support at the corner of 12th St. & Arch St. in Philadelphia.”

Response moderated (Personal Attack)
Demosthenes's avatar

The race has been called for Biden. It’s over, folks.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Pennsylvania for a win !

jca2's avatar

@Patty_Melt: You can’t imagine that other people on other sites might call themselves “Dutchess?”

Dutchess_III's avatar

Thank you @jca2. There are actually several of them out there, same misspelling and all, which was kind of disappointing. I thought I was unique!

Darth_Algar's avatar

“Someone on the internet has a common name I recognize. Must be the same person!”

cookieman's avatar

Fuck all that nonsense. The Associated Press has called it. Biden Wins!

Awaiting the biggest temper tantrum ever.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Things seem pretty quiet at the moment @cookieman BUT herr trump has yet to publicly comment cuz he’s curled up in the corner of his bunker, sucking his thumb.
But I imagine he’ll come up kicking and screaming.


Brian1946's avatar

Although I’ve never seen any of his posts, I know there at least used to be a Brian1946 on YT, and I know it isn’t me.

This is because when I joined YT, that username was already in use.

So if a name with one out of about 10,000 different possible numerical suffixes is the same as mine but isn’t me, then it’s even more likely with a name having no suffix.

cookieman's avatar

@Dutchesz_III: sooonn

Dutchess_III's avatar

We’ll see.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Finally Trump found the sense to shut up?

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Brian there may be 10000 people with the name Brian, but none could replace you, at least in my mind :)

Incoherency_'s avatar


”...none could replace you, at least in my mind.”

I used to have that same specific problem, but I found a good therapist, and now my mind is Brianless! ;=D

Brian1946's avatar


”... now my mind is Brianless!”

You mistakenly transposed the i & the a.
Here’s the correction:
” my mind is Brainless!”

Strauss's avatar

@cookieman Awaiting the biggest temper tantrum ever.

(December 6, 2020)
I hope you weren’t disappointed!

Patty_Melt's avatar

God bless Texas!

okay, yeah, I’m an atheist, but I believe in Texas enough to make up for it.

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