General Question

Caravanfan's avatar

How are you all feeling?

Asked by Caravanfan (13989points) November 4th, 2020

So it’s The Day After. How are you all doing?

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79 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Hungry and tired.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Uneasy ,ill, and disheartened I realized your country had a boat load of red neck fright wingers, and they learned absolutely nothing from 4 years of the Don Father.
If you get stuck with the Don Father,the only way he thinks to beat Covid is heard immunity, that is going to make your job that much harder I feel for you,keep up the great work even if the IDIOTS in charge won’t.

JLeslie's avatar

I just forwarded this onto my timeline on Facebook when I saw it on a friend’s timeline:

“Today feels like the whole country is waiting for an STD result.”


I’m fine. Just want it over. I’m happy so far with how most of my closest friends are reacting. Just being patient. Especially, my Republican friends seem more at ease, which is odd, and they all seem to think Biden won. I feel like we still don’t know.

I have my dad freaking out. Ugh. If Trump wins I’ll have to probably deal with my dad calling me daily with how I should plan to leave the country. That will be annoying.

gorillapaws's avatar

Like a drunk dude forced my sober, designated driver into the passenger seat at gunpoint and may have just managed to drive us home in one piece after several close calls with him slurring: “I told you there’s nothin’ to worry ‘bout! Quit your worryin’! an yer yappin’!”

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Pretty disappointed in people. Not for the reasons you’d think. I’ve written an answer to this and deleted so many times over and over. Truth is, nobody gives a shit unless you’re saying what they want to hear. Everyone is tired and so am I.

Jeruba's avatar

Fretful, anxious, uneasy, tired. The fact that as of right now, on Wednesday afternoon, it could still go either way is encouraging in some sense, but like many others I mainly just want it to be over.

If things go one way, a whole lot of people will be angry; if they go the other, a whole lot of people will be sad. That difference alone (if it’s as I perceive it) is so emblematic of disunion and disjunction that I fear it will take decades to heal, if it ever can. A very real thought, to me, is that it could be time to scrap it and start over. However, there are too many cynical and malignant players who would move into a void like that and take extreme advantage of our distress.

Meanwhile, we know Trump has to have his rallies. They are oxygen to him. So what will he be campaigning for now? A second term—or a third? Either way, he’s not going to give us any peace. He has no peace to give.

Demosthenes's avatar

Apprehensive. Not because I care about who wins (I’d truly at this point be fine with either Trump or Biden winning) but because the win is likely to be very marginal and I’m worried there will be violence and unrest as a result.

RocketGuy's avatar

Disappointed that middle America got duped into voting for Trump again. Are they so biased that they won’t look behind the curtain? They’re going to be all upset if Trump loses, thinking that the election was stolen by libruls, Deep State, whatever Qanon/Faux News/Alex Jones comes up with.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I’m a little anxious and tired. I’m really sick of people bashing the other side at this point. Our country is divided in half, so if you still don’t get it, then you never will. Those close numbers are a commentary on our disconnect with each other.

Half my family is gloating over a Biden win, the other half is telling me to wait patiently, it could be weeks to sort all this out. There were some wins that I applaud across the states and party lines that makes me hopeful.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Apprehensive, but hopeful. And ready for a good nights rest.

JLeslie's avatar

It now looks like Biden will win, and oddly that causes me some stress. The country still has hard times ahead, and I feel like it will all be blamed on the Democrats and there will be a drastic change again in 4 years and I have no idea what that change will be.

I don’t feel Biden is drastic or extreme, but the reaction still might be. I hate to be negative, I guess it’s my “waiting for the other shoe to drop“ type of personality.

I’m going to stifle my anxiety though, and just be glad for the win if it happens.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Cautiously optimistic. A little disappointed that the Republicans will probably keep the Senate. More to the point, that Mitch McConnell will keep control of the Senate in his putrefying hands.

If Biden does win the White House I don’t expect big strides over the next few years. And the country may well remain in turmoil for awhile. But at least it won’t be the man who’s supposed to lead the country fanning the flames. I think we could all use a breather from that.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Waiting for Godot.

and I don’t Trump will leave office with “kicking and screaming.”

Jeruba's avatar

@Tropical_Willie, what was your second line intended to say?

jca2's avatar

I’m with @Darth_Algar in the “Cautiously Optimistic” category as of 9:30 Eastern time Wednesday night. Still it can end up either way, but it’s not looking too shabby right now.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I just happened across something informative, though irreverent, which might help ease some of the tension most of us seem to be feeling.
No matter what team you pitch for, the anxiety is real.
This was a good diversion for me. Maybe some of you can benefit from seeing it too.

Zaku's avatar

@Patty_Melt The sports analogy seems fitting. Today we were noticing how many Americans seem to relate to politics a lot like they relate to sports teams.

I think it’d be great if we stopped doing that, but it does seem to pretty much be how many people have been acting.

Patty_Melt's avatar

It’s why I came here election day. When you watch a televised game, you want at least one person in the room rooting for the other team. That way, when your own team scores, you can shout, ha-ha, loser!

Pandora's avatar

@RocketGuy You can’t fool people who don’t want to be fooled. Make no mistake. They aren’t being fooled. They believe what he’s selling because it’s in line with what they believe. It’s the quiet racist who can’t show their racism unless they feel they have broad support. It’s the person who has prospered under Trump and believes it will all disappear because someone’s grandma is collecting her social security or a hungry child in America is getting fed a school lunch. .It’s the person who doesn’t want to admit that they are the reason their life sucks and not some who has come across the border 1000 miles away and will have no effect in their life. It’s the person who believes Roe vs. Wade is all that matters. The list is long and has many reasons. But being fooled isn’t one of them.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Pandora Wrong. He’s selling because of our belief system, not vice versa. He was a ProChoice Democrat.
But you are welcome to your narrative, as always, true or not.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

The gangster and bigot can do no wrong in his followers eyes ! @Pandora

That was the reason Hitler came to power, he brought lies, blaming minorities for the countries ills and broken promises; the German mainstream population went to war because they accepted them a true and fulfilled their needs.

anniereborn's avatar

At this point I am really frustrated and antsy.

JLeslie's avatar

This seems to be a full account of the Sharpie question.. Basically, not a problem.

I think there will be some recounts. Everyone just needs to be patient. Most states have rules for automatic recounts or requested recounts. I am fine with a candidate requesting a recount in very close elections. I am fine with an audit or observers, but from experienced elections supervisors and lawyers and both parties present. Not some random person Trump wants to hire. Not a crowd of people.

The men with rifles who are protesting about the count need to stop with the guns! Why do they need guns? I’m so tired of it. It looked to me like some of these crowds are right on the steps of elections places or some sort of government building? They need to step back! I am fine with protests, but not this type of intimidation. This behavior is what worries me more than anything. Innocent people can get hurt.

jca2's avatar

@JLeslie: Trumpers need to learn that just because they don’t like the way things are going doesn’t make it ok to come around with guns and intimidation and things will magically flip their way.

JLeslie's avatar

@jca2 Most Republicans are not crazy like that. These extremists groups are terrifying. Ironically, they are part of the reason Trump might lose. Trump feeding those groups is a big reason why I have Republican friends who will not vote for Trump this time. That and how he is handling covid, but the two are actually tied together.

jca2's avatar

@JLeslie: On the news today they said a big reason why he lost AZ is because of insulting John McCain. I don’t get the logic of insulting a decorated war hero who spent 5 years as a Prisoner of War, saying he’s not a hero.

JLeslie's avatar

@jca2 I have been saying that for days. Cindy McCain was out in force telling AZ to vote for Biden. Telling Republicans to have the courage to vote for Biden. Trump being a bully to McCain may have cost Trump the election. Not only insulting McCain for his time served in the military, but also being horrible to McCain when he voted to keep the ACA intact. Trump can’t deal with people who don’t agree with him, he does his best to condescend to them and try to use pressure to get them to conform to his will. That was not working with McCain.

jca2's avatar

@JLeslie: I would like to see Trumpers who love Trump, defend his insulting of John McCain. They defend and justify everything he does and says. I’m curious what they say about that.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@jca2 I didn’t like it at all. I didn’t like his mouthing off or his tweets either. Doesn’t mean I’d rather have a liberal crap economy and $5 gallons of gas though.

jca2's avatar

@KNOWITALL: I just asked it as a new question in Social.

JLeslie's avatar

@jca2 I think a lot of Republicans didn’t like it. They care more about other issues though, they are afraid of Liberal policies. The fear keeps them in line. That is why Cindy spoke of courage I think.

Darth_Algar's avatar


You do understand the the President has very little effect on gas prices, right? Oil is a commodity sold on a global market. And it’s a speculative market to boot. What you pay at the pump isn’t set on what that fuel cost this week, it’s set on what they think it will cost next week, based on global conditions. The reason gas has been so cheap in recent years is because of factors such as a glut in oil production and a price war between Russia and Saudi Arabia (two of the world’s biggest oil producers).

Pandora's avatar

@KNOWITALL So you are arguing against me and saying they were fooled?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Darth_Algar I do, correlation vs causation. Libya was the cause of very high gas prices during Obama. Just as crude oil dropped in April 2020 during Trump’s presidency.

@Pandora Not the original sentiment, but the examples/qualifiers yes.

Darth_Algar's avatar


Libya isn’t even among the top 10 oil producing nations. And Trumpypoo had little to do with low oil prices this year. Correlation vs causation indeed. Do not confuse the two.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Exhausted. Why the hell are the results taking so long? And I am stunned at the number of people that voted for trump. I can not fathom it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Also, my eyes hurt.

Caravanfan's avatar

Wow. This went downhill.
Sorry I asked the question now. I should have known better.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Don’t beat yourself up for asking a question pal. This is a microcosm of the country, politics in this nation have been going downhill for years.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I thought you were asking in reference to the election….

JLeslie's avatar

Getting more paranoid about unrest.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Just stay at home @JLeslie. You’ll be fine.

JLeslie's avatar

@Dutchess_III Unlikely to have a problem where I live, even though gun ownership is very high in this part of Florida. I’m more worried about other parts of the country.

jca2's avatar

I just saw on the news, Trump is saying the mail in votes “went one way.” Yet he told the attendees at his rallies to vote in person (Republicans), so therefore, most mail in votes would be “one way” (blue).

Dutchess_III's avatar

I am so tired.

jca2's avatar

I’m reminding myself that what’s going on is what I expected and should not be surprising. Trump pulling out all the stops to try to swing votes and laws in his direction. Trump desperate, his kids desperate, his followers desperate.

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Strauss's avatar

@JLeslie …gun ownership is very high in this part of Florida.

Someone I know who works for a gun shop here in Colorado told me sales volume is up more than 50% this year to date over total for last year.

JLeslie's avatar

@Strauss Terrifying. I’m ok with the right to bear arms, but with restrictions. These people are loading up on guns getting ready for what they perceive as the apocalypse. Or, something akin to civil war or fighting the government.

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anniereborn's avatar

I’m feeling stressed and depressed.

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Dutchess_III's avatar

hugs @Anniereborn. ((( )))

Rainbowluvbug's avatar

I know this was a month ago. I am new. But the day after, I was feeling nervous but good. I had a feeling Biden was winning but I was still not too sure. :)

Patty_Melt's avatar

I’ve been terribly sick for over two weeks. I just got out of the hospital Sunday night.
Now I’m catching up on the news, fake and not fake.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

So @Patty_Melt what was the fake news, and what was not fake news??

Patty_Melt's avatar

OMG, there is so much of each, I’m still trying to grapple my way up to date!
Texas, Pennsylvania, Kraken (WTF?), missing trucks from USPS, luggage that isn’t, Dominion, Rudy caught 19, ...
Yikes! I’m spinning with trying to digest even some!
And, fingers crossed they send out stimulus checks next week. I have plenty of businesses I would love to stimulate.

Right now watching Charlie Brown Christmas. It makes the best sense of anything I’ve seen since leaving the hospital.

Look! Sally made a Xmas tree fall over! She’s a born boss, like Mcananey.

Dutchess_III's avatar

What were you sick with?

Nomore_lockout's avatar

I’m still feeling the Bern. But I can settle for Biden since I had no alternative but vote for him as the lesser of the two evils. But an organ grinders monkey would be preferable to Orange Man. Bernie’s day will come. And many of us are as enthusiastic about our boy Bernie as Trump fans are about Trump/ Don’t write our guy off yet. SANDERS 2024 FEEL THE BERN!!!

Dutchess_III's avatar

I do hope the DNC nominates him. I’m just concerned that his followers arent really ready to pay the price for the things he advocates.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

We’ll get it worked out. Better than paying out tax money to the Pentagon for an $800.00 screw driver.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

We need to get us a gimmick like the Trump Turds had with Trump. I already saw an ocean of blue caps at a few Sanders rallies last year. Similar to the Trumpy red hats. We just need a logo. MAHA? Make America Healthy Again!

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