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jca2's avatar

How do people that support Trump justify his insulting of John McCain?

Asked by jca2 (17152points) November 5th, 2020

I was discussing this on another q with one of the Jellies.

All the time, Trump supporters can justify mostly anything he says or does. Calling women “horse face,” making fun of people’s weight, making fun of a reporter having Cerebral Palsy, talking about grabbing women by the pussy – so many things, so many justifications and so much defense. Trump supporters will say they like that he has no filter. OK, but how do Trump supporters justify and defend him saying John McCain was “not a hero?” John McCain, decorated war hero, who spent 5 years (more than 5 years actually) as a Prisoner of War. John McCain, who, when the people holding him captive found out who he was (who his father was), offered him the chance to leave the prison and return to the US, yet he refused, wanting to stay along with his fellow prisoners until all were freed.

Please explain how John McCain can be called “not a hero” by Trump and how that can be defended by Trump supporters.

Not that this has been discussed as being a possible reason why Trump lost the Presidential vote in Arizona, John McCain’s home state.

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31 Answers

hmmmmmm's avatar

John McCain was not a hero. And he was a horrible person.

The fact that Trump said it doesn’t make it wrong.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

They either tune it out and pretend he never said it,or claim it’s fake news by the evil left.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

He never said that, its all a conspiracy and more fake news by the deep state New World Order. No more of that, lest you be incarcerated in a Sam’s Club tire cage. Hillary and Obama are watching. (eyeroll)

Zaku's avatar

It’s really hard for me to relate to anyone thinking this would be the one thing that’s particularly hard to get past in embracing Trump! It does seem like a case of “he wasn’t nice to me, so I’m going to make up mean things to say about him publicly”, and I suppose by the standards of other recent Republican politicians, some people might think of McCain as a relative paragon of wonderfulness in comparison, but it certainly seems to me like almost everything else Trump says or does tends to be as bad or worse.

But I imagine the answer is probably something like “Trump is the captain of our s̶p̶o̶r̶t̶s̶ er… political team, and no one should ever disrespect the POTUS, and McCain seems to have disrespected the POTUS for no reason (that I am willing to remember right now) so it’s ok Trump disrespects him back.” Or something.

Demosthenes's avatar

They don’t. They don’t care. That’s one thing people don’t get about Trump supporters. They don’t care that he’s unpleasant. They care about what he gets done. Democrats are so focused on Trump’s personality that they don’t pay attention to what makes him actually appeal to voters. The people who support him, if they don’t love his brash personality (and some certainly do), look past it. Evangelicals don’t care that Trump isn’t a model Christian. They care they he will appoint pro-life justices to the Supreme Court, which he has done. It’s about the ends, not the means. It always has been.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Its a bully mentality and his followers are like him, lacking in emotional maturity .

The rest of the world recognizes John McCain’s sacrifice and that he was a hero and

any kind of degradation towards that fact is seen as such by the emotionally mature


Trump’s emotional maturity behavior is that of a 13 year old, when he was sent away

from his family and thus has arrested development being stuck at age 13 years old

and acting like it.

Zaku's avatar

Yeah, Trump supporters love the removal of environmental protections so our parks can be logged, mined, and drilled for oil… And they love how he gets corporate saboteurs appointed to practically all our regulatory agencies…

… because they’re totally getting that trickle-down goodness.

And all that big beautiful pork barrel er highly effective wall and wonderful brown child detention camps… and Muslim bans to protect them from being completely overrun by all those terrorist white-woman-raping-left-and-right Muslim people they have in commie/socialist Europe.

And they love how he’s accomplishing filling the Supreme Court with borderline personality disordered right-wing wackos who will push right-wing agendas such as stopping THE BABY KILLINGS and God-sent disasters caused by legalizing THE GAY MARRIAGE, and tip the scales in other right-wing political deeds and misdeeds such as maybe helping Trump get re-elected or whatever’s convenient, because ACCOMPLISHING stacking the Supreme Court with partisan tools is a “yay we win.”

ALL those accomplishments…

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

People like Trump because he’s an asshole, not in spite of it.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

John McCain was not a hero. And he was a horrible person.

Trump attacked McCain and whipped up hatred among his followers specifically because McCain failed to support the repeal of Obamacare.

I was no fan of McCain, because most of his positions, and for his literal embrace of Bush Jr. after disgusting treatment from the Bush campaign.

But Trump is not right on this one. His behavior is deliberately mean-spirited and petty.

hmmmmmm's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay – Again, just because Trump said something doesn’t make it wrong. You’re going into the motivation of Trump’s statements – not the statement itself. I’m just saying that the statement itself (“not a hero”) is true, regardless of who said it and their motivations.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Trump is without a doubt the greatest lesson in my lifetime on the irrational and frightening delusional capabilities of people. After a 4 year demonstration, the actual conclusion to be drawn from the results is that there is no standard of moral or ethical behavior so vile as to serve as a check on political ambition. Trump’s brags that he can snatch pussy and murder anyone without consequence on the White House lawn are fundamentally correct. The last 4 years can be defined as virtually a daily demonstration of this, and yet half the electorate of the country either haven’t noticed or just plain don’t give a shit. That the man is the premium model for moral degeneracy is bad enough, but his bonus for exhibiting the intellect of a corn cob would lead one to expect any observer to draw the correct conclusions. The worst thing Trump has achieved for me is that he has managed to imbue within me the same contempt for the people of this country which he so splendidly exhibits himself.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@stanleybmanly Just know that here in the middle, that’s exactly what’s on people’s minds. One of my friends even said to his brother, he lost because of all that Pu$$y he grabbed.

We all know there are thing’s we overlooked for the ‘end game’ as @Demosthenes alluded to, and perhaps we shouldn’t have. It’s time for many Reps to do some soul-searching, for sure.

jca2's avatar

@KNOWITALLL It ain’t over till it’s over and I feel like Trump could still win. Either way, if Biden wins or Trump wins, both parties should do some soul searching. Last time, when Hillary won, Dems were saying the Dems should do some soul searching. This time, a lot of people were not thrilled with Biden as I’m sure you know, but many voted because “anything but Trump.” Biden squeaked by because many didn’t like Trump, not that they were enamored with Biden.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

One thing for certain I have never seen or learned about any President that has divided the US the way Trump has,regardless if you have liberal values or conservative ones,Trump has Rep/cons simply hating Democrats and vica versa .
In the end shouldn’t both sides work together to find a common ground for the good of everyone?

stanleybmanly's avatar

@KNOWITALL It isn’t that he lost. The fact that after that horrific 4 year show, the election is even close proves just how hopeless things have become. I’m getting tired of telling suckers what they deny seeing with their own eyes. Why should I resist treating them with the same contempt with which Trump bathes them to receive glowing adoration as his reward?

stanleybmanly's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I’m afraid you can’t blame Trump for the division. It makes more sense to regard Trump as the all star recruit drawn in to reinforce and widen the gap. I mean all of us have lived through the past 4 years. If after that horror show nearly half the voters of this country saw fit to vote for this fucking degenerate idiot, this place probably deserves EXACTLY what’s coming to it.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I don’t hate anyone, but I do hate what the division has caused us to feel, do and say to each other. During Obama’s term, they were all about taking the high road and I think during Trump’s term, we all kind of sank into a more bitter rivalry than we could have anticipated.

@stanleybmanly I honestly don’t feel like there is anything wrong with being Pro-Life and wanting illegal immigrants to be vetted before entering our communities, that’s why both are legal issues. Just like there’s nothing wrong with caring about the environment and LGBTQ rights. We are allowed to have different beliefs.
But wallowing in the mud, just because he did, wasn’t right, on either side. i honestly feel like many Dems went way over the line of civility over the last three years, some Reps did as well, and it’ll take awhile for me to get over being called a racist and fascist over and over for years.
Even this week, as you say, the numbers were so close, it was either man’s win. That, to me, is the biggest takeaway from this week. We are a country divided morally and ethically.

@jca2 Well for me, it’s over and Trump lost. I have no problem accepting it although due to my beliefs, it’s a hard pill to swallow right this second.

In a way, it’s like the pea and the princess, I’m looking forward to peace of mind and if Sleepy Joe can get us there, I’ll give him that chance, just like any other President. Ya’ll know I’m going to show him respect because that’s just another core value of mine. You win some, you lose some.

jca2's avatar

@KNOWITALL: I’m glad you acknowledge that Reps went over the line also, the past few years. I have some Rep friends on FB who think nothing of making reference to “libtards” and and baby killers and phrases like that. They call Obama “Barry” and they still talk about Crooked Hillary, even after 4 years. Even on Fluther, some talk about putting HIllary and Obama in jail. They went on and on about Obama not being a citizen. It’s like really, get over it by now. Not directing that toward you, I’m directing it toward my friends on FB and here who talk about Crooked Hillary and Barry.

jca2's avatar

@KNOWITALL: My fingers are crossed for Biden but I still feel like it ain’t over till it’s over and I’m sure Trump is going to come out swinging in order to keep the presidency.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@jca2 I’ve probably heard far more than you, since I’m in the middle of red country and yes, it’s pretty awful. But it was pretty hard with shout your abortion, the NY abortion law, being called a racist and fascist, too. I think we all deserve a break. And I’m considering very much voting Libertarian in future, as this entire debacle has broken my spirit for either Dems or Reps.

Trump can swing all he wants, but if it’s legal, which most appear to be, he should let it go. We’re all tired, and I don’t think he’ll have much support in a prolonged legal battle. I’m tired of defending him, being called names, and just want to get back to that Obama high road where we all acted a little more human with each other.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@KNOWITALL I agree that you cannot fault people for holding either of those convictions. I take strong issue with Trump as the remedy for either. Those are important issues, and those holding your opinion I do believe both valid and righteous. But those issues are peripheral to whether Trump is a suitable President.

Darth_Algar's avatar

@KNOWITALL “i honestly feel like many Dems went way over the line of civility over the last three years, some Reps did as well”

I have yet to see any Democratic politician physically assault someone for asking a question they didn’t like. I have yet to see Democratic supporters try to run a campaign bus off the road. I have yet to see Democratic supporters arm themselves and crown around ballot counting stations in an attempt to intimidate them into stopping the count.

“I’m looking forward to peace of mind and if Sleepy Joe can get us there, I’ll give him that chance, just like any other President. Ya’ll know I’m going to show him respect because that’s just another core value of mine.”

As evidenced by your use of the very respectful “Sleepy Joe”.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Darth_Algar Okay, I’m not doing tit for tat anymore, bro. You won, just enjoy it.

Darth_Algar's avatar


It’s not “tit-for-tat” or trying to “win” anything. It’s pointing out the inconsistencies in your own statements. Sorry you can’t handle it.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Darth_Algar Sure man, I’m not the one saying my side was perfect, I fully admit to the faults I saw.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Trump has neither the intelligence or the self awareness to do any soul searching.

Darth_Algar's avatar


If you can quote anywhere where I’ve said my side was perfect then I’ll concede the point.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Darth_Algar No, you didn’t claim perfection, thank God. You can google the list of crimes of politicians, I’ve posted here before, and neither side has any moral high ground.

It’s just hard to take your biased little list above after this summer’s events.

stanleybmanly's avatar

We’ve drifted away from the actual topic of this question, but one fascinating aspect of Trump that puzzles the shit out of me is just how obtuse the man can be when running his mouth. For example, what possible need had the fool for badmouthing a national hero? It’s been an unbelievable 4 years of a President exhibiting the judgement of a 4 year old with no diminishing enthusiasm on the part of his worshipers. In fact the fool as idiot magnet is unsurpassed at drawing out the nation’s miscreants with maga caps now the official badge for designating cognitive impairment.

Darth_Algar's avatar


Your mistake is in assuming that I put stock in such things like “moral high ground”. Moral high ground is for idealists and dreamers. I’m much too pragmatic for such quaint notions.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Darth_Algar Same. That’s why I kinda like you against my own will. You annoy me but you’re often correct. :D

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