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Jeruba's avatar

Why aren't they bugged by flying insects?

Asked by Jeruba (56208points) November 5th, 2020

If I leave a door or unscreened window open for any length of time, I’m going to have some fly or moth coming in that drives me nuts.

Yet supermarkets and drugstores and medical offices and other places that leave their doors standing open or else have them constantly opening and closing do not seem to have this problem. Why? Why aren’t there moths buzzing around the lights in the produce section, or flies in the meat department?

Not that I want to see them there, but how come, anyway?

I even have neighbors who leave an unscreened front door open in pleasant weather. They don’t seem to have crane flies flitting around their walls.

I do remember that some birds nested in the beams of a downtown supermarket once upon a time, and the store guys had a terrible time getting rid of them. Droppings were a problem. It made me wonder why that doesn’t happen more often.

I seldom see pests or vermin of any kind in places I visit—and that’s a good thing!—but it doesn’t seem right that flying insects hang around my door looking for opportunity when they pass up much bigger opportunities elsewhere.

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6 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

Are you delicious? I am disproportionately delicious, and they fill my house at any opportunity. I must exude some hard-core “come hither” pheromones.
There is probably a much more complex explanation for stores and stuff, but your personal dwelling may have some delicious residents.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

When I was working at a convenience store we had a moth infestation and they laid eggs everywhere. I also had a cockatoo flying in the store.

JLeslie's avatar

One of the things I love best about my homes in Florida is the large screened in patios specifically because I hate the worry of flying insects.

In an urban area there may not be flowers for bees to be attracted to nor food regularly around to attract flies to create a normal flight path through the area. Commercial businesses usually regularly spray for pests.

My city must spray like crazy, because there are very few mosquitos and bugs. I still never would leave my door open without a screen.

I’m delicious as @canidmajor described. All flying bugs love me and bite and sting me. Currently, I have three bites on my thigh that form the points of a perfect isosceles triangle. My husband says it’s spider bites not mosquito. I don’t know, all I know is I spray my house and screen and wear clothes to try to avoid bugs coming after me.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I am poisonous to cave crickets.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Many stores have a set of two doors to enter. Most shops have hefty vents blowing heat or AC that gets sucked out when the doors open.

JLeslie's avatar

@Pied_Pfeffer I think you’re right that the double sets of doors help, but most stores and buildings in Florida don’t have them. We do have double doors for supermarkets and stores like Home Depot and some department stores, but that’s about it. Even in Home Depot not all the entrances from the outside have double sets of doors. It’s more of a cold climate thing.

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