Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Do you think Republicans are losing sleep and stressing out over the results of the vote like many democrats are?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47209points) November 6th, 2020

Or are they like I’ve always been in the past; “Well I hope my guy wins but if he doesn’t it will still be OK.”
I just don’t feel it will be “OK” if Trump wins again.

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24 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

Well, they are out there in force, trying to break into counting stations to stop the count and steal the election.
They are probably not getting any sleep while doing that.

KNOWITALL's avatar

There are some really upset and convinced of cheating. Then there are those like me that pray Gods will be done. If thats Biden, so be it.

Kropotkin's avatar

Republicans should be pleased.

A ‘moderate republican’ is about 99.99% certain of becoming the next President.

Trump zealots and Qanon-ers probably think it’s the end of the world.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

I doubt that. They probably take the view of where there’s a will (to cheat) there’s a way.

chyna's avatar

I love how the so called “cheating “ is only in states that Biden has won or is winning. The states that trump win are all legit. Hmmm.

kritiper's avatar

Democrats probably have already given into the notion that Trump will win so they are losing no sleep. As any lead Trump may have had slips slowly away, the Republicans would lose sleep tumultuously. more and more so.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Top ranking Republican are telling Trump to “sit down and shut-up !”

stanleybmanly's avatar

I believe that the smattering of Republicans with any sense have braced themselves to expect Trump to act a fool and embarrass both his party and his country on his way out the door. In anticipation of this, you can bet that none of us are going to be disappointed.

cookieman's avatar

The handful of Trump-lovers (notice I didn’t say Republicans) I know have been vewy, vewy quiet these past couple days.

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KNOWITALL's avatar

@cookieman @stanleybmanly There’s not much to say yet. (shrug)

stanleybmanly's avatar

@cookieman the mods don’t allow us to mention them by name (avatar) but their silence is deafening. Response moderated no reason given.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

@cookieman The thrill of victory, the agony of defeat?

stanleybmanly's avatar

No time to waste on the lost cause. On to the next disinformation adventure, probably with a new identity. The m o will probably be recognizable. Let’s watch for it.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Well apparently several Virginia men were arrested over alleged plot to attack Pennsylvania vote-counting site.

They were in a Hummer headed for the Pennsylvania ballots counting center !

Nomore_lockout's avatar

I just heard a rumor from a neighbor, that Trump has said he will not leave the WH unless he is forced to go. It is a rumor isn’t it? Even Trump can’t be that bat shit crazy. Can he?

ragingloli's avatar

@Nomore_lockout “Even Trump can’t be that bat shit crazy. Can he?”
How many times these past 4 years has this question been asked, with the answer being ”Yes. Yes he is.”?

Inspired_2write's avatar

I would think that Republicans are being rudely awakened to the fact that they have backed and were duped into Trumps trap of lies, heating and manipulations.
Like everything else he had done in the past ( patterns) he once again uses people for his ends only.
Wake up time is here.

chyna's avatar

After his speech last night, where he sounded bat shit crazy, I have to wonder if his followers are finally seeing him as the idiot that he is. Maybe the Covid affected his brain, too.

Jaxk's avatar

The voting is over, the counting is nearing the end, the results are in your favor, and you still feel it necessary to make up conspiracy theories. Who is the bat shit crazy one here?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Jaxk Well, you have to admit some crazy stuff is happening in several parts of the US. I’m on your side, but this is Trump’s legal fight, not we the people. Unless fraud is proven without a shadow of a doubt, of course.

Aster's avatar

I was stressed out last night but the house was too hot so I didnt sleep well at all. This election is torture.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

@Jaxk By conspiracy theories I assume you are talking about Trump’s speech last night, correct?

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