Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

Do you think things will calm down if Biden becomes the US president?

Asked by JLeslie (65903points) November 6th, 2020

I hear Democrats say the country will calm down when Biden is president. I honestly don’t understand why they think that. Do you think it is true? If yes or no, please tell me why.

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86 Answers

Patty_Melt's avatar

There will be upheaval no matter who wins.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

As I said before on a different but similar thread, the United States is not some banana republic, where violence is seen as a resort when elections don’t turn one way or another. I’m hoping the majority will accept what comes, which ever side wins. That said, I can’t see Biden exhorting the far left to violence, in the way that Trump seems to approve the antics of the Patriot Boys and others.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

The upheaval if Biden wins will be th Qanons and Fright wing militia trying to over throw the government !

hmmmmmm's avatar

Calm down?

JLeslie's avatar

Do they mean just immediately after the election is decided? Like what is mentioned above regarding rioting in third world countries after an election? I thought people are talking about the country calming down compared to the last four years.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

I think it’s possible with time and work. For example, law enforcement needs a major overhaul in this country. There has to be an end to these judicial murders by police and that’s what they are. Shoot some guy in the back 20 times, who’s RUNNING away? How the hell does that pose a threat to the officer? Send chosen leaders to Britain if necessary, have them study the policing methods in the U.K. Or send people to Canada to observe the RCMP. There are things that can be done. That’s just one example, of an effort that might curb passions of the BLM people. Things can be tried. Better than throwing up our hands and having a national pity party.

JLeslie's avatar

But, you all think QAnon and other alt-right groups stop all of their false information across social media and cable news both left and right won’t be attacking spinning and editing to rile up the bases of the parties, and Republicans and Democrats start being more united? Republicans stop being hysterical that Kamala will make America a communist state?

Nomore_lockout's avatar

I’m hoping that cooler and calmer heads will prevail.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I think he will deal with Covid a million times better than the Don Father,the rest will take time but have no fear the Rep/cons will be there obstructing him every inch of the way.

JLeslie's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I was going to ask a Biden covid Q also. A friend of mine thinks Biden will shut down the country again. I don’t see that happening. I honestly did not think about that being done at all. I don’t see people where I live being compliant. Not the QAnon set, and we have a lot of them here.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Both sides showing violence is disgusting,gee @Patty_Melt how about this one where they forced a Biden bus off the road.. Oh and Trump praised them for this,that sit well with you?

Patty_Melt's avatar

Nobody forced the bus over.
If the driver was scared, then that is personal nature. Nobody made an attack.

I will agree with you that attacks from either side are disgusting.

My links are illustrating a view of who has really been guilty of attacks.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

This is a real question for @Patty_Melt you going to move with Trump to Ukraine (or wherever he goes that doesn’t have extradition treaty with US) after Biden is declared President ? ? ?

He moving so half a dozen states don’t arrest him ! ! !


Were you there ?

Which Truck was yours? ?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Good grief there are plenty of You Tube videos showing Trump supporters being the violent ones,if I post them is that illustrating who has been really guilty of attacks as well?
Both sides have to be called on the violence, but remember Trump Praised the people trying to force that buss off the road, and that is truly disgusting,

Demosthenes's avatar

Not really. The pandemic is not going to stop if Biden becomes president. The fact that there were riots when Obama was president shows that that won’t stop either. The division will continue. The media will have to find new things to talk about, though. A Biden presidency could be very boring.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

A Biden presidency could be very boring.^^^^^that would be fantastic deal with the Pandemic and start working together for the good of everyone in your country not just the top 1%.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Well imagine the alternative, Trump is reelected, passes away in office, and we get Pence. Talk about boring. Put a 24 hour camera in the Oval Office to see if he moves. “We interupt our regularly scheduled progam to bring you a special news report: Pence blinked his eyes! He really has a pulse!”

Nomore_lockout's avatar

I don’t know if Pence could lead a country, but he’d be great at leading a Zombie Apocalypse.

Inspired_2write's avatar

I think when Biden is made President the world will breath a little easier.
I just hope that Trump doesn’t make further mess of things before Biden moves in?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Nomore Please dont underestimate Pence’s ambition and real agenda, which is to rid the world of the gays and institute religion as higher than law. He even scares me.

I think if Biden handles things smartly, it will be calmer. I do like his speeches about embracing everyone, although watching him is painful.

cookieman's avatar

”A Biden presidency could be very boring.”

Yes, please.

seawulf575's avatar

Nope…won’t calm down. What will probably change is that the “crisis” of Covid will mysteriously disappear. We won’t be hearing daily updates about how the cases have been climbing. We won’t be seeing all the fear mongering about it. It will be like the illegal immigrant numbers under Obama….going up and up until people really started questioning why and then, miraculously it held at 11M for about 2 years. You know the numbers were still going up, they just weren’t admitting to it.
But the Dems created a monster when they embraced BLM and Antifa and refused to actually denounce them. They have shown that they will be able to do whatever illegal acts they like and nothing will happen. That will only get worse with Biden in the WH.

JLeslie's avatar

@seawulf575 If the country has cases go way down because more people wear masks and Biden puts in a plan to put in quicker responses to cities that spike, then will it be ok to talk about covid less? That will take some time, but it stands to reason covid might be talked about less if everyone is being compliant and helpful to prevent the spread.

I see Republicans posting on my facebook that covid must be gone and showing crowds of people celebrating about the Biden win. Almost every crowd I see for Biden has masks on, easily 95% of the crowd. Even on Fox News, so it isn’t cherry picking by CNN.

Biden has denounced Defund the Police and ALL violence and rioting, so I don’t think you have to worry about that. He will go after any groups that are inciting violence or committing treasonist acts. I believe our FBI already is.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@seawulf575 Delusional or a denier Trump is out . . . !

I’m pretty sure the Dems didn’t make-up a disease for the entire world (US is leader with 4% of world population and 26% of th COVID-19 cases) and we still don’t have a plan from Trump of how to control the outbreak.

His response of the high number of deaths “It is what it is” is shallow at best and he’d rather be golfing on the USA’s dime.

seawulf575's avatar

@JLeslie Let’s review Biden’s proposals for a moment. He said he would shut things down. He said he would work on getting a vaccine out. He said he would work with private industry to build more Covid equipment from ventilators to masks. He said he would have a mask mandate. Except for the mask mandate (and you have to admit that there are far more people wearing masks than not, now), which of these things didn’t Trump do already?
So to suddenly stop talking about it after the election is disingenuous. We have already tried shutting down. It didn’t help. We have already gotten private industry involved. It didn’t stop the virus. We have most people wearing masks in public. It hasn’t stopped (and you know how I feel about masks anyway). What is Biden suddenly going to do to stop it?

Demosthenes's avatar

We’re not going to stop talking about it. Of all the conspiracy theories I’ve heard this year, the notion that COVID is a made-up disease designed to get Trump out of office and once he is, we’ll stop hearing about it is the dumbest one so far. Tell that to India, Spain, Brazil…you mean to tell me all these countries are in on this conspiracy to get Trump out of office? It’s not going to go away just because Biden is president (in both senses).

Jeruba's avatar

It surprises me that I haven’t yet seen anyone claim that covid-19 was sent from God to minimize post-election disturbances. With many shops and offices and schools closed, and security measures already in place to manage the number of people inside a business at one time, and enforce distancing between them, it’s less likely that violence will break out. Hard to bash someone over the head on Zoom.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Covid isn’t going away because Biden is now the President, BUT I do believe he has a plan and will work with health professionals,not bash them threaten to fire them if they don’t do his bidding.
And to say Covid was made up to get rid of Trump ,really ???? the whole world is behind it then not just the evil democrats.

JLeslie's avatar

@seawulf More people are wearing masks, but plenty do not. See those Trump rallies? Even now Trump protestors about the election mostly don’t have masks on from what I’ve seen.

Today I was doing Zumba with friends on the street where a friend lives and while we were getting our music set up her neighbor came up to say hello. She was about 5 feet away, no mask, and when my friend asked how she was doing the unmasked woman replied, “not too well the treatments aren’t good, and I have some laryngitis.” She is being treated for breast cancer, but WTF is she even near us to say hello with laryngitis! Get the fuck away. I blame Trump for that type of stupidity. That would have upset me before covid, but now it’s really inexcusable.

Let’s be clear, I don’t think Trump came up with this no mask movement, I just think he knows his groupies love it, so he lets them believe the nonsense and encourages it. I don’t know if any of them will change once Trump is out of office, I can only hope.

Yesterday one woman on a Facebook thread she “doesn’t have to wear a mask because it’s not the law.” So, she needs a law?! I find that really disappointing. Let me get this right, this woman writing she can do what she wants it’s her right would wear a mask if there was a law. Just wow. These people need a mask order so they can save face with their friends. They need a mask order, because a lot of them actually are obedient to authority. Scary. I can tell you as Jew, very scary. Gives me the creeps.

As far as I know Biden has no plans for a full lockdown. Biden said at the town hall (the second “debate”) that we can’t really force people to wear a mask, but we can ask people to, and model the behavior, and make it an expectation.

Biden isn’t a dictator, he just wants to give it the old college try and accomplish squashing down the virus like other countries have so we can all feel safer and freer.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

To chime in here @JLeslie there doesn’t have to a law to wear a mask but businesses could just make it a policy,if you visit their business you have to wear a mask.

JLeslie's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Thankfully, the major chains finally did a few months ago and more people are wearing them in the stores. There’s always a few not wearing a mask.

I just went out to one of our town squares tonight and thankfully nothing political happening and the band playing tonight was awesome! In the town squares there are about 20% of people wearing masks. Our outdoor areas almost no one wears a mask. They control how many people can be in the dance area, so people can distance pretty well. Unfortunately, where I live, the benevolent leaders won’t require masks in the indoor classes in the rec centers, so I don’t go at all.

Patty_Melt's avatar

“I blame Trump for that kind of stupidity”.
That is the point exactly. People blaming any shit they find offensive on Trump.

I know Trump didn’t create covid. In fact, he put together a task force and got masks, ventilators, robot light sanitizers, and other equipment made and distributed. He got the country so well supplied we now send supplies around to other countries. Speaking of other countries, numbers are spiking elsewhere, and catching up to us, percentage wise.
Prince William got it. He tried to keep it a secret. Oh wait, doesn’t he have a brother who moved to the states? I wonder if the redhead is okay, or if Trump killed him yet.

I know just what Kayleigh meant when she said, “I can only explain it to you. I can’t understand it for you.”

In regards to fraud, I can’t blame people for being suspicious.
It may have been only accidental, but some very odd results were coming out in odd places. A software issue has been discovered. Now they have to find out how widespread it is, and if it affected the whole ballot. If whole ballots flipped, in multiple states, we have a mess to clean up to find how the House and Senate actually came out.

As far as BLM, I’m afraid I have to differ with seawolf on that one. Dementiacrats didn’t embrace BLM. They are BLM. People have looked into their funding. They have donated not one cent to anyone killed by cops, or rioters, but millions are on record going to Hillary, Biden, and other famous Dems.
That is undisputable fact.

As far as Biden being a good influence in pandemic behavior, he didn’t do so well with Nancy. The beauty shop, Chinatown, that woman can’t keep her mask on. Darn thing she does wear sometimes doesn’t even fit.

Will things quiet down? Hell no.
BLM will target Blexit big time. Pockets of resistance will go active. The country would be open to Marxist socialist invasion.

I almost hope it happens. Democrats are so quick to follow anyone offering them candy. Maybe the only way for them to see through it is to let them get thrown in the back of a van and used.
The only thing worse than an habitual criminal is an habitual victim.

JLeslie's avatar

@Patty_Melt The problem I see with BLM is you, and many Republicans, would define it differently than many Democrats. I have Republicans saying it’s a Marxist movement while most Democrats just see it as a civil rights movement for equal opportunity for all.

Plus, Republicans refuse to listen to Democrats who immediately said Defund the Police is idiotic and whoever is saying that should shut the hell up. No, Republicans WANT to believe Democrats want to get rid of the police and have total chaos.

You’re right that the woman I talked about was probably an idiot with or without Trump, but Trump did encourage no masks. He always says he was fine with masks. He didn’t wear a mask because he was tested and distanced (which I have always been fine with, I think the media covered that point really poorly) but Trump gave QAnon and the alt-right power to spread the no-mask rumors and mantra.

Trump speaks out of both sides of his mouth and his supporters hear what they want to hear and his haters hear what they want to hear, and for some reason I hear all of it.

jca2's avatar

@JLeslie: There’s a cut and paste post going around on FB where they’re saying that gas prices will go up, “our guns are going to be taken,” there will be no more police, Taxes are going to go up, “illegals are going to stream in,” and a whole bunch of other unlikely and impossible theories. It’s fear-mongering and stirring shit.

seawulf575's avatar

@Jeruba you really believe that? That Covid-19 minimizes violence? Look around!!! Look at all the cities that were taken over by protesters. Look at all the looting and the violence by those protesters. And look at all the Dem Governors that changed their Covid edicts about gatherings to support those protests. I know here in NC they changed the rules so that people couldn’t gather in groups of more than 10 (even in church…a First Amendment right) but then immediately changed it to say that if you are protesting you should try to keep it to groups of less than 100. Their reasoning? Protesting is a First Amendment right. You do see the idiocy of all this, right?

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 You believe Biden has a plan. I have heard him tout his plan. It is exactly what Trump has already done. And you don’t like that. So what is Biden going to do differently?

seawulf575's avatar

@Demosthenes I don’t believe Covid-19 was a made up crisis to get Trump out of office. I do, however, believe they are and have played many games with the response to blame it on Trump. Take a look at what Cuomo did in NY. He ordered nursing homes to take Covid patients. And thousands died because of it. His defense? Trump did it. And the media went with it. DeBlasio in March (about the same time Washington State was declaring a state of emergency because of Covid) to NYC to just go on with their lives…go out to dinner, see a show, get together with friends for a night on the town! And no one ever held him accountable for that. All those cases that suddenly popped up were blamed on Trump who was trying to get control of things. Nancy Pelosi about that same time told all her constituents they should go to SF China town to celebrate Chinese New Year! And when those cases start to build, they just blamed Trump. So do I think that many, many mistakes by Dems were made that they just passed off to Trump? Oh absolutely. And if we had a responsible journalistic media left in this country, that would have come to light. But our media is nothing more than propagandists that Goebbels would be envious of.

seawulf575's avatar

@JLeslie You and I have gone round and round about masks. I have asked for actual, scientific studies that show masks are effective. I have thrown that challenge out a number of times. And I have gotten back basically nothing in response. There are a couple out there that have shown that one specific type of mask can be effective, but it is also designed to be worn once and thrown away…not something most people do. Meanwhile, I have provided study after study after study that shows masks have no effect whatsoever on stopping the spread of this virus and use of them likely increases the spread of the disease.
You got down on the woman that had laryngitis not wearing a mask around you. If masks do nothing, as the many studies I have provided show, then were she to wear a mask and get closer to you, it is likely you would have been okay with that and she would have spread whatever disease she has to you. Because you would have believed you were safe.

seawulf575's avatar

@JLeslie BLM. The leaders of BLM, by their own admission, are trained Marxists. Their goals are Marxist goals. You hear Dems saying they are a civil rights organization, but you are missing a lot of facts to get to that belief. Yes, the Dems and their propagandists spout it over and over and over, but are lying to you. If you truly believe they are about civil rights, then why aren’t they trying to raise up the black community instead of making them perpetual victims? They are encouraging any and all actions by blacks against blacks and if a cop shows up to stop it, they come out with a protest against the cops. Meanwhile, blacks are killing and raping and assaulting and robbing other blacks at an astounding rate. And BLM is trying to stop the cops from stopping the crimes. Does that really make sense to you?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Wulfie, you really believe masks make no difference ,I know, I know YOU HAVE FACTS.
Our health officials promote masks they do cut down on the distance droplets can travel,that and social distancing is our best defence until a proven vaccine is available .
But it’s fright wingers that scoff all that ,is why the states is NUMBER 1 in the entire world in infections and deaths.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

And Biden’s plan was the sae as the Don Fathers?
Trump was going to do nothing and wait for heard immunity.

JLeslie's avatar

@seawulf575 And, Republicans make Planned Parenthood out to be an abortion factory that wants to kill black babies to whiten America when most of their work is healthcare for women. Especially, poor and young women. So?

The point is people marching in the streets for BLM and voting for Biden, are out there because they believe in equal rights. They aren’t all Marxists. Are all the Trumper supporters racists? Many many Democrats prominent Democrats and average people denounced defund the police. When I listen to Republicans it’s like they didn’t hear any of it. I guess Fox didn’t show those interviews with mayors and congressmen.

seawulf575's avatar

@JLeslie Again, you are ignoring facts. You want to believe BLM is a civil rights organization, yet you ignore that PP was founded by Margaret Sanger who believed in Eugenics and wanted to use abortion to thin out the bad genes (read as BLACKS) to help promote mankind. She was a known racist. Care to explain how you can support these known racist organizations?

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Biden had specific things he wanted to do to battle Covid-19. He wanted to limit travel from foreign countries. When Trump did that, Biden called him a racist. Biden wants to get a vaccine out to the people. Trump is in the process of doing that and it is almost out. Biden wants to get private manufacturing to produce things that could help in the battle against Covid like ventilators and PPE. Trump already did that. So what new is Biden going to do? What is his master plan? I can tell you what it is…stop reporting on it. You can bet the media will stop the daily doom and gloom discussions about it if and when Biden takes office. They will say nothing bad about him or how he is handling it or whether he is handling it at all. They haven’t called him on his plagiarized plan yet so why would they say anything bad going forward?

seawulf575's avatar

Oh, and @SQUEEKY2 As to the masks, the WHO already admitted they changed their stance on mask usage by the population because of political pressure, not because it was effective. So what you are saying is that even though I have presented many, many facts and studies that show how bad the masks can be…useless at best, damaging at worst…and even though the “experts” have admitted to pandering to political pressure, we should all just follow along like good sheep?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@seawulf575 I know you have trouble with iron clad facts – - – it is better to believe in made up shit from Trump and the “Fright Wavers” from the Land of Know Nothing.

Reality is that Trump has never told the truth about COVID-19 and got slammed on Video because he admitted to exactly that duplicity !

JLeslie's avatar

Here’s the actual BLM website. I don’t love all of their wording, but the main gist is they have been oppressed and sometimes even murdered and it’s enough already.

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Until you can absolutely admit to the facts about the thousands of deaths I have just mentioned, you are doing nothing more than spreading disinformation. I guess as a Russian operative you are doing your job.

seawulf575's avatar

@JLeslie Yes, I know…they spout all sorts of garbage on their website. But do you really believe they are going to say they are all about Marxism and wanting to tear down our Capitalistic society to rebuild it in a more Communistic way? Here is a story about one of the co-founders and her influences. And this one has her own video admitting they are Marxist ideologues. So you can take their window dressing website or you can hear the facts.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@seawulf575 you’re the one working for Putin’s Chef.

Your illogical thinking is EVERY Doctor – - Nurse – - – Hospital is in collusion to make the “liar in chief” look bad !

Stay healthy

JLeslie's avatar

@seawulf575 I don’t care. 99% of the people out protesting for BLM aren’t giving them any money or power, they are just adopting the label.

Is everyone on Parler an alt-right conspiracy theorist?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@JLeslie Yup and Parler is the place for alt-right riot planning, no censoring.

JLeslie's avatar

Well, a whole bunch of every day Trumpers are signing up with Parler today and something called GAB.

Is it true Twitter isn’t letting Trump tweet?

jca2's avatar

@JLeslie: I see a friend posted that there’s a mass exodus event from FB to Parler on Friday 11/13. I felt like commenting “buh bye” but I decided not to be nasty. I’m not sure if my friend (who is actually a cousin of my stepfather) is going to also keep her account on FB and do Parler or leave FB and have Parler only. Someone commented to her that a bunch of people had gone to Parler and returned to FB, and then they (my cousin and her friend) were speculating that maybe the people left Parler because they had no friends there, and now with the mass exodus it will be different.

My other friends told me that they don’t watch Fox News any more – there’s some other news network where they get their news from.

I was watching 60 Minutes before and they were talking about the ballot counting in PA and how it’s all done on the up and up. I was thinking I can imagine Republicans thinking that the show is all lies and that this is the Mainstream Media trying to take the side of Dems.

JLeslie's avatar

I saw the 60 Minutes. Yup, they probably think 60 Minutes is a left wing conspiracy to ruin America. Like Snopes and Wikipedia.

seawulf575's avatar

@JLeslie I have no idea what Parler is and have never been there, so I can’t say for sure. But let’s think about it a moment…what you are comparing. You are comparing an organized group which admits to being Marxist who is directing people to do their bidding with a website that doesn’t present direction to the conversation, doesn’t give any real guidance to what should or shouldn’t be discussed and is not involved with any of the participants. You see the problem with this comparison, right?

JLeslie's avatar

^^I had never even heard anyone say to give money to BLM or that one could until Republicans were talking about it. I’m just saying I think most people are like me.

If you don’t want organizations helping Blacks, then people need to stop harming them.

I understand why you feel concerned. I think QAnon and other WS organizations are scary shit. I have friends totally brainwashed by them and they don’t believe themselves to be racist at all. They say the love America. To me the WS and any related organizations want overthrow the government. They want to ruin America. What’s going to happen when a lot of these people rise up? That was all over my Facebook.

So, if we all ignore all of that, ignore the messaging and scare tactics, and just be better to each other, the actual bad people lose. I try almost every day to tell people don’t listen to the memes and the links. I am much more about individual power than anything. Don’t be a joiner. Treat your neighbors as thyself. I’m not set up in my brain to be a joiner. I was not raised that way at all. I was not raised religiously, I have always had friends from many places, I question almost everything, I never would follow a person blindly anywhere, I avoid peer pressure whenever possible.

Honestly, I look around and I think there must be people outside of America pulling the strings. EVERYTHING Republicans are afraid of there is a mirror image of it on the Democrat side.

Republicans were afraid Obama was a socialist dictator and would never leave office. Democrats were (are) afraid Trump was an authoritarian dictator and would never leave office.

Republicans are afraid Democrats want to secularize the nation. Democrats are afraid Republicans want to turn the country into a theocracy.

Democrats accusing Republicans of not looking at science, Republicans accusing Democrats of not looking at science.

Trump is accused of being inappropriate with his daughter. Biden is accused of being inappropriate with children.

Republicans think Democrats are hypocrites and Democrats think Republicans are hypocrites. So many things we could name. Clinton was a womanizer and Trump was a womanizer. One it’s ok to ignore it the other it isn’t.

Having a problem with Obama using executive orders but ok with Trump doing it and vice versa.

Republicans saying they want to preserve America, but Democrats think they don’t understand what America is. Democrats saying they want to preserve America and think Republicans don’t understand what America is.

Name calling is terrible. Talking about how people look is terrible. Both sides are doing it.

I could go on with examples.

It’s not all Republicans and all Democrats, I’m just talking about what is put in front of us by media and then the crowds from each party generally follow their chosen sides out of fear or loyalty.

As these hypocrisies happen I see the opposite and equal clear as a bell, but most people don’t. Maybe I see it because I’m rarely fired up about these things and I don’t think the other side is evil. I just think there are evil people among us pulling the strings.

Demosthenes's avatar

I see it too, @JLeslie. But we’ll probably just be accused of being “whataboutist fence-sitters”. There’s no winning with the “sides”.

JLeslie's avatar

^^That’s exactly what we have been and will continue to be accused of.

SQUEEKY2's avatar


seawulf575's avatar

@JLeslie “If you don’t want organizations helping Blacks, then people need to stop harming them.” Absolutely wrong. The problems with this statement are multitude. BLM is not helping Blacks, it is using them as a means to an end. That end appears to be getting rid of law enforcement. And the people that are harming blacks are mainly blacks! How is BLM addressing that? Oh yeah, they aren’t. They are using their violence against each other as a way to blame the cops.
But much of the rest of your statement is spot on. And usually if you shine the light on the troublemakers, they scatter like the cockroaches they are. However there is a problem with that. It is the media hyping only one side and protecting the other. Our media is biased…extremely so. That is a HUGE problem. Because of their efforts, groups like BLM are given legitimacy and the evil they present is protected. I agree that WS groups have bogus views and potentially goals. But your statement has the media slant bulging out of it. When you talk about WS groups, but can’t really name them, it is a problem. It becomes a strawman term, used to divide the country. I think groups like BLM, Antifa, the KKK and others like this are bad apples that need to be pressed into cider. There are very few “WS” groups really. The KKK, the National Socialist Movement and possibly one or two more are about it. And really, none of those are actively out there attacking people. They spew hatred, but aren’t acting out. So when you talk about WS groups and their goals, but can’t actually cite one, you are dealing with what the leftist media has told you.

jca2's avatar

@seawulf575: When you talk about White Supremacist organizations, you’re forgetting to mention the Proud Boys.

JLeslie's avatar

White Supremacists, White Nationalists, there is all sorts of cross over. Proud Boys, American Nazi Party, QAnon, KKK, There are like 20 probably in the US. Some just have a few hundred members, and some much more.

I’m not dealing with what the TV media is telling me, I am dealing with what I see on my facebook every day! Finally facebook is deleting some of it and people are going crazy saying it is censorship. I have friends who are brainwashed. They say totally irrational things and the use terms like #riseup when they talk about not letting the Democrats ruin the country. What does rise up mean to you? Same groups talk about 2nd amendment and just put the two together.

JLeslie's avatar

@Patty_Melt We know every Republican thinks that, but what I have been saying is the people protesting aren’t doing it for Marxism, they are protesting for equal rights and to end racism.

I haven’t met one Democrat in my circles who even knew BLM has a website or that you can donate money. All they knew was they were horrified by what happened to Floyd and other Black men and women and couldn’t take it anymore.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

In America every one is entitled to equal rights under the law. I don’t give a crap if they are purple with Doc Spoc ears, the police murders have to stop. Got it? Get it? Good!

seawulf575's avatar

@jca2 Proud Boys are white supremacists? Huh. Then why do they have black members?

seawulf575's avatar

@Nomore_lockout Define murder. When a suspect shoots at a cop and gets killed by the cop instead, is that murder? When a suspect attacks a cop with a knife and gets shot by the cop, is that murder? When a suspect physically assaults a cop and tries grabbing his gun and ends up getting shot, is that murder? These are all examples of what BLM says are murder. To me, they are idiots attacking police and the police defending themselves or others.

Demosthenes's avatar

Why does BLM have non-Marxist members?

Like, I’m sure these groups attract people who are X, but that doesn’t mean they are X groups.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@seawulf575 Is kneeling on a persons neck for 9 minutes while they are in handcuffs,is that great police work or murder?

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie OOoohhhhhh…..chills! Liberal hate groups call the Proud Boys a hate group? Wow….that almost always happens. But take a look at the article you provided. It references quite a few “events” where the Proud Boys showed up. Yet interestingly, it doesn’t talk about them going into violence. So your oddball claim is a bit skewed. Meanwhile, go to the Proud Boy’s website and you can find out more about them. I’m not saying I agree with everything they stand for, but I really don’t see white supremacy as one of their issues. Of course, the leftist media will use that term because they always resort to name calling to try denigrating others.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Interesting question. According to their training, it was good police work. They were taught that was a way to suppress a violent person. Of course it could be murder, well, at least manslaughter, if the person dies from some other cause. And George Floyd had a fatal level of fentanyl in his system. So it is quite possible that was a big contributor to why he stopped breathing. But by not getting him medical help and trying to suppress him instead, the cops probably took the wrong action. But that is not for you or I to decide, it is for the courts to decide. AND, if you look at it, action was taken against the cops to ensure their actions were not too violent and to punish them if they were.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Shooting a guy in the back who is running away, is not murder? In whose universe?

seawulf575's avatar

@Nomore_lockout As I said, we just need to be careful what we call murder. There was a guy not long ago that was running from the cops but was shooting behind him as he ran. He got shot and yes, it was in the back. Murder?

Nomore_lockout's avatar

And that is one incident out of how many police shootings in the last four years? But then BLM is out of line to be upset? This is 2020 not 1920.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

The Black men should have just obeyed the officers,and all would be well according to our fright wing extremists .
I guess the black kid that was shot for playing with a cap gun,and don’t forget he was shot within 12 seconds of them arriving on scene, guess he had it coming and should have obeyed within 12 seconds.
Or the guy that was shot in his car next to his girl friend, she recorded it her phone guess he should have obeyed problem was ,he was obeying and still got shot.
And our Fright wing friends wonder why Black people do not trust the police.

jca2's avatar

@seawulf575: IF you read the Wikipedia article I linked, you’d find this was the first paragraph:
“The Proud Boys is a far-right,[2][3] neo-fascist[4] and male-only political organization[5] that promotes and engages in political violence in the United States and Canada.[6][7][8][9][10] While the group officially rejects racism, several members have been affiliated with white supremacy and the Proud Boys has been described by US intelligence organisations as “a dangerous white supremacist group.”

Nomore_lockout's avatar

And that I know of, intel agencies don’t monitor any old group. Not like these guys are a volley ball team or bridge club.

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