Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

What plan did those armed QAnon supporters have, when they tried to deliver a truckload of fake ballots in Philadelphia?

Asked by ragingloli (52401points) November 7th, 2020

Did they think that they could just walk in there, and the people counting the votes would just accept them?
Did they plan to throw them into a dumpster near the facility, taking pictures of it, then claiming that the poll workers threw out ballots?

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4 Answers

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Both your scenarios are possible. Whatever the specifics, the plan was to poison the election system, and make Trump “win” regardless of the will of the voters. Republicans hate the rule of law and democracy.

jca2's avatar

I think Republicans like the law when things go their way, like when Reagon won or Bush won or Bush Jr. won. When things don’t go their way, especially now during these trying times, Republicans are desperate and going to stop at nothing. Those close to Trump have to deal with his massive, massive ego and temper, and this is going to be tough.

LuckyGuy's avatar

You can’t just throw in some ballots and have people think they are real. There are numerouse checks and balances built into the system: Online, live counting, physical ballots stored in the machines, electronic memory cards and other methods.
They should be charged with attempted election fraud – a felony.

LadyMarissa's avatar

They were just supposed to create enough confusion to give trump’s base something to hold on to so they could bitch about the ILLEGAL outcome!!!

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