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What do you think the ideal way for American to vote would be in the future and what rules should there be to mitigate things?
I was texting with my family about the recent 2020 election. We were talking about the merits of voting by mail, especially during a pandemic, vs. voting in person vs. voting on a computer (which of course has not been done in this country, yet).
Voting on a computer can be hacked. Voting in person is not ideal during a pandemic, especially, but also for elderly and infirm people, and people who can’t get rides, and people who may live in an area where there are storms and other weather events. Voting by mail is allegedly subject to voter fraud and problems with the postal service – things getting lost and things not arriving on time.
In your opinion, going forward, what would be the ideal way for Americans to vote?
What rules do you think should be in place to lessen fraud and allegations of fraud?
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