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elbanditoroso's avatar

What is Hillary Clinton feeling this morning?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33701points) November 8th, 2020

It could have been me…?

Thank god no more Trump?

Yippee!!! ?

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25 Answers

filmfann's avatar

I am sure she is conflicted.

gorillapaws's avatar

Hillary Clinton doesn’t have feelings.

gondwanalon's avatar

@gorillapaws I can’t stop laughing. Thanks I needed that! Good one! HA

Darth_Algar's avatar

Turns out I don’t know Hillary Clinton, never even met her. So, amazingly, I can’t really say what she’s feeling.

kritiper's avatar

Mixed, probably…

seawulf575's avatar

Well on one hand, Trump was defeated. On the other hand, she couldn’t do it and only a loser like Biden could do it without really campaigning. Guess she knows to make more sure the fix is in the next time.

rebbel's avatar

Biden not having to really campaign (and winning it), tells you maybe that the sitting president made a total train wreck of his four years in office?

JLeslie's avatar

I would think she is glad Trump lost.

I assume she was reminded of how crappy it felt to lose.

I wonder what she thinks about the celebrating in the streets? It makes me uneasy.

I think she worries about what is ahead for Biden. The country has a lot to deal with.

Darth_Algar's avatar


So the Democrats rigged the election, but didn’t make sure to rig it in order to take the Senate and lost seats in the House, thus hamstringing their ability to achieve their agenda.

And this makes sense to you? I know critical thinking isn’t the modern Republican’s strong point, but Jesus…

Dutchess_III's avatar


Right Darth? Logic completely eludes them.

jca2's avatar

If I were to guess, I’d guess it’s a mixture of happiness that Trump lost and a painful reminder that she lost and will never experience this exhilaration.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It was all just so wrong @jca2.

seawulf575's avatar

@Darth_Algar If you look, they tried doing that too.

chyna's avatar

@seawulf575 “loser like Biden”?
Seems like the loser here is trump.

Darth_Algar's avatar


So how did they fail with that, yet succeed with the presidency? They were all the same ballots.

seawulf575's avatar

@Darth_Algar That is an interesting question. How can they declare winners in Senate races with all the votes counted and still be counting them for the presidency? Hmmmm….seems shady, doesn’t it?

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JLeslie's avatar

@seawulf575 It has to do with the point spread. Not everyone voting for Biden voted blue down the ticket. Not everyone who voted for Biden voted for any other office.

Darth_Algar's avatar


Do you even realize how asinine your “arguments” come across as?

seawulf575's avatar

@JLeslie I understand that entirely. So each ballot had to be counted. So how do some of these states that are still counting ballots or were for a long time announce winners in Senate or House or even Governor races when they can’t come up with a winner in the president race? Either they counted all the votes or they didn’t. If they didn’t, then calling the senate races (or any of the others) was premature. If they did count all the votes, then why were they still counting presidential race votes?

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JLeslie's avatar

The point spread.

If counting the rest of the ballots won’t change the vote then you don’t need to count more to call
It. If the count could even be within the margin of error for recount you can call it saying there will be an automatic recount or possibility of a recount, etc.

seawulf575's avatar

@JLeslie I might go with that in some cases, but they are calling close races.

JLeslie's avatar

@seawulf575 I’m fine waiting for the official numbers.

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