Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

Did you see any Biden celebration in the streets where most people were not wearing masks?

Asked by JLeslie (65903points) November 8th, 2020 from iPhone

I see Republican friends on Facebook writing, “I guess covid is over now.” Posting photos of crowds where the photo is taken from so far away and so blurry it is impossible to see if people are wearing masks.

Every photo and live shot of reporters on the ground that I saw it looked like over 95% of people had masks on in the big crowds. Some smaller cities people were very distanced and I don’t even remember if they had masks on.

The Facebook comments also say things like, “and they won’t tell us if anyone gets sick from the crowds.”

I mean just look up the numbers in a week or two. WTH?

It’s like aliens took all these people away for lobotomies and then brought them back. The selective listening is stunning.

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27 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Any democratic party I saw on TV was what you said 95%+ had masks on.
I can’t get over these idiot fright wingers that still think Covid19 is a hoax to make their Don Father look bad.
A hoax the whole planet got behind just to make ole orange hair look bad, how did they convince people to die for this hoax?

Demosthenes's avatar

I thought COVID ended when the BLM protests/riots started?

Republicans are the ones who don’t support mask-wearing. It shouldn’t be a surprise that their maskless events result in transmissions and the Democratic ones don’t. Even so, masks aren’t 100% and transmissions can still happen.

The only image I saw of a Biden celebration showed everyone wearing masks, but I haven’t researched this much. Obviously to be safe and to avoid being colossal hypocrites, Democrats should wear masks during their jubilations.

longgone's avatar

No. However, the crowds I saw (Washington DC and NYC, mostly) were way too close together. Masks only hinder droplets, not aerosolized particles.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

I“d bet that if the Trumpers started selling red MAGA masks, all of those boot lickers would start wearing them.

JLeslie's avatar

There are MAGA masks.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Oh, you mean the MAGA masks that the libs coated with Covid 19 droplets to kill off all the Republicans? Nice try but no banana. Is there no end to the villiany?

JLeslie's avatar

@longgone The crowds are generally moving, people aren’t static in one place next to the same stranger for hours, and we didn’t see big spikes in cities with BLM protesting where masks were worn. Right now America has a huge surge in cases, and some of it is attributed to Trump rallies where people were maskless for hours right next to each other in the same seat, not walking through the streets.

In fact NYC went through BLM protests with very low case numbers of covid. They masked up during the protests. Now, covid rising there again, I’m guessing because of restaurants and people generally being a little more lax.

I agree the protests and celebrations still carry risk, but for Republicans to not see the difference is insane.

George Floyd died May 25th. Look up NYC covid cases to see the graph over time and you’ll see the protests basically did nothing. Even a NYC doctor said it on Fox News a few weeks after the protesting had been happening. I can’t get the link to work to put it here for you.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

@JLeslie Easy for you to say. Was that you I saw yesterday, driving around the Walmart lot in that white U.N. Volkswagen Beetle?

Nomore_lockout's avatar

You want to tell is about Operation Jade MAGA mask, himmmm? Yeah, what I thought.

JLeslie's avatar

@Nomore_lockout Are you a Facebook friend of mine? Just a few days ago I posted a woman who drove her golf cart into a supermarket here.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Don’t do Face Book

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Just messing around. The way things are you have to laugh to keep from screaming.

longgone's avatar

@JLeslie Good points, and I agree that there’s a huge difference between sitting next to someone for hours, and dancing in the streets. I still wouldn’t do either one right now, and I’m quite worried for those who did. I understand the joy, and I think it’s beautiful to see. I just wish times could be different.

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t do either one either, but I do go out now and then to dance, but the “crowd” is reasonably distanced, and I wear a mask, but about 80% of the people here who go to public areas don’t wear a mask outside. I think a lot of people here in my city think outside is completely safe, which is insane to me. Thankfully, our benevolent leaders here control the amount of people who can congregate when they can. They are Republican and Trump supporters, but have been fairly careful in how they handled covid.

zenvelo's avatar

News reports noted people wearing masks:


Immediately after the networks called it for Joe Biden on Saturday morning, an atmosphere of joy and celebration broke out in cities across the country. On a mild and sunny day, from D.C., to Atlanta, to Philly to NYC, people spontaneously took to the streets in huge numbers to celebrate President Trump’s defeat. Masks were widely observed (social distancing, less so) and there were few signs of the unrest that many worried about. Some Trump supporters continue to protest outside ballot-counting facilities in cities like Phoenix and gathered in state capitals like Lansing to claim ballot fraud. Overseas, posts on social media showed fireworks going off in London, church bells ringing in Munich and Paris, and cars honking in Toronto. ”

jca2's avatar

@zenvelo: Worldwide jubilation!

jca2's avatar

Some of my Republican friends on FB are insisting that they went out and nobody was wearing a mask. I don’t know where they are but I was at a major mall yesterday in CT and everyone still had a mask on. Everyone. Then my daughter had a meeting for a club of girls who scout, and they had to wear a mask to attend the meeting. It’s just bullshit fearmongering and lying to stir things up.

JLeslie's avatar

@jca2 Do they mean when they get together at their parties and other social gatherings? That’s how it is here. Most Republicans are maskless when they are together, especially outside, but inside too. That is how my girlfriend has 7 people on her block sick. The Trumpers on her block got together all the time completely ignoring any protocols.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

@jca2 Were you at the Westfield Trumbull? :-)

Love_my_doggie's avatar

I watched MSNBC all day Saturday and looked closely at numerous crowd views in multiple cities. I didn’t see anyone NOT wearing a mask.

jca2's avatar

@Love_my_doggie: No, we were at the Danbury Mall. Danbury CT.

SEKA's avatar

@JLeslie I don’t know where you get your info. In the event that I watched live, everybody was wearing a mask except Biden himself who came out wearing one and then took it off to speak. Then he forgot to put it back on immediately but did put it back on several minutes later. I was impressed that he never once said that Covid was a hoax or that it didn’t exist.

JLeslie's avatar

@SEKA I was talking about the crowds in the streets. NYC, DC, etc. Everyone I saw had masks on.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@longgone, the droplets are how the virus is transmitted. The virus doesn’t float through the air by itself. It just falls to Earth pretty instantly.

SEKA's avatar

^ Not according to the experts. Unlike other diseases, this one can hang in the air for days before finally dropping to the ground

Dutchess_III's avatar

I need to see your evidence for that.

cheebdragon's avatar

“It’s going to be a concern, particularly in situations where alcohol is involved and there is risky behavior,” said Robert Siegel, an infectious-disease specialist at Stanford University, referring to a tendency in crowds not to stay 6 feet apart or, in some cases, wear masks. “Basically the virus doesn’t care what your political persuasion is, so the same rules apply that have applied all along.” – Source

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