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Dutchess_III's avatar

Are you surprised at the riots by anti Biden protestors?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) November 9th, 2020


Also do you think Biden can get our country back to normal so stupid stuff over politics like this doesn’t happen any more?

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9 Answers

jca2's avatar

Not surprised. I don’t like it but it’s not surprising.

Lightlyseared's avatar

When you say anti Biden I here pro-Trump. And no, it doesn’t surprise me.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

The militia types will be acting out violently. I just hope it is limited. It would be nice to see some of them get the Waco treatment.

As for getting back to normal, we will be plagued by deranged ninnies as long as conservative leaders in politics and media broadcast their dishonest “alternative facts”. Their goal is keeping millions of dolts in a lather, to assure a number will lash out violently.

And even the non-violent action is doing us harm. They vote against their own interests and against the interests of the United States. We all suffer.

KNOWITALL's avatar

It does not surprise me its Antifa.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Poor losers with a poor loser President as a figurehead, so not surprised tht they would try and grab the media spotlight to take away Biden’s victory.

Kropotkin's avatar

@KNOWITALL If you think that’s ‘Antifa’, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Kropotkin Thats what the article said.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Not really surprised, no. As to whether Biden can change things for the future, remains to be seen. Politics being what they are, we will have to wait and see. I just know that if Dems had carried on this way after Hillary got stiffed, the conservatives would still be yelling about it to this day. With them, it’s do as we say, not do as we do.

Pandora's avatar

@KNOWITALL Trump and Fox are anti-Antifa and Antifa is anti-Trump. So it makes absolutely no sense that they would want Trump to win. (Antifa) Now is it possible that for Antifa to be around far right conservatives (like the proud boys) to disrupt their protest and clash with them. And this is what FBI director said about Antifa and what the FBI says about the Proud Boys

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