Social Question

honeybun35's avatar

Is anyone familiar with the study buddy forest?

Asked by honeybun35 (1101points) November 9th, 2020

Just want to know how helpful this is.

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5 Answers

KNOWITALL's avatar

The app???


honeybun35's avatar

Okay but how will this help? I am not sure what this is.

jca2's avatar

@honeybun35: It might be easier for people to help you if you put more details in your question.

honeybun35's avatar

It is a study group on a forest app. I wasn’t sure how they are studying if everyone is doing different subjects. You can stream live on you tube while on the app. I guess my question is how would this be helpful?

jca2's avatar

Those details would have been helpful, since the question has been up for days and likely people are not looking at it this far down in their feeds any longer. Also, next time, it helps for you to capitalize, “Is anyone familiar with the Study Buddy Forest?”

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