Social Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What percent of all humans are allergic to anything?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25199points) November 9th, 2020

Just wondering.

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7 Answers

YARNLADY's avatar

Funny thing about allergies, you can start out with none, then develop some, and visa-versa

gondwanalon's avatar

Do yo mean what percent of all humans are allergic to everything?

I don’t know how many people are allergic to everything. I’ve only met one.

I met a man about 40 years ago who told me that he is allergic to everything. He got discharged from the Army due to his allergies and didn’t last long working at KMC (where I worked as a cook). The skin all over his body turned red and swelled up from the flour with the eleven herbs and spices.

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LuckyGuy's avatar

@Zaku That link is fantastic! It answers the question perfectly!

Zaku's avatar

@LuckyGuy Thanks. I probably should have labelled it world-wide allergy statistics .

JLeslie's avatar

Years ago I watched Anderson Cooper do a report about this fantastic peanut butter like nutritional food that brings infants and children back from the brink of death from mal nutrition in parts of Africa. At one point Cooper asked one of the doctors what happens if one of the children is allergic to peanuts? She said they don’t see food allergies in developing countries like they do in industrialized countries. Here’s a link if your interested. she says it around minute 8:30, but you might like watching the whole thing even though it’s a little off topic.

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