Is anyone keeping track of the hordes of Republican notables who find their careers shattered and reputations in ruin through association with the Donald?
There must be a list somewhere
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I think Kanye and Kim Kardashian will not suffer damage to their reputations.
Same with Rudy Giuliani, for the same reason.
Remember how pretty much all Republican Congressional representatives and Senators used to vote as a block to back up Trump?
There’s using Internet archives for that wiki list of Trump endorsers, from before the election. I wonder if that list will have changed by next year as people try to scrub their records.
I’m usually against blacklists, but if there were ever a justification I’d agree with for one, “Trump supporter” is up there, for me. At least in terms of “this person lives in a different universe of ideas and/or values from me, and/or is a racist fool”.
@filmfan I think Giuliani is ruining his reputation without trumps help by acting so crazy and off the wall this week.
Joseph Stalin would be so proud.
As my old pappy used to say, when you sleep with dogs, you get fleas.
There are people keeping track, but I’m not.
Seems like Republicans who don’t like Trump might want to keep track.
It makes me a little uncomfortable to think of some sort of black list. Generally, I think it’s a bad idea. The worst of the people who supported Trump when he was doing something terrible and twisted themselves into knots in front of us will not be forgotten. We don’t need a list.
I heard AOC was pushing the idea, and it just reminds me of how she throws around the world socialism. She maybe should read some history and talk to some people over the age of 55.
If you are into ignorant tossing around of the word socialism, Republicans are the folks you want to listen to.
She already talked to Ted Yoho (65), after he verbally assaulted her on the Capitol steps:
On July 20, 2020, Republican Representatives Ted Yoho and Roger Williams accosted Ocasio-Cortez on the steps of the Capitol, where Yoho (as overheard by a journalist) called her “disgusting” and told her, “You are out of your freaking mind” for recently suggesting that poverty and unemployment were driving a spike in crime in New York City during the coronavirus pandemic. Ocasio-Cortez told Yoho he was being “rude”. As Ocasio-Cortez walked away from Yoho into the Capitol, Yoho called her a “fucking bitch”. When asked about the incident, Ocasio-Cortez said, “That kind of confrontation hasn’t ever happened to me ever… I’ve never had that kind of abrupt, disgusting kind of disrespect levied at me.”
She’s also had numerous conversations with Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders.
She was just reelected to the House, so she’s probably talked to some residents of NY14 who are at least 55.
Who else do you think she should talk to?
Not understanding the American audience is ignorant.
Literal definitions of a word does not matter. What matters is how the word is interpreted. It was totally unnecessary to use the word socialist or socialism.
Many people in America don’t understand capitalism within democratic socialism. It’s one or the other to them.
She should talk to Florida Florida Florida. But, there are plenty of other Americans she can talk to. Plenty of Democrats agree with me.
Warren talked about breaking up big monopolies like Amazon and Facebook and just a month ago Republicans were on a kick that those big companies should be broken up. When I told my Republican Facebook friends posting about it that Warren had said a lot about the topic you might want to look it up because she has thought about it a lot, they had no idea. I bet even a lot of Democrats have no idea. She’s just thought of as the other very liberal candidate similar to the socialists (Bernie and AOC) in the party.
Plenty of Democrats in our congress and local governments are telling them to shut the fuck up with the word socialism.
Of course no one should be cornering AOC and intimidating her in such a hostile way. That was disgusting.
@jca2 Such a horrible man.
Everyone has had to work with a “fucking bitch” at some point, is his behavior really so shocking?
What’s shocking is that in view of such behavior, the fool was damned near re-elected.
@cheebdragon Just like getting responses from a “fucking dick”.
@Brian1946….trump normalized that bullying, disgusting behavior.
I am long past ready to get back to normal.
Did he lose? I was wondering if he was up for re-election. That’s good.
By the way, my guess is AOC’s district is probably 15% over 55 years old. I’m guess The Bronx is a fairly young population. I’m not sure exactly where her district begins and ends. Continuing with assumptions, likely mostly minorities, probably low income, maybe many of them are immigrants, I wouldn’t be surprised if the percentage of college degreed residents are less than 10%. The people who elect her are not like most of the nation. Warren lives in the world of Academia. She worked her way up to her credit, but she definitely speaks to a “college” audience. To reach the masses you need to speak to an 8th grade audience.
Don’t get me wrong, a lot of us want a lot of the things AOC wants: equality, healthcare for all, higher wages,... I just would never use the word socialism to describe it, and neither would most Americans. Bernie said it and the media tried to explain it to keep him afloat. Just like the media tried to explain Defund the Police, but luckily a lot of well known Black politicians and commentators almost immediately called the wording a bad choice, but not soon enough. That ship has sailed. Biden is trying to convince Republicans he is not on board with it.
@cheebdragon Yes it is shocking! I have never seen anyone do anything like that at a workplace. I can’t imagine a peer at work calling me a fucking bitch to another coworker to my face or so that the world can hear it.
@cheebdragon: Going up to someone that you work with, calling them a fucking bitch, “you’re out of your freaking mind,” and “disgusting” is definitely inappropriate behavior for the workplace and qualifies as harassment where I work. Even with a union to represent someone, it’s still inexcusable and inappropriate, and the way it’s described, where he went and accosted her, he’d get suspended at the very least.
I think that’s a trump legacy. It should change with Joe @jca2.
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