What will Trump's legacy be?
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November 11th, 2020
The best divider and chief ever?
The President that pissed off the world?
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30 Answers
“I hear my enemies speculate about my motives, my ambitions. Who is Admiral Aken Bosch, and what is that old scoundrel up to? The tragedy of my life is that I will be remembered as the butcher of innocents, and this assessment is not unfair. I cannot argue with their condemnation or with the verdict of history. The Neo-Terran Front is an an army of stupid cattle, driven by their hatreds, their fears, and insecurities. Ignorance is the greatest weapon of tyranny and old wounds open all too easily. I am merely a fool who created a monster I am now powerless to stop, and so I will play my role to the bloody end. I have given the Lost Generation something to die for, and now my legacy will be crowned with infamy.” Admiral Aken Bosch
I don’t know what that’s from, but it’s far above Trump’s intellectual level.
First president to have been escorted out of the White House kicking and screaming with a police escort.
Negligent handling of the pandemic causing a couple of hundred thousand unnecessary Covid deaths.
He couldn’t handle the truth.
Building the wall. Figuring out what was going on during the travel ban. Draining the swamp. Winning the trade war with China. Making America great.
Most unpredictable, eccentric and undiplomatic.
First ex-president to be arrested on January 20th at 12:01 PM !
Greatest atrocity to afflict the country since the extermination of the Indians. Low water mark for integrity in the history of the Presidency. Most successful prolonged achievement at destruction of his country’s reputation. Most embarrassing revelation on the intelligence of the American electorate.
I would call it a joke but it’s not funny.
Trump will either be a shameful aberration, like Joe McCarthy or Nixon. Or he will be the culmination of the conservative campaign that Reagan started, to wreck Americans’ willingness to work together for the national good and to make selfish ignorance the primary virtue.
That he speaks for us. We, the people are being heard! The sleeping giant has awakened! And his tremendous boost for our economy and bringing jobs back here!
OK, this is a joke thread, right? I mean, the Legacy of Donald Trump? That’s like the Humor of Richard Nixon, the Erudition of L.B.J. , or the Morality of J.F.K. Just ain’t no such animal.
Nixon was a good president…with the exception of Watergate.
I agree Dutchy, I only meant that he wasn’t noted for his sense of humor. But other than that, you’re right. He was actually more progressive than a lot of the Dems of his era. And his holding out a peace wreath to China and recognition of that country was a good move, I don’t care what any one says.
And he even had a meeting with Elvis, how cool is that?
The last Republican USA President.
Now THAT would be a great legacy!
Oldest man who still spray tans.
The man who stopped Hillary.
How Putin almost conquered America and overthrew democracy.
You folks do love to clutch to your boogiemen, don’t you? What ever would Republicans do without them?
Man with the biggest, orangest ego.
The sociopathically atavistic orangutan.
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