I keep hearing from Rep/cons on the news, You Tube, and other social media that dead people voted how do dead people vote?
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November 12th, 2020
On another video one woman said some people have voted two to three hundred times, how do you do that as well?
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33 Answers
It’s hogwash, they lost and they can’t handle it. After all, the poor put upon 1% might have to pay taxes again. Can’t have that can we?
Don’t ask us. The people making the claim have to document it if they think it’s true.
PS: They don’t think it’s true. They never will document it, and they know it’s not true.
Well, Robert Kirkman is working on a spin-off entitled “The Voting Dead”.
It’s probably bull but with covid its possible that people sent in their ballot and then died from Covid before election day. But they claim this crap all the time. Sometimes it’s just an error. Like my husband and my son is mixed up because they have the same last and first name but my son isn’t a Jr. He has a middle name and isn’t even registered in my state. He’s registered in another state. My husband had been voting for years but this year it was showing up as my son’s name. I really wonder how they verify stuff. The only ones to continue to screw things up this bad are the credit bureau. So I can see mix-ups by thinking some are dead and someone mixed up names with someone else. We learned of this mixup when they sent my son a mail-in ballot and when we checked for my husbands registration he was not listed. So he had to register again and inform the that my son is not a voter in our state and has never been a voter in our state. We were very confused by this because my husband has done mail-in ballots and early voting in the past. No problems till this year.
People are not removed from the polls necessarily when they die. The states doing this will not allow the rolls to be “purged”. This is not new! What it is is the same old same old on rollerskates!
And this is why the left wiil never mandate biological voter ID. It is coming now. That and term limits. Long overdue.
As you note, the statements are in the media, You Tube, and other social media. No substantiated claim has been made in a court of law or in a sworn affidavit.
All of the Trump lawyers keep backing off in court because they know they can’t risk lying to a judge.
@SQUEEKY2 What’s going on in your country now?
@si3tech I can understand that states are behind at removing dead people from the voting register fine, but doesn’t explain how they vote at election time.
We are going into a second wave of covid right now getting pretty scary,for BC most cases have been in the lower mainland , but it is moving up into the interior ,health officers are shutting down bars ,restaurants, gyms, in hot spots,stores are limiting the amount of people allowed in right now,and all public spaces require masks.
People are not removed from the polls necessarily when they die.
Stale voter registrations are not fraud and are not voting.
@si3tech So you think have DNA in a national database isn’t begging for trouble. Well power to you. There are credit bureaus and they can’t get crap right to save their lives.
The notion is right in line with other conservative myths. Like Obama’s Kenyan birth, Hillary’s child prostitution business, you know the sort of nonsense on which they flourish. This particular iteration in the panoply of the preposterous is a revival of the practice common to the age of corrupt machine politics when the practice was a reality. The government in power, having the records of the dead would simply register them as voters then cast their votes accordingly.
The “dead people voting” thing comes up every election cycle.
Trump was harping on about it in 2016, even when he won.
It comes up here in the UK every time there’s an election. I suspect the same sensationalistic claims come up in other counrties too.
There’s never anything in it. It’s either people voting by mail early, and then dying before their vote is counted.
Or it’s people who have died and are left registered to vote, but they don’t because they’re dead.
It’s often just clerical errors. People with the same names as dead people being wrongly matched with the deceased, and other such mundane explanations.
Why does this nonsense come up every election cycle? Because it’s always to howl about “fraud”, which becomes a pretext for greater requirements to prove one’s identity, which itself is motivated by a desire for voter suppression of people more likely to vote for the nominally left-wing party.
Or a voter zombie apocalypse. But there I go giving Trumpers more ideas.
@SQUEEKY2 how do dead people vote?
They turn over with one foot silently and rob. Occasionally they’re complicit with those from beyond the grave.
Well I just heard something on the news that makes me happier than a pig in slop. Repubs can whine about fraud and dead people voting all they want, but in the real world, it’s not looking to good for them. Williamson County, just North of Austin, Tx, turned BLUE! That county has been Repub as far back as I can remember. Very ill omen for Republicans. Or as Willie Nelson sings, “Turn out the lights, the party’s over”. Or maybe, “Hello Repubs, how’d things go for you today? Aren’t you lonely, since Trump done went away?” ROTFLMAO. Yeah I’m gloating. So sue me.
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If a person is deceased and a mail in ballot is sent to them, anyone who gets ahold of it can vote in their name.
They don’t check for ID,or check the signatures @YARNLADY?
They check the signatures.
Then how do dead people vote as the Rep/cons claim??^^
^^^ They don’t; it’s all a GOP wet dream.
Checking for signatures is very iffy in my opinion. My signature is never the same on documents.
Signature checking is irrelevant because the accusations are garbage. Nobody has shown anything but a handful of miscast votes across the nation in the decades Republicans have been lying about it.
WXIA-TV News, Atlanta, Georgia – Two accused ‘dead’ Georgia voters very much alive despite claims – and they voted legally
“President Donald Trump’s campaign tweeted accusations claiming that James Blalock of Covington [Georgia], who is deceased, voted in the election. The accusations were amplified on national television.”
“However, 11Alive was able to find out that James Blalock did not vote in last week’s election. Mrs. James Blalock did vote.”
“Her voter registration was signed as Mrs. James E. Blalock, Jr. and that is exactly how she signed her name when she voted in the Nov. 3 general election,” officials said.
“Another person accused of voting in Georgia was Linda Kesler.
“Mrs. Linda Kesler of Nicholson, Georgia voted in the election,” a tweet from Trump campaign said. “The only problem,” she passed away 17 years ago, in 2003.”
“11Alive was able to determine that is also false. The Jackson County Board of Elections said she did not vote.
“Linda Kesler of Nicholson was marked deceased in 2003 and did not vote. Lynda Kesler who has a different address, birthday, and zip who is entitled to vote—did vote,” the board of elections said.
News says so far Trump has had a bunch of lawsuits shot down.
This is how dead people vote. Shocker, trump lied
Well then, wait until Fox is reporting it or you’re more than welcome to prove it wrong. Anybody with half a brain can see through trump’s lies and his fake life
Tucker Carlson apologized for claiming dead people voted.
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