Does the President have the authority to shut down the country's businesses due to Covid?
Asked by
jca2 (
November 14th, 2020
One of my FB friends posted about a shutdown looming, due to virus numbers going up. There was discussion about how a shutdown couldn’t come until after ½0/21 when Biden is President. One of the commenters stated that a shutdown would have to be done by the various governors, and she lives in TN and her governor would never allow it.
Would a shutdown be done by the President or does it have to be done by each governor?
I live in NY and our governor did it before and I’m sure he would do it again, I’m just curious if the President can do it for the country, or not.
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9 Answers
It is done state by state. But the President can withhold covid assistance funding for states that don’t do their best to control the pandemic.
Trump disagreed with Cuomo early on and threatened to direct assistance elsewhere.
As far as I know it is up to the states. The federal government can make recommendations, but it comes down to the states to take the actions. The unknown in my mind is if there is some rule that the government can take actions to protect national interests…for the welfare of all sort of thing.
With each day a new record is set for infection. We’re now at 145,000 daily. By the time Biden is sworn in we’ll be beyond 250, 000 new cases daily with all the horrors accompanying those figures you might expect. The point will come when decrees from the government will be unnecessary as people hide in terror.
Up here it was each province that did their own shutdown , in BC we didn’t get hit that hard in the first wave so we only had a partial shutdown while back east they shutdown everything but drugstores,gas stations, and grocery stores.
I think it will be impossible to get the whole country to comply, because we have too many people who are brainwashed, who are terrified it is the next step to communism. The only person who could maybe do it is Trump, and he won’t. I am not sure if the president has the authority, the federal government does have the authority to quarantine people if I understand correctly.
We are a huge country, so I actually don’t mind that we do it by state, but we need to cut off travel between states for 4–5 weeks. Really, what is the big deal about that for a month? Metro areas that cross states would have some exceptions for work and that sort of thind. Anyone who does travel across state lines is under supervised quarantine for 14 days when they arrive. Advise people to stay within 15 miles of their house unless it is necessary to travel farther for work or medical reasons. I would keep all the stores open, put in mask orders, restaurants do take out, add an automatic tip to pay the staff their usual wages, people who can work from home should. States can rely on in-state commerce for the month. Then, we see what states are doing great and then can decide what to do from there.
The states where people are compliant will have their numbers go way down, and the states that aren’t won’t. Right now it is not a blue state problem, it is an all state problem, so that rhetoric is garbage now. It always was garbage, my state is a red state and my state has always had fairly high numbers, but it was blamed on New Yorkers.
If a state actually closed it’s borders and got the case number down to close to nothing or actually nothing and no longer had to wear masks and everything was wide open like Australia, maybe then the no maskers would finally believe. That is the only thing I see convincing them. People dying does not change their minds. The 4 weeks would not get it all down to nothing, but if a state was doing well I think a governor could convince people to continue another two weeks to be able to open everything.
If my state had zero cases, Floridians would all be traveling within state freely and be booking hotels and eating in restaurants. We don’t need the tourists from out of state if they are just going to make us sick. I would have a Disney Annual pass right now if FL was covid free. I would plan a vacation to the beach. I would pay an extra $1,000 in taxes for 2020 to help the state budget if we controlled the borders of the state and enforced a quarantine for newcomers, as long as they are cutting spending where possible.
I don’t know what the law states; but with the first shutdown, it was on a state-by-state basis because the Governors said that trump didn’t have the authority to close down their state. I remember SC shutting down long before GA did & I don’t remember where NC fell into it. It seems like FL never did actually shut down because they had Spring Break coming up and their governor loved trump but I’m sure we have at least one FL jelly who can tell us about FL.
I’m thinking that maybe this next go round that we won’t have to go through a complete shutdown like last time as we have a better idea of what to expect. Maybe they will go back to limiting our shopping experience & insist that we act like adults & wear our masks when out and about.
We will run out of hospital beds and more important ICU beds; before we get to mid-December, I’m afraid !
Shame on you Trump (Putin’s puppet)!
@SEKA Florida did shut down! As much as any other state from what I can tell, except for some very extreme instances like Michigan. We stopped indoor eating at restaurants, we didn’t allow haircuts and manicures, we had orders to stay home, we closed most beaches and parks, the counties most affected had curfews and mask orders, we weren’t to have more than 10 people in an indoor group and the governor stated he felt that was too much at a dining room table, too risky in his opinion.
He missed the birth of his third child, because at that time hospitals were not allowing visitors, and he probably could have gone in, because he would be allowed in any hospital in the state to observe, but he followed the protocol that he was dishing out. He has recommended masks forever when you can’t distance, he sent testing to high risk areas, including a mobile bus with testing. He has not put in a mask order, but he has been wearing a mask since April and recommending them, and I get constant emails to that effect.
Then around Memorial Day we opened back up a little, but restaurants and bars did not comply and were packed with too many people and we had some major superspreaders.
Here is a 2 minute video highlighting when Florida first started opening up from our local news. I can find the link for the entire speech if you want when the governor warns against many things to clarify what he expects.
This is a video from May 6 if you want you can forward to minute 15:00 and see when he steps back he masks up. This is what he has consistently done since April outside and inside when speaking to the public. The video shows how focused he was on testing, and he was from early on, but of course the federal government was slow to ready us for the virus and tests. I could link more videos. Desantis over and over again supported counties putting in orders and curfews and wore a mask. He does do some of the Trump bullshit of blaming China and some other stuff that I hate.
So, back to the original question, will someone like Desantis be willing to put in really strict orders again if it is left up to the state, and will he put in a state mask order and government follow-up for quarantines?
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