Social Question

What do you think of Biden bringing Cedric Richmond into his administration as a senior adviser?
Biden is planning to bring Cedric Richmond onto his team as a senior adviser. Among his roles, he’s “also expected to serve as a liaison with the business community and climate change activists.”
Richmond’s district (since 2011) is known as “Cancer Alley” due to a chemical plant that’s pumping out chloroprene—a likely carcinogen.
This article goes into details
“7 of the 10 most air-polluted census tracts in America sit in his district”
He’s taken over $400k in campaign donations from oil/gas and chemical donations and is ranked 6th in receiving total donations received over his career from chemical manufacturers, and opposed many environmental bills as well as voting with Republicans to undermine environmental reviews for LNG and also supported the Keystone XL Pipeline.
Is this the right person for Biden to choose as a liaison between environmentalists and business interests?