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Dutchess_III's avatar

What are the Covid stats for your state or region?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47210points) November 19th, 2020

Kansas has had 130,921 cases and 1238 deaths.

Chart here

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42 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

376,000 cases and 4,966 deaths. The positivity rate is up to 8.8% less than 5 % is good.

North Carolina

SQUEEKY2's avatar

BC Canada. 5.07million population.
24,422 infected
320 dead.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Do you think the low numbers are due to a lower population and greater distances between people in Canada @Squeekster? Or is it because your Prime Minister isn’t a moron?

janbb's avatar

293,000 cases – 14,877 deaths

jca2's avatar

@Dutchess_III: There was an article in the NY Times today about Nova Scotia and the far eastern part of CA, and how they don’t allow travel to and from and therefore, are doing a really good job at keeping the numbers down.

Brian1946's avatar

The other CA:
1,080,000 cases. 18,516 deaths. This gives our state a 1.7% fatality rate.

The current US death rate is 2.1%, which is down from almost 3% about a month ago.

For the US: 11,800,000. 252,000
When I extrapolate the Canadian population size to that of the US I get:
2,743,832. 100,940

Luckily I’m also a Canadian citizen, and I have a cousin living in Vancouver, BC.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Australia has a actual laws that they enforce with fines and jail time @jca2.

kritiper's avatar

Idaho made the national news. Does that count??

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Wisconsin 358K cases, 3,021 dead
90,000 cases in the past two weeks.

My mother is in physical rehab now after a Covid-19 hospital stay. At age 89, she’s lucky.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Dutchess_III I am confused I wasn’t comparing countries population just BC to Kansas and what I found on line was BC has 5.07million people Kansas has 2.91 million people.
To be fair most of BC’s population is down in the southwest corner.
Where most BUT not all our covid cases are.

And where did Australia come from @jca2 was talking about Canada.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Texas Counties Deliver. Coryell County Courthouse. COVID-19 CASES AS OF 11/1t6/2020 TOTAL 1017— ACTIVE 223— RECOVERED 781 – DECEASED 13. Found them… not as bad as some areas.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I was only pointing out that Australia has laws it has passed regarding Covid behavior and they’ll throw your ass in jail for breaking those new laws.
There is a subset of Americans who would have a violent aneurysm if such laws were passed. Hell we can’t even get people to wear a mask without some throwing a temper tantrum.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Sorry and so true.
At least our people in charge didn’t say it would go away in warm weather, or people with lite symptoms can even just go to work and not have to stay home, and yet it’s the rep/cons saying it’s the democrats spreading misinformation.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Amen to that Dutchy. “There is a subset of Americans who would have a violent aneurysm if such laws were passed. Hell we can’t even get people to wear a mask without some throwing a temper tantrum”. But its all a plot to take our freedoms . Operation Jade Mask?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Jade Mask! Lol!

Brian1946's avatar

Here’s Stanley Ipkiss with a jade mask.

Although it doesn’t protect anyone from him, I’m sure it would provide mucho social distancing for him. ;-0

Dutchess_III's avatar

Does Texas even realize they are the butt of the Jade Helm joke?

filmfann's avatar

The small mountain town I live in has a 30% positivity rate.

johnpowell's avatar

In Oregon we have 60,874 cases and 809 deaths. Our population is 4,217,737.

For comparison: Alabama has around the same population and they have 226,000 cases and 3,419 deaths.

JLeslie's avatar

In Florida I’m seeing two different numbers being reported depending what website I check, but more or less we have over 900,000 cases since March.

Almost 18,000 deaths. Currently, 79 new deaths yesterday.

Florida population is around 23million.

Case numbers daily just started climbing again. 9,000 yesterday, but it had been much lower. I blame the Trump rallies for at least half of the increase. We also have people pouring into my state daily. Some of that infection still can be traced back to the Trump rallies in other states in my opinion.

In my city it’s about 10 new cases a day, it had been around 5 for months until the Trump rally then it spiked to 20 and now around 10. I only know about one recent death where I live, but there were 4 in the surrounding areas (tri-county) in the last week. There have been hospitalizations though in bigger numbers than the deaths obviously. I don’t have that number handy.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

@Dutchess_III re: Jade Helm. No not in my part. Too many morons took it seriously. Have to go now, just saw a white unmarked U.N. van drive past. And I’m real close to a Walmart. Gulp…was that Hillary in the driver seat?

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOLL!! I just have to wonder if conspiracy theorists ever feel really stupid in the end.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

@Dutchess_III You wonder? The people who believe the Clintons are mass murders also believe that John Kerry was a coward and Bush Jr is a war hero and also believe that Obama is Kenyan Muslim and also believe 3 million “illegals” voted in 2016 and also believe Trump is an honest virtuous president who is doing a good job and won this month’s election.

They are mentally deficient and can be manipulated with little effort. Fox News, AM radio, and the GOP have taken advantage of it for profit and power.

si3tech's avatar

At the moment we are experiencing around 3 thousand new cases in our state daily. I do see more and more people complying with masks and social distancing.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

@Dutchess_III I wonder that myself sometimes. I know that I haven’t heard anyone mention Jade Helm lately. Maybe they do feel foolish. But, I doubt it. AM radio has dropped it like a hot potato as well. Reckon all those U.N. troops got pulled out? Guess I’ll have to go check with Cletus and Virgil.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I saw a guy in Dillons who just had a rag shoved in his mouth in lieu of a mask.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

@Dutchess_III And the Darwin Award goes to: Envelope please…Kansas Rag Mouth Dude! Applause from most of the audience, while Texas Delegation exits in a rage, “Why didn’t we think of that?”

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I saw a guy in Dillons who just had a rag shoved in his mouth in lieu of a mask.

Use what you have

Fresh organic option

Brian1946's avatar

Here are the stats for New Zealand:

2013 total cases. 25 deaths.

NZ’s infection rate is about .04%. For the US, it’s about 2.1 %.
Extrapolating NZ to the US: 130,357. 1,619.

JLeslie's avatar

Taiwan is something like 600 cases and 7 deaths. No shut down. Restaurants, salons, etc, all open. They did close schools for 2 weeks I think. They did prohibit large crowds, like stadiums had very little audience, but their sports did play. They do sanitize a lot in restaurants and retail.

Taiwan roughly the same population as Florida, although they did basically cut off flights in and out, which is very different than Florida. People who go into Taiwan have a mandatory 14 day quarantine and the government checks to make sure you are staying put. The fine is thousands of dollars if you break quarantine.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Vietnam is getting their guard down. People are only wearing masks while riding their motorcycles. There are no new cases here, only people from other countries and they get quarantined immediately after leaving the airports. So people are acting as if Covid won’t come back again.

I heard somewhere that Hanoi is applying fine to people without masks because there was a new case there, but that’s about it. The news only mentioned briefly about people letting their guard down, so I don’t know about the details of the new case. Nevertheless, I don’t see people in my place get so concerned about the news and I don’t think anyone is going to wear masks regular soon.

So far we have recorded 35 deaths, all are old people who were already sick with other deadly diseases which isn’t surprising when you consider the fact that they were all from the same hospital.

Fun fact: my boss is paranoid that she is going to get Covid so she has been wearing masks everywhere for 3 months now. But no one in my workplace cares. Everyone thinks wearing masks is too inconvenient for teaching.

JLeslie's avatar

@Mimishu1995 I’ve seen articles that call Vietnam a shining star in regards to covid and how your economy has done very well during this time.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

That’s pretty telling. @Call_Me_Jay

Mimishu1995's avatar

@JLeslie Yeah, and I believe our government will be able to handle it if another wave comes. It’s just that people have stopped taking precautions seriously these days.

tedibear's avatar

11.69 million people in Ohio.

325,611 confirmed cases. 343,286 cases when including the CDC’s expanded probable case definition.

5,602 confirmed deaths. 5,955 when including probable cases.

24,218 hospitalizations.

4,394 ICU admissions.

At last count, the health department was still behind by approximately 11,000 cases that need to be reviewed.

This shows the indicators Ohio is using to put the counties into different color categories. The scale is purple (worst), red, orange, and yellow. 88 counties, one is purple, 72 are red, 15 are orange, none are yellow. Three of the red counties will be purple if they continue to have 6 of the 7 indicators at the end of next week.

filmfann's avatar

Here is a Covid cautionary tale. It is true.
Yesterday I raked the leaves in my yard, and burned them, which required me to stay in front of the house monitoring the burn. My neighbor Paula came outside and talked to me (while maintaining social distancing). Due to the virus, we don’t visit often, or for very long.
She told me about a friend of hers, but I don’t recall her name, so we’ll call her Julie.
Julie is 71 years old, but very vibrant. A funny woman, and unfailingly kind.
Julie has a daughter, who we’ll call Karen, obviously.
Karen is one of those people who thought Covid was a scam. When she went into stores, she never wore a mask. When store employees asked her to put one on, she would demand it was her right not to, and refused.
Karen caught Covid, but was asymptomatic, so she didn’t realize it. She then gave it to her mom, who quickly became sick and died.
Karen is now suicidal. She is blaming herself.
Again, this story is true.
Don’t be a Karen. Wear your masks. Don’t visit with people without one. You may regret it.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

North Carolina COVID-19 map

“Because no one metric provides a complete picture, the COVID-19 County Alert System uses a combination of three metrics: case rate, the percent of tests that are positive, and hospital impact within the county.”

Previous map had only 4 four counties in RED now it is twenty counties. Things are going the wrong way.
Biggest concern from a friend in the medical field is running out of beds and medical staff.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Tropical_Willie That is the main concern of everyone in the healthcare system is that it gets overwhelmed , and that includes up here in Canada as well, that it comes down to who lives and who gets sent home to die type thing, and yet people still don’t want to mask up or social distance.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Yes we have “Karens” and whatever the male equivalent is all over the place.
I live in North Carolina and some residents are still “fighting” with the Union (Democrat for a Governor). They still have anti mask events and “open-up” everything rallies. They want all activities to return to pre-pandemic levels including bars and Gyms at full occupancy

SQUEEKY2's avatar

What gets me is when one of these morons get Covid then scratch their head and wonder how did that happen?

Good to see the fright wing way is still alive and well putting economy and money ahead of peoples lives.

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