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SQUEEKY2's avatar

Is Trump endangering lives by not letting Biden's transition team at least get started working on the Pandemic issue?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23632points) November 21st, 2020

Republicans have complained that the Democrats have turned Covid19 into a political issue.
But is that not what Trump is doing by refusing Biden’s team getting started on it?
Shouldn’t the Republicans turn over any and all information they have on it?

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35 Answers

kritiper's avatar

I think so. Everyone should do whatever they can for the good of the people.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Thanks @kritiper I mean he can nasty and block Biden on the other things until his moronic law suits all fail but he should be helping with C19 in every way possible.

Dutchess_III's avatar

As far as I can tell Biden is doing things in spite of trump.

seawulf575's avatar

In my mind, Biden, if he were legit, would already have a plan in place. All he would need is a few details…dates, locations, etc…to fit into his plan. All this could be gotten in the matter of a few minutes, if he had qualified, intelligent people working on it.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Gee Wulfie then why is Trump telling his people to give nothing to Biden’s team including anything about C19, that alone sounds highly politicized and putting peoples lives in danger.

seawulf575's avatar

Gee Squeeky, let’s see. How many times have things he talked about been leaked to the press? How many times has the press rewritten his story to make him look bad? I wouldn’t give Biden the time of day since I know it would be used to hamper my efforts and so he could use it as an excuse for his subsequent failures. Not to mention, if I truly believed the election was stolen, I wouldn’t want to legitimize it. THAT is the politicization. But Trump is still pushing for a vaccine to get out to the people so how is he endangering lives?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Trump has been on several news channels saying the Vaccine will not be made available to New York, that could be endangering lives.
Did you just admit you hate Biden? Sure sounded like it.
The Trump administration should hand over any and all information on C19 for the good of your country weather you can see that or not.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Hate Biden? Nah…I just don’t trust him as far as I could throw him by his hair plugs.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

With all due respect Wulfie you don’t trust anything Democrat.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 What have they ever given me to trust? They have never followed through with anything that didn’t directly benefit themselves. From the time they were fighting to remain slave owners, they have never worked for the good of the people. There are a few exceptions: JFK who got assassinated by his own party and Jimmy Carter who was kind-hearted but not up to the job of POTUS. Those two I might have trusted. MAYBE Harry Truman. Beyond that? Not too many that have shown their metal to be worth my trust.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

But you trust Trump ?
Despite all his lies,his hate filled rhetoric, you trust Trump?

seawulf575's avatar

Most of his “lies” and “hate filled rhetoric” are creations of a biased media. I only trust them to be completely biased propagandists.

Zaku's avatar

Um, without ever signing up for Trump email, I get several emails full of lies every day from the Trump campaign. No media involved. Non-stop BS.

seawulf575's avatar

@Zaku was it (a) from the Trump campaign or from some other group and (b) was it actual lies or things that disagreed with the media?

kritiper's avatar

@seawulf575 Where do you find information that’s believeable??

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Yup but as Trump said before and stands by “It is what it is!” dead bodies are okay for him to stay in office.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Notice that @seawulf575 believes Trump is an honest, trustworthy source. Pretty much all you need to know about his judgment.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay It is called delusion !

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Remember everything Wulfies posts is hard fact that we are to accept without question, everything we post is left wing propaganda that is to be scoffed at.

LadyMarissa's avatar

JFK was NOT killed by his own party, he was assassinated by a gunman hired by George HW Bush. Sept 11 would have NEVER happened had it not been for baby Bush holding up the results of the 2000 election. Our spies would have been in a place to know what was being planned had there been a smooth transition in 2000!!!

@SQUEEKY2 In answer to your Q…YES most definitely!!! trump is about to shit his pants because Biden might get credit for the vaccine. NO President has EVER taken credit for inventing a vaccine until this FREAK!!!

AlaskaTundrea's avatar

Wonder what ever happened to the notion of working together for the common good, huh? Oh,wait. “It is what is is.”

SQUEEKY2's avatar

You can have Conservative values and beliefs, and you can have liberal ones as well but in the end I thought it was to work together for the greater good of the nation.
Trump is in it for himself, and could care less who suffers remember when he was bad mouthing Obama for playing so much golf, and if he became Pres, he probably would have to hang up his clubs,LIE not only he has played over three times as much golf but when he does he makes money because he plays at his course and his whole gang secret service and so on all have to pay to be there.

Zaku's avatar

@seawulf575 “was it (a) from the Trump campaign or from some other group and (b) was it actual lies or things that disagreed with the media?”
– Well, let’s take a look, as it’s way past time to remove this stuff from my Inbox folder…

Ok… so, I had in my Inbox, from 2020:

* 357 emails from Donald J. Trump via

* 268 emails from “” (but actually from

* 91 emails from “Donald Trump Jr.” via

* 53 emails from “Eric Trump” via

* 2 emails from “Eric Trump & Donald Trump Jr.” via

* 55 emails from “Lara Trump” via

* 41 emails from “Official Trump Polling” via

* 59 emails from “Official Trump Campaign Store” via

* 156 emails from assorted other names, most of which are from the same place as the above ( such as “President Trump and Vice President Pence”, “Melania Trump”, “Meet President Trump”, “FREE TRUMP GEAR”, “Trump Leaderboard”, “Trump Match Alert”, “Trump HQ”, “Trump Gold Card” (LMFAO), “Trump Flash Sale”, “Trump Finance”, “Bill Stepien, Trump Campaign Manager”, etc. But some are from other places such as the amusing “Trump Dinner Alert” <>, or “Urgent Trump Alert” <>.

… and, to my GREAT disappointment, only two from the unforgettable favorite “TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP” aka

Soo… something over 1000 emails in 2020, almost all from, but the ones not from seem practically identical in (the same absence of) quality, style and substance.

I guess many of the lies could be generously characterized as ignorance, delusionally wishful thinking, political hyperbole, but it certainly seems to me like all substanceless nonsense. It’s not just “the media” but the countless groups that conducted and oversaw the election and which these emails are contradicting, claiming fraud, pretending not to understand how the vote counts shifted because of in-person voters (more people who listen to Trump) versus mail-in and ballot-box votes (more people who like the US Postal Service, and care about possibly infecting others, so statistically less likely to be people who listen to Trump).

JLeslie's avatar

That’s what I keep hearing, but I really don’t understand why Biden doesn’t have access. If he can get clearance why can’t he?

Plus, Biden already knows what it’s like to work in the White House, so he will get up to speed quickly.

Even if he isn’t given access until the electors vote he will still have over a month to hear and read over everything.

seawulf575's avatar

@kritiper I find my information from a lot of different places. When I see a story or hear about something, I go out and dig until I find something as close to reality as I can to get a clear understanding of what the truth is. Some of the things “Trump said” aren’t what he said at all. Take the one of him calling White Supremacists “very fine people”. If you go to any of the major (leftist) outlets, you read a story that says he called WS and Neo-Nazis very fine people. Sounds horrible! But it doesn’t sound realistic. So I dig. Until I find a transcript or a video of the actual exchange where he supposedly said it. At that point I find the truth of the situation.
The thing I can never understand is why none of you on the left ever question anything, no matter how outlandish it might be, if you hear it on CNN or MSNBC.

seawulf575's avatar

@Zaku thanks. It looks like your inbox got hit like mine did too…from both sides. My texts too! But I don’t remember very many, if any, from either Trump or Biden’s campaign. Lot of PACs or other groups sending out ads or solicitations. I’ll be honest…I don’t think I actually read a single one. I just relegated them to the trash.

kritiper's avatar

@seawulf575 Based on other things you have said here, I don’t think I can believe you any more than I can believe Trump. (Fake news.)

Zaku's avatar

@seawulf575 Yeah the GOP and Democratic Party ones are almost all just cheap incitements to send them money.

I don’t even know how I got on the GOP/Trump email list, but I suspect it’s because I may have foolishly signed a petition to Trump or McConnell asking them not to open Yellowstone National Park to mining, or something… which of course they would ignore and just put me on their email list of people to send email along the lines of “As one of Trump’s strongest supporters, we’re sending you this exclusive offer to donate $1000 or more for a chance for a Golden Ticket to be flown to a Trump luncheon event! Your donation will be 1000% matched, making it possible for Trump to CRUSH the Radical Left who hate you and want to destroy America with Socialism.”

seawulf575's avatar

@kritiper As often as I am asked to prove things and I do? C’mon. And I just told you I go to the source to avoid as much bias as possible…something the rest of you seem to fail on. But if you don’t want to believe me, that’s really okay. I expect ignorance and I get it.

jca2's avatar

@seawulf575: Then why are you here? If we’re all ignorant and you’re superior, and we’re just “not getting it” then why stick around? Surely there are better ways for a superior person to spend their time, either online or in real life, than with a site full of ignoramuses.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I go to the source

Sources like The Gateway Pundit. That’s some real deep research into primary sources. Groundbreaking work.

seawulf575's avatar

I will use Gateway Pundit if they link me back to the origin of the story. Only ignorant people will discount a story because they don’t like the source. If the story is factual and referenced, it doesn’t matter what the source is.

seawulf575's avatar

@jca2 Probably. But it is a morbid curiosity I have to understand why people delude themselves the way they do.

jca2's avatar

@seawulf575: I say this with kindness: You must have a lot of free time, then, if you stick around a website where you are superior, and you’re just here out of morbid curiosity.

seawulf575's avatar

@jca2 I accept that. But look around at all the other jellies who are here at least as much as myself, and all of whom believe themselves superior. I can at least identify my driver.

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