Social Question

Jeruba's avatar

What did you promise your mother that you would do?

Asked by Jeruba (56188points) November 23rd, 2020

After asking what you promised your mother you would never do, of course I want to know what you promised her you would do.

(Or maybe you promised your father.)

And have you done it yet?

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2 Answers

JLeslie's avatar

I like these Q’s, because I find the answers interesting.

I can’t think of one thing I promised my mother that I would do.

I realize from your Q’s that we don’t make promises in my family very much. We don’t use that terminology. I think my family is generally loathe to burden someone with a promise to do something, although I would not say it is completely out of the question. As far as advice I was given, we wouldn’t usually use the word promise for that.

If my mom asked me to promise her something I am 99% sure I would promise it to her, whatever it was, and see it through. She never asks for much. She’s bossy and more and more rigid as she gets older, but it’s all just mommy talk in my mind.

kritiper's avatar

Clean my plate.

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