Have you ever had a surprise disaster on the brink of a holiday?
Wife asked me to get up and turn the oven on to warm up this morning, so she can start getting things ready for Thanksgiving. The damn thing is out, won’t turn on. Just paid 350 bucks last week to get it fixed. Sitting here fuming until I can get these jerks on the phone.
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Yeah. We got a horrible EPS conduit rupture on deck 12, in the space turkey pen.
All our space turkeys got vaporised.
You didn’t get the memo? Ain’t no outer space. Be gone, you NASA fan boy! ; )
The Glober sheeple are out in force today.
About 22 years ago, I lived in a beautiful building that experienced a huge fire 10 days before Christmas, leaving 165 families homeless. The fire was started by someone on the top floor who was spray painting pinecones for Christmas ornaments, and she put them in the oven to dry, causing a huge explosion. Due to the freezing temperatures, and the amount of water used to fight the fire, the building experienced damage that made it unlivable for the next few years, so I had to live with my parents for a few months until I found a new apartment. That was a rough holiday.
@jca2 Damn… well I guess it could be worse then. But I am still pissed off at these ass hats.
@jca2 Nope part won’t be here till Wed but the did honor the warranty
@jca2 sorry about slow response, this Q has been in editing for ever. Have a good holiday.
Our son is going to smoke and grill that bad boy cajon style. Should be ok if she’ll get his ass up early enough. That takes a while but we did it last year and came out delicious. Lol Had to go with stove top dressing and store bought refrigerator type pies though. But it’ll work. Adopt overcome improvise. How’s y’all’s holiday progressing? Nice to have someone in here for a few, to distract my thoughts from ways to kill my boss and appliance repair guy. Just kidding. Or am I ? :)
And the weather here is overcast but fairly warm with no rain chances so we should be good.
@jca2 Hope you and your daughter have a wonderful Thanksgiving !
Thank you @Nomore_lockout. I’m going to try to go back to sleep for a bit. It’s raining here. Going to be a nice quiet day.
I had a quiet day once. I was maybe, oh, 3 years old. Just kidding get some rest and enjoy the day with your child. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. Nah, scratch that one..That leaves you wide open. ;. )
I found out it’s not raining here (I was still in bed when I wrote that it was). It’s about 60 degrees. All the people performing in the Thanksgiving parade are sweating.
Sweating? Where are you? Texas? Morocco? : )
Dammit there I go with my Captain Savage of the Foreign Legion phantasy again. Oh well, bored shitless at work. Forgive me.
All kidding aside I am glad to hear youre having a pretty day. As my old pappy used to say, a pretty day without sun shine is a – oh forget it. Pappy wasn’t a well man, you know.
@Nomore_lockout: The parade is in NYC. Here, I see it rained but right now it’s just overcast.
I’m about an hour north of NYC.
And it’s warm there? Figure you’d be freezing to death!
Sun is.out here now. Weather dudes were right for a change. Morons usually get it all wrong.
My town’s temperature is 60 right now with 89% humidity.
Ain’t bad for your neck of yankee land ; )
Thanks for indulging me today. I’m bored silly. Nothing to do but walk around now and then. You’re a nice lady. And I know I’m a.pain in the ass. Rough job but somebody has to do it. Lol
@Nomore_lockout: Not since the shutdown but otherwise, maybe once every few months. Always at the holidays to walk around the tourist areas and see the sights. It’s usually packed, then. A few other times of the year are to visit relatives that live there or see a play or museum.
We would usually take the train down which my daughter really enjoys. She likes how when you stick your hand in the air, taxis stop magically haha.
I was there once years ago with my dad. Cool place. Oh by that I mean my real dad, not my legendary “Old Pappy” LOL
So whatcha got going today? Other than wasting your time on my dumb ass LOL
Going to tidy up and then make cornbread and apple strudel. Then later on making ham and mash potatoes and boiling string beans. Dessert will be a buffet of a few things on the table, looking pretty, taking photos for Facebook memories.
Damn I’d invite myself to your crib if I wasnt working 45,000 miles away. Sounds delicious!
@Nomore_lockout: I never made a ham before but it’s already cooked, just has to be heated in the oven. I bought pineapple juice and I’m going to soak it first.
I think I’ll also make ambrosia. I love ambrosia. Some people think it’s gross. It’s sour cream, marshmallows, mandarin oranges, pineapple and coconut. I’m going to add grapes, too.
Sounds.pretty dad gum good to me. ! Well I need to go do.a.walk about for a few.minutes. I’ll holler at.ya when I get back of.youre still here. Otherwise, it’s been great talking to ya and have a great holiday! Hope I didn’t bore you too bad. You’re too kind to spend time with me here today. Damn this type on this phone is hard to.read. Maybe if I had longer arms. Got a baboon in your purse?
I am marinating the ham in pineapple juice now and I made the apple strudel. Now I’m cleaning off the table. My kitchen looks like a bomb hit it.
Lol. Ok I’ll check ya later then
.thanks again for keeping me company!
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