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Jeruba's avatar

[Rhetorical question with no reasonable answer] How can anybody want to start talking about 2024 election primaries now?

Asked by Jeruba (56189points) December 1st, 2020

From a Washington Post article by Max Boot today (Dec. 1):

A new McLaughlin/Newsmax poll of the 2024 Republican primary without Trump has Donald Trump Jr. tied for the lead with Vice President Pence at 20 percent. Ivanka Trump is at 4 percent. This isn’t the Republican Party. It’s the Trumplican Party. Support for the supreme leader trumps, so to speak, any devotion to democracy.

I can’t even consider that statement without a sense of utter revulsion.

How can anyone but the most hardcore politicos possibly want to think about the next election now? I personally am exhausted by elections and would rather think about the next intergalactic cataclysm.

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35 Answers

Hamb's avatar

Since it’s rhetorical, can I follow up with one of my own?

Why read Max Boot?

Jeruba's avatar

I read a variety of opinions in a number of news sources, both liberal and conservative, both domestic and foreign. Some of the most interesting ones in recent times have come from conservatives who reject Trump. I don’t happen to be someone who’s interested only in views that agree with my own. Are you?

Hamb's avatar

@Jeruba: “I read a variety of opinions in a number of news sources, both liberal and conservative, both domestic and foreign.”

You should try to expand your reading to include left perspectives as well.

@Jeruba: “Some of the most interesting ones in recent times have come from conservatives who reject Trump.”

It’s a grift, and we’re all paying for it. These are people who are decidedly more right-wing and dangerous than Trump, yet are embraced by many liberals in the “anyone-but-Trump” environment.

@Jeruba: “I don’t happen to be someone who’s interested only in views that agree with my own. Are you?”

If course it’s good to see what these monsters are selling. I guess I’m guilty as well, since I’ve argued with Boot on Twitter more than once.

janbb's avatar

I agree. Let’s give it – and us – a rest.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Newsmax is a propaganda feed aimed at people who believe Fox News is now too liberal. Meaning Fox has dared suggest Dear Leader may have lost the election.

Newsmax needs something to replace the “Trump won!!” stories. Even they are going to have to give up on that soon.

Jeruba's avatar

I don’t need advice on what to read, but thanks for taking an interest in my moral and intellectual well-being.

chyna's avatar

I think I just threw up a little in my mouth. If “Princess Trump” runs, I will just have to move out of the country.

janbb's avatar

@chyna But then Daddy could come live in the White House with her!

Hamb's avatar

@janbb: “Let’s give it – and us – a rest.”

I agree. Elections are covered as horse races, and they are perpetual now. This allows the media to avoid covering policy and actual events.

janbb's avatar

@Hamb Yes, I’d much rather read about those.

JLeslie's avatar

My father’s friends have an email group and I’m sometimes included. They were obsessing about Trump probably wanting to run in 2024 and I can’t even…

It just proves to me some people are addicted to the feeling of terror. They want to be afraid and worried.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I share your revulsion.

I want some peace and quiet for a while. Please.

jca2's avatar

Trump has to keep the Trump name in people’s mouths and he’s going to do his best to do that. He also needs to keep the energy and enthusiasm for the name so the funds still come streaming in.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Can Princess Trump run if she is a felony ??

—-Asking for someone with an eighth grade education!—

cookieman's avatar




Darth_Algar's avatar

Funny how the folks who were all “no more political dynasties” a few years ago are now gung-ho for Ivanka being President , then Junior, then Fredo, then Barron….

JLeslie's avatar

@Darth_Algar Which dynasty? Hillary?

Darth_Algar's avatar

Pretty much. Well, the Bushes too.

JLeslie's avatar

@Darth_Algar Yeah, but did the Republicans complain about the Bush dynasty?

I didn’t think of the Clintons like a dynasty, but I guess maybe.

Darth_Algar's avatar

The Republicans? I dunno. I’m not really sure who the Republicans are. I know some Republicans did. Others, I presume, did not. But I don’t know about the Republicans.

JLeslie's avatar

@Darth_Algar Then who are these people who were no more political dynasties and are now gung-ho for a Trump dynasty?

Darth_Algar's avatar

Sorry, I didn’t get the individual names of random people I’ve seen on video at Trump rallies and on social media. I’ll try to be more psychic next time.

JLeslie's avatar

@Darth_Algar You seemed to know of specific people in your statement.

Darth_Algar's avatar

That’s a hell of a stretch you’re making there.

gondwanalon's avatar

Because the next 4 years are shaping up to be pretty ugly.

chyna's avatar

^How so?

gondwanalon's avatar

@chyna if Democrats take over control of the the Senate then many crazy liberal ideas will likely happen. Like packing the Supreme Court, the green new deal, forgiving strident debt, open up our borders, crushing regulations, high taxes (not just the rich), free healthcare for all. Sounds like fun?

Hamb's avatar

^ Most Democratic politicians do not support any of these.

janbb's avatar

@gondwanalon Quel horreur! And in your dreams. The Democrats in power are not likely to put in place any of those progressive ideas. You’ve been drinking someone’s Kool-Aide.

Hamb's avatar

^ I suspect the Kool-Aid tastes like Sean Hannity.

jca2's avatar

@gondwanalon: And we’re going to become a communist country! A wonderful nation turned into a nation of commies!

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Remember when Obama was president and the US turned into Venezuela with hyperinflation, free medical care, and free college?

Good times.

JLeslie's avatar

LOL. Yeah, Obama became a dictator, jailed people for speaking out against him, did away with congress, controlled the courts, invoked marshall law and wouldn’t leave office. ~

Darth_Algar's avatar

The Obama seized all our guns so we couldn’t fight back.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

We fought WWII against Socialism according to newest Senator from Alabama (Flunked Civics Twice in High School).

Do ya think he got a law degree from Trump University ? ?

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