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mazingerz88's avatar

If Biden lost the 2020 election, how far would he have gone into rejecting the results?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29344points) December 6th, 2020

How close would he and his voters would have behaved compared with Trump and his fans’ behaviour these past several weeks?

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7 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

If some states were super close I can see him wanting a recount, but that’s about it.

mazingerz88's avatar

^Yes I think so too.

johnpowell's avatar

Probably about as far as Hillary did. Which is not very far. And her loss was substantially less than Trumps loss.

Smashley's avatar

The guy gave up running for president because of a plaigirism scandal. Can you imagine something so quaint, this day and age? His instinct is to respond to polls and public opinion. I think he would give it up pretty easy. The fight over democracy reform would still be raging however, tempered with righeous indigntion at the 7th of the last 8 Presidential elections going popularly to Democrats without having shit to show for it, even if the rules were being followed.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Biden has ALWAYS put country before himself & I’m pretty dayum sure that he wouldn’t still be whining a month later!!!

Even Hillary had called to concede in less than 24 hours & on day 3 she went before the nation to give her concession speech & she had a considerable lead in actual votes.

Personally, I don’t have a political party; but in my 50 years of voting, I’ve experienced many a loss & I respectfully dropped my emotions just as soon as my choice conceded!!! The saddest part about this is that 45 doesn’t want the job but he still needs to stroke his own ego!!!

RocketGuy's avatar

@LadyMarissa – 1) he doesn’t want to be seen as a loser and 2) he keeps pulling in money if he keeps yakking.

LadyMarissa's avatar

@RocketGuy Too late. He’s only proving to me that he IS A LOSER!!!

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