Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

What are the root causes of the social, economic and political problems plaguing America right now?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29393points) December 7th, 2020

As asked.

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8 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

A pandemic?
Political parties so divided they can’t work together?

jca2's avatar

I recommend everyone watch the Netflix documentary movie “The Social Dilemma.” It talks about social media and technology, and how a lot of what’s going on today is due to social media causing a divide.

Hamb's avatar


Cupcake's avatar


I agree with capitalism.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Stems from immaturity from the most high.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Emasculating men, believing something is amazing or important just because someone who has had everything lifted, shaped, or polished acts excited on tv or the internet.
Oh my gawwwwwwd! (Clicks long ass enameled nail extensions) look at that! They taught those orangutans how to twerk! How awesome! Oh, wait, I don’t think we were supposed to see that. (Fakes shock) Did that part go on the air? Sorry kiddos at home.

I swear, we are living Robocop. People are focusing their lives and emotions on what tv shows them, and they’ll buy that for a dollar because Oprah said it is the greatest that she ever tried.

People have been living almost entirely on credit because if you have the car with no dvd players nobody will ride with you, and the kids have to have the latest game system even if it means getting groceries from the food pantry so they will have cool friends.

People are so in need of likes and shares they will drop a kid from a roof to get their IG on the greatest hits list.

People quit eating meat, but have no qualms about burning businesses that barely make it through each week, but somehow was supporting a family of five.

Huge numbers still think BLM is about people of color.

Hospitals are poorly equipped, and people think the POTUS is responsible.

Men at the beach at Normandy waded through the blood of friends just to get ashore and hide behind the bodies of those friends hoping they wouldn’t die too, but right now we can’t manage to get past a pandemic without complaining that the store is out of our favorite tp and we gotta use that kind that never tears off right.

I got more, but I have to get up early tomorrow.

JLeslie's avatar

Cable news, social media, cognitive dissonance. Additionally, it seems a lot of people WANT to hate, be angry, and be afraid. They don’t know they want it, they would deny it, but their behaviors proved otherwise.

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