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mazingerz88's avatar

What do you think would George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson and Samuel Adams say about Trump?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29344points) December 7th, 2020

As asked.

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20 Answers

SEKA's avatar

It doesn’t matter what they think because he’s a better man and more popular than any of them. Just ask him

MakeItSo1701's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 They would be very disappointed.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@SQ : ) maybe should be Brraiiins???

gorillapaws's avatar

I think they’d regret not being more explicit in the emoluments clause language, and for not explicitly prohibiting self-pardoning or preemptive pardoning (because it likely never occurred to them that a president would be shameless enough to try it).

Hamb's avatar

Washington, Jefferson, and Franklin: “We owned slaves and people are cool with us, so you’ll be fine in a few years. Even GW Bush has been cleared and is considered unproblematic and cute. Obama is considered ok by liberals as well. All you did was say and tweet the wrong things.”

stanleybmanly's avatar

Every one of those men would be horrified, but not so much at Trump. Of course they each fully realized that there would be terribly defective men unsuitably driven by political ambitions. The arrival of Trump probably would not shock them one bit . The thing that would stun them was precisely the answer to the question which troubled them most—would the people recognize a defectively unsuitable man when he showed up? In other words, were the people actually capable of self governance? That question troubled all of them a great deal, and the framers of our government state more than once that the entire setup is a gamble that the people possess the sense and discernment to govern themselves. It isn’t Trump’s behavior which would upset them, but the fact that WE the people could look at so openly defective an ogre, and elevate him to the Presidency. That bet on our ability to govern ourselves? They lost it! And they lost it in rather spectacular fashion. However, there was a corollary to the big question: if and when the people REALLY screwed up, might they recover their judgement and correct the mistake? The answer to THAT one is by no means obvious. I think the item which would surprise them most concerning what they created is in how efficiently their creation has evolved toward eliminating the possibility that men (or women) of the same stature and talent as themselves might rise through the ranks of political authority. It now turns out that most folks endowed with such talents are either smart enough to recognize that they don’t want the job, or are also endowed with principles the system has by now been engineered to recognize and smother beyond viability. And the big bet? All bets are off.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

I would imagine they are all turning over in their graves. POTUS Zombie Apocalypse?

Cupcake's avatar

I think history has been kind to each of them and only time will tell what Trump’s legacy will be.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Trumps past will eventually catch up to him where he will most likely become “bankrupt” again?
Patterns in his life where one does not learn from the mistakes made will keep repeating.

Cupcake's avatar

@Inspired_2write He’s managed to avoid such repercussions thus far, I am not convinced that will change.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

The Teflon Wanna be Don?

Inspired_2write's avatar

Eventually he will reach a braking point.

AYKM's avatar

I think most of them would not say anything at all actually. These were men of character. Probably would not think good things though.

Patty_Melt's avatar

They were gun toting patriots.
They would have loved playing eighteen holes with him and share stories about what pussies liberals have become.
And I mean that seriously.

Kardamom's avatar

They would all probably say, “Fuck ye!” to him.

Darth_Algar's avatar


They’d likely marvel at what unthinking, unquestioning, servile morons conservatives have become. And I mean that, seriously.

mazingerz88's avatar

It was pussy liberals who defeated the coward orange pig douchebag.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

@Darth_Algar Amen to that Deacon Darth and I mean that seriously.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@mazingerz88 but by far too slim and depressing a margin. Even with the huge bonus of extra weight from disgusted conservatives and raging pandemic, the idiot nearly prevailed in securing a second term. The telling and frightening thing to understand regarding Trump is that if the gents listed in this question had together conspired to devise a test on the mental acuity of those Americans aged 8 and above, they could not have done better than Trump. We’re talking basic and fundamental shit like right and wrong, truth and dishonesty, compassion vs. cruelty or indifference. It was a test, the results of which bode truly grim prospects for our future. I plan on keeping track of the renewal dates on my family’s passports and maintaining an up to date assessment of those assets suitable for hasty liquidation.

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