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Do you feel like your winter holidays are usually great, or usually not so great?
Working full time, with a big commute and a busy job, I always feel like every holiday season is rushed. Rushed, hectic, crazy, trying to shop, trying to visit people, trying to wrap gifts, trying to work and find time to do everything else. My job has two big parties on December weekends, which I help plan and as part of the whole thing, include hotel stays. That is great, but it messes up two weekends in December.
This year, I’m not busy, no parties, not hectic, working way, way less. I have more free time, and that’s lovely. However, there’s no chance of taking any trip anywhere and with the whole Covid thing, it kind of puts me in a blah mood about it all. Plus my mom died a few years ago and she was like the glue that held the family together.
How about you? Are your winter holidays (Christmas, Chanukah, New Year’s) usually great or usually something else?
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