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mazingerz88's avatar

Which teacher or professor in the past do you still remember and why?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29280points) December 9th, 2020

As asked. Thanks.

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15 Answers

Darth_Algar's avatar

My high school art teacher. We still keep in touch to this day.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Wow awesome.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Mr “K” from fifth grade, he was at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941

Mr “O” high school biology teacher, took me to a college level conference.

Mr Mihm my high school Physics teacher.

Dr Randolph college Biology prof, retired epidemiologist specialty was polio epidemic.

zenvelo's avatar

Mr O’Flynn, 8th grade homeroom/English teacher

Mr Loney/geometry/advanced algebra/trigonometry
Mr Perry, Analytic Geometry/Calculus

And there were a couple of professors in college, but none knew me as well as my high school teachers.

Demosthenes's avatar

I remember my 4th grade teacher; she was a young Mormon from Utah who told all kinds of memorable life stories that I can still recall to this day. She was also the most unorthodox teacher I ever had, letting us choose our own seating chart and letting us decorate our desks and draw on the back of our worksheets. Things that would’ve earned detention from another teacher.

I remember also my senior year English teacher. She had a couch in her classroom and I use to hang out there sometimes during lunch. She’s the first teacher that actually got me interested in what we were reading. I don’t think I’d have the interest in literature I do today without her influence. I saw her 7 years after graduating high school and she remembered me exactly and asked how I’d been. It was nice. :)

I also remember well a Latin professor in college. I used to go to his office hours regularly and we’d talk about personal things. I had drinks with him a couple times. lol. He wrote me my best letter of rec for grad school and I still keep in touch with him.

Zaku's avatar

I remember almost every single one of them. Because I have a good memory, I guess, and also maybe because I went to extremely good schools which had generally really outstanding teachers.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I went to grade school in a community so small, my kindergarten teacher used to date my dad, and never got over he dumped her. Some of my teachers had also been his teachers. One of those had moved, and taught where I eventually moved and she was a teacher at my new jr. high. Kids made fun of her, and did imitations, and then I told some of them she was my aunt. Boy, that made some of them feel foolish.
Some of the teachers I had, had been students of my Grandma when she was still single.
That was in a single room little wood schoolhouse, in a town so small it has never had a zip code. My uncle had a farm in that town. Well, the house was. I remember playing on the old, rotted wood teeter totter which was still outside that little school. It was nothing more than four walls and part of a roof by then. Think Little House On The Prairie episodes.
The teacher I loved the most was a fourth grade teacher. She didn’t mind that I brought a snake to class in a big glass jar.
Mrs. Z was tiny. Some of the kids in my class were taller than her. She was super cool.
She let class get off topic sometimes I guess just to see where we would go.
One time she had us collect dandelion greens during recess. She cleaned them, and boiled them, and we ate them on crackers. I gobbled my share, and maybe somebody else’s, but to this day I won’t touch spinach.
She encouraged us to think beyond the pages of our textbooks.
She taught us learning could be fun, even adventurous. That was before Sesame Street and Zoom, and The Electric Company.

Hamb's avatar

My 9th grade algebra teacher would repeatedly tell the class, “You guys are stupid. I’m going to bring the honors kids in some day so they can laugh at you!”

JLeslie's avatar

I remember most of my K-12 teachers. I remember them because I was with them almost every day for 4.5 or 9 months.

Mostly, I remember best the teachers I thought were funny or nice, but also I remember fairly clearly my 4th grad teacher and I didn’t really like that class at the time. In retrospect he was a good teacher in many ways, but I remember feeling bad in his class at times and not liking to have to do the work. I think that was the grade I really started not enjoying school and that lasted the rest of my K-12 more or less.

I could run through stories of ten teachers who I remember and liked for one reason or another, but none do I have some hugely major life changing moment.

ragingloli's avatar

My french teacher. She was the worst.

gondwanalon's avatar

My 4th grade teacher (Mrs Butler) was my best teacher. She made me come in to her class ½ hour early each day to learn how to read. She told me that she heard about me and she would not put up with any of my nonsense.

filmfann's avatar

Mr. Yee was my 7th grade math teacher, and one of the most abusive people I have ever seen.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

My third grade teacher it was the age of short mini skirts and she had the nicest legs I had ever seen.
My Mom asked how was school after my first day and how I liked my teacher and I told her she has nice legs, mom almost fell over from laughing so hard.

smudges's avatar

Mrs. Davenport, 2nd grade: One day she said, “If I hear another peep out of this class I’m going to stand on my head!” Naturally, I just had to say “peep”. She was wearing a skirt, so she didn’t really do a headstand, but she made as if to do one – bent over and kicked her feet up.

Mr. Cerasoli, huge crush, 5th grade: I broke my pinkie while playing kickball and didn’t want to tell him because I bit my nails and they were ugly. But my friend said if I didn’t tell him, she would, so I did. He sent me to the office, where my mom was called, and she took me to the doctor and we got it fixed up.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Not really. I almost always got stuck with some old grizzled battle ax for a teacher. Well wait a minute…In my early years in Catholic school I was pretty fond of Mother Cornelius. Sweeet old gal. But other than that, meh…

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