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Brian1946's avatar

Now that SCOTUS has denied the Texas/Trump complaint, what do you think Trump's next move will be?

Asked by Brian1946 (32797points) December 11th, 2020

Supreme Court shuts door on Trump election prospects.

Do you think he’ll consider trying to “fire” the justices?

What do you think some of his Tweets & Twits will say?

Have all the complaints filed with the lower courts been ajudicated?

Does he have any recourse?

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54 Answers

Dutchess_III's avatar

Chain himself to the desk?

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Maybe he’ll lose it completely and start talking like Tweety Bird. I tought I saw a Puddy Cat! (Fan boy chorus) You did! You did! You did see a Puddy Cat!

ragingloli's avatar

Well, here is what his followers think:

SQUEEKY2's avatar

He will start an all out war with Iran, just as a last F-U to the incoming administration.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Nah…even Trump isn’t that freaking Looney Toons…is he?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Nomore_lockout Don’t count out how crazy a move Trump will make !

Nomore_lockout's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Yeah I’m afraid you’re right.

Jeruba's avatar

It’s not about holding onto office. It’s about payback: revenge against whole states and populations that he thinks rejected him and cheated him of his rightful win.

Any way that he can make trouble, or get other people to make it for him, is fine. He doesn’t care how many of us die. He hopes we do. He has yet to have someone die explicitly and unambiguously for his sake, and I expect that’s one of his remaining ambitions.

ragingloli's avatar

“If the war is lost, it’s immaterial if the people perish too. It is not necessary to consider the German people’s survival needs. On the contrary, it is better to destroy those things ourselves. They have proved themselves too weak and it is a law of nature that they will be exterminated” – Adolf Hitler, Der Untergang

Jeruba's avatar

^^^ Exactly.

That’s why warning him that this is bad for us, that someone could get killed, that it’s harming the nation, has no meaning and no effect. We are puny and weak and inferior. Samson brought the whole temple down.

LadyMarissa's avatar

He’s trying to stop the release of the vaccine because He’s trying to save us from ourselves!!! (his words, NOT mine)

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Is he really trying to stop the Vaccine rollout?^

Nomore_lockout's avatar

It’s like we’re playing a chess game with this shit for brains. When will it be over? Or the better question is, how could anyone this mentally unstable become President of the United States? Just because some ass hole losers saw it on the Simpsons and thought it was a cool idea?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Trump will come and go, it’s his base that scares the crap out of me.
You know the ones waving a ten foot confederate flag with a photo of Trump on it saying Trump forever.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

The 21st Century is a real downward spiral for the U.S. so far. Not looking promising at all. And we don’t even have flappers and speak easy’s to jazz things up a a bit like in the 1920s. Just Trump and Covid. Blah…

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

He just signed debt ceiling funding to keep the government open.

stanleybmanly's avatar

But once again, I just cannot get past what Trump tells me regarding a huge percentage of the people who inhabit this country. In the end it turned out that the courts held up, but think about it. The designated premier advocates for the rule of law in 17 individual states have seen fit to petition the courts to overturn the direct vote of the country’s citizens. It is unbelievable to think that 17 Attorneys General would choose to reveal themselves so clueless legally or ethically vacuous as to permit the fool to destroy their reputations and lifelong legacies. What sort of respect is one supposed to have for such implacable dunderheads?

si3tech's avatar

When he does not concede it goes to the house.

Strauss's avatar

@si3tech The next step is the Electoral College They will meet in virtual mode on Monday, December 14. Their vote will reflect the popular vote in each state, 306 for Biden, 232 for Trump. From here on out it’s all just formality, whether Trump concedes or not is irrelevant.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@si3tech No !

January 20th 11:59 he’s outa there and New York will have tax fraud charges ready for him.

Jeruba's avatar

@si3tech, a public concession speech or announcement is a custom, a formality, a gracious act that even the most angry, disappointed, obstreperous, and, yes, corrupt defeated candidates have performed, until now. Nothing in the legal process depends on a statement of acceptance of defeat by the loser. It simply makes things more civilized for everyone else—a consideration that does not exist anywhere in the Trump psyche.

Brian1946's avatar

Trump couldn’t even donald a cloak of Nixonian “civility” and simply whine, “you don’t have Trump to kick around any more, because, fake news losers, this is my last press conference”, for a concession speech.

Strauss's avatar

He might resign on or before inauguration day so Pence can pardon him, much like Ford pardoned Nixon in ‘74.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Even if Pence pardons him, New York will still be waiting for him.

Strauss's avatar

That’s what makes me think he’ll just disappear.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I hope so. And he can’t come out of hiding to make a run at 2024 cuz they’ll grab him!

LadyMarissa's avatar

Don’t know IF it’s true, but I’ve seen several reports that Melania is already packing up their personal stuff & shipping it to NY or FL.Can’t verify…only pray that it’s true!!!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Of course it’s true @LadyMarissa. Why would you find that odd?

jca2's avatar

Melania can’t wait to leave and go back to NYC, where they’re right in the middle of the action, on 5th Avenue. Didn’t Trump call the White House “a shithole?”

LadyMarissa's avatar

@Dutchess_III Where did I say that it’s odd??? I simply said that I had seen several reports & that I couldn’t verify.

I know that she NEVER wanted to live in the WH. Now she’s working at leaving while he’s fighting to stay. Think that maybe they might be getting a divorce???

@jca2 I thought he said he left NYC NEVER to return.With NY looking to prosecute him, it seems stupid to me for him to move back there. He signed an agreement that Mar-a-Lago can’t be his permanent residence due to the tax breaks he gets as a resort.

As for the WH being “a shithole”...he’s called so many places shitholes that I’ve lost count which ones really were!!! Maybe he’ll end up homeless.

jca2's avatar

@LadyMarissa: I think she wants to return to NYC. Maybe the plan is they go separate places. Isn’t Baron’s school in NYC?

LadyMarissa's avatar

@jca2 I was thinking that too. Then I saw a report that said she was reaching out to schools in FL for Barron.Actually, I like the idea of 45 leaving the country altogether to avoid prosecution. Then she & Barron could do their own thing. It seems obvious to me that she enjoys the money & the power; however, I think that they both deserve better!!!

jca2's avatar

@LadyMarissa: I think being FLOTUS was not part of her master plan for her life. I hold no ill will toward her.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yeah. Melania is packing up. No surprise here.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Change her name to Melancholia

jca2's avatar

When they look out the window of their Trump Tower apartment, they can enjoy seeing “BLACK LIVES MATTER” painted on the asphalt of 5th Avenue.

JLeslie's avatar

I had assumed Melania would move to Florida with her husband. I know everyone says she’ll divorce him ASAP, but it’s based on not holding hands in public? Or, what? She might leave she might not. How do we know for sure?

I thought Barron hasn’t been going to school in NY with the covid thing. They will still have their place in NY to go back and forth.

jca2's avatar

@JLeslie: Of course we don’t know for sure. Of course we’re speculating.

JLeslie's avatar

@jca2 I just think people like to think Trump’s life is horrible, so the whole thing about his marriage being horrible and his wife hating him is part of that. He certainly has a record of getting divorced, so it isn’t far fetched. I don’t like the media talking about marriages of our presidents. People are upset Hillary didn’t divorce Bill, which I think was none of anyone’s business and certainly should not have hurt her politically. Maybe some people thought she would leave for sure. I don’t mind people speculating or gossiping about it, but that people talk about it on TV I find annoying.

jca2's avatar

@JLeslie: I think the speculation is based on his wife’s not appearing to be too warm toward him in public.

JLeslie's avatar

@jca2 Yeah, I know, but it doesn’t necessarily mean anything. The media keeps getting a clip here or there of lack of warmth, but then she delivers speeches for him and other moments where she seems like the loyal wife. Of course that can be a show, but I just think no way for us to know their arrangement. They can easily live separate lives while married.

jca2's avatar

@JLeslie: I’m sure there’s a pre-nup that has different payment amounts for the longer she stays.

JLeslie's avatar

@jca2 Possible. It might level off after a certain amount of years.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Now that America has yelled rather loudly “YOU’RE FIRED!”, Trump will not be showing his face in New York city unless it is in a courtroom. New York is the single location in this country where the people are apt to treat Trump in a manner he fully understands. There will be “bone spur” reasons proffered why he avoids the town like death itself, but depend on it, he will seek more sympathetic locations to receive more temperate levels of ridicule and disgrace.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I think it’s hilarious that Putin congratulated Biden on his win! Talk about rubbing his nose in it.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Uh oh…Trump and Putin aren’t buds anymore? Whould’a thunk it?

stanleybmanly's avatar

Even Putin has limits on what he finds tolerable.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Putin got a bad rap hanging with his homie Trump. You’re known by the company you keep, as my old pappy used to say. Been there, done that.

ragingloli's avatar

Putin was never a friend of drumpf. The orangutan was merely a convenient tool.
Agent Orange just outlived his usefulness, so he is cut loose.

Strauss's avatar

Putin saw Trump as a useful idiot.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Idiot, yes. Useful? Meh…

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yeah. Everybody but trump knew that @ragingloli and @Strauss

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Well it’s over now. Even Cocaine Mitch admitted that the Electoral College has spoken, Biden is official POTUS Elect. And the Republicans in the Senate have accepted it as well.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Trump and (Ras) Putin can go have a vodka pity party in Moscow.

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