Social Question

SQUEEKY2's avatar

In your opinion, is the way Trump is carrying on about fraud in the election going to hinder - or help - the run-off race in Georgia?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23626points) December 14th, 2020

Just wondering about peoples opinion on this?

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4 Answers

Pandora's avatar

There are so many other things going on in Georgia right now that can help or hinder that I feel it is impossible to say. You have Covid and you have right-wingers telling Republicans not to vote, you have Christmas holidays coming up and you have ads all over GA about how crooked the two Republicans. In my opinion, Covid and the Holidays and lazy voters not turning out will affect the race. But by what numbers I have no idea and in what direction. I don’t know.

elbanditoroso's avatar

People I know here in Georgia:

- the democrats and Biden supporters will be voting in force. Everyone is aware of the consequences of the senatorial races, and will be there.

- people who voted for Trump: most of them will vote, but I have heard a couple people on my street – Trumpers – who have said “what’s the point?”.

I get at least five phone calls and several texts every day from one side or the other. Plus postcards.

I can’t wait until its over.

early voting started this morning. I figure on casting my vote in person at the local community center on Wednesday afternoon.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Go Georgia!

Inspired_2write's avatar

Me thinks that he doth protest too much.
Hence it may work against him in the end.

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