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Ever notice that tech financial companies that are "designed for Millenials in mind".... have ZERO customer service?
Whenever I read about a techie financial company whose original news release brags they are “designed with Millenials in mind” then I try it out (such as Venmo, or Robinhood), I find the following traits:
1. Everything must be done on the smartphone app. Their actual websites do not work.
2. There is no customer service number of any kind at all.
3. The apps have very simple User Interfaces, but are full of bugs, nevertheless.
4. Whenever you are told that they emailed you a required a “verification code”, the verification code never gets sent.
5. Any support issues must be done through the app. And no one ever gets any issues resolved within 24 hours. Issues like that can take days or months.
6. Their self-help troubleshooting sections never address any real-world problem.
And so…. in addition to the main question, here are some secondary questions: Do these companies that are “designed with Millenials in mind” think Millenials are stupid? Or… are Millenials (generally) that stupid, and they are fine with all this?
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