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ragingloli's avatar

Fake electors, martial law, contesting electors in congress: what other seditious ploys might Trump employ to steal the election, before he is kicked out?

Asked by ragingloli (52359points) December 16th, 2020

I think we all know that nothing is off limits for the Orangutan.

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11 Answers

janbb's avatar

I truly believe we’re done except for the howling and wailing on the blasted heath. For now…...

kritiper's avatar

He might egg on his followers for a full-blown coup complete with guns and killings, not that he’d actually ask for guns and killings…

Brian1946's avatar

Was it necessary to insult orangutans in your details? ;-)

Zaku's avatar

Some of his more seditious supporters are claiming that Pence, presiding over the opening of the Electoral College votes in early January, will entertain an objection from someone in Congress, and then use Pence’s authority in that ceremony to throw out the votes needed to say Trump won.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Except the Vice-President only has any real authority in the Senate when there’s a tie vote.

ragingloli's avatar

Imagine the precedent it would set, if that plot was actually successful.
Elections would become meaningless, because all the ruling party would have to do, is throw in some frivolous objections, and have their VP appoint the victor.

Smashley's avatar

Burning documents, I assume, is ongoing.

Realistically, hes going to keep juicing us as long as he can. I expect we’ll be paying him, yet again, for whatever golfing and politiking he needs to do at his properties. He’ll probably leave a big turd for someone to find, too.

Zaku's avatar

@ragingloli Yes, being somewhat sane and rational, that was one of my immediate thoughts too. But apparently something in the minds of the sort of people who support Trump, blocks that kind of thinking. That, and the numbers of them, is what worries me most about the whole Trump phenomenon.

LostInParadise's avatar

McConnell has finally recognized Biden as the winner of the election. There just is not anything left that Trump can do. The biggest worry is potential violence on the part of his supporters.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Apparently it was stated that Trump may be planning a “rally” the very day that Biden is sworn in as the New President.

Just to take away from Biden’s victory.

Trump is a poor loser and will do anything to grab the spotlight in the News.

I hope that the News Media doesn’t take that bait?

2davidc8's avatar

General Flynn has suggested that Trump could call out the military and impose martial law in the 4 swing states in question (GA, PA, MI and WI) and force a “rerun” of the election in those states.
Sounds goofy but, hey, Trump might try anything.

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