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mazingerz88's avatar

How did Trump know that Biden was the biggest threat to his re-election?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29393points) December 16th, 2020 from iPhone

That he even got himself impeached for trying to sabotage Biden’s chances early on by forcing Ukraine to smear Biden. Was it Trump or someone working for him who did a Nostradamus and saw fit that something must be done about Biden at that very early stage?

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40 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Maybe he knew Warren,and Sanders were to radical even for the democrats.
Biden was the safest bet.

Smashley's avatar

At the beginning, I assumed it was just the old white man perspective that made him fear Biden. Realistically, several candidates had a real chance the summer Trump started working on the Ukrainian President. That this paranoid obsession turned out to be prescient doesn’t change my opinion.

Jeruba's avatar

Maybe Biden told him. I do think he knew.

It’s probably also not that hard to make Trump do or say something stupid.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Just as with Hillary, it was patently obvious who was the anointed favorite of the Democratic machine long before campaign season. And just like Hillary, it was considered Joe’s turn. Only this time a considerable contingent of mainstream Democrats judged (correctly) that Joe was lacking in magnetic appeal. They forced him to prove that “he had the chops” before they fell into line and accepted the machine predetermination.

janbb's avatar

Maybe he was trying to get dirt on any of them and this was the low hanging fruit. The corruption we’ve earned about is only the tip of the iceberg.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Joe wasn’t scary and didn’t threaten the status quo.

Or as @stanleybmanly so aptly stated, ‘they fell into line and accepted the machine’s predetermination.’

gorillapaws's avatar

I completely reject your characterization that Biden was the “biggest threat” to Trump’s re-election. Everyone should be crystal clear on this point: Biden would have been destroyed in the General Election if not for COVID. Sorry but I’m not going to abide this gaslighting.

The 2020 primary was rigged in favor of the least electable candidate because the DNC would rather lose to Trump than win with a progressive and have their corruption fiesta end.

Remember that Trump himself was most afraid of running against Bernie.

Jeruba's avatar

Why do people read threads they can’t abide, I wonder?

janbb's avatar

@Jeruba They still have an old song to sing.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

At the beginning, I assumed it was just the old white man perspective that made him fear Biden.

That’s how I felt early in the primaries and laughed at the idea. On Fluther I probably typed, “Biden is not going to be the nominee.”

gorillapaws's avatar

@Jeruba “Why do people read threads they can’t abide, I wonder?”

Maybe because they like setting the record straight and correcting misinformation?

Smashley's avatar

@gorillapaws – COVID didn’t blow up Trump’s chances. His abject failure as a leader and administrator in a predictable crisis did. If he’d done even a decent job, he’d have won, especially considering the low bar of expectations he has cultivated

gorillapaws's avatar

@Smashley All I’m saying is that if COVID never happened, Trump would have beaten Biden. It gave an excuse for Biden to hang out in the basement, only communicate through scripted interactions, and avoid public appearances that were not going well. The economy would have likely been in better shape, and you’re 100% correct that the virus fully illuminated how incompetent of a leader Trump was. All of those factors came together to help Biden limp across the finish line in the lead.

But let’s not pretend that Trump feared Biden the most…

si3tech's avatar

Logical. Only other candidate.

seawulf575's avatar

Well, considering he didn’t do anything to try sabotaging Biden’s election, I’m not sure why the question assumes he did know Biden was his biggest threat. Looking at the Democrat field, I would say none of them presented a threat. The media and the corrupt poll workers presented more of a threat, which is what Trump also said was his biggest challenge.

stanleybmanly's avatar

The media, the Democrats, the courts, those FORMER Republicans who can walk and chew gum simultaneously, the SPCA, the advocates for sanity in government, the Pentagon, the State Department, the medical profession, psychiatrists everywhere, ethical third graders, the Pope, anyone with a conscience or isn’t comatose…..

mazingerz88's avatar

Corrupt poll workers? Where? Oh the ones who cheated trump! Lol

I don’t know which is more sad, really believing in all that BS or repeating it on social media just because the corrupt and treasonous orange cult leader says so.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

considering he didn’t do anything to try sabotaging Biden’s election,

The lack of awareness is astounding. It has to be an act.

Treasury Department says Ukrainian linked to Rudy Giuliani is ‘Russian agent’ – “The man the Treasury Department called “an active Russian agent for over a decade,” met with President Donald Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani to dig up dirt on former Vice President Joe Biden.

“Andrii Derkach, a member of the Ukrainian Parliament, and three other Russian-linked individuals were designated, Thursday, by Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control, for attempting to influence the U.S. electoral process.”

seawulf575's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay I’m at a point where all these claims of foreign agents are completely meaningless. Until you fools are willing to call for Swalwell to be ejected from Congress or at least from the intelligence agency, you are doing nothing but showing hypocrisy. Swalwell was fooling around with a known Chinese agent for years. His family had her as a Facebook friend right up to the point where the media was digging into it. Biden’s own son is elbow deep with Ukrainian and Chinese government officials and you all want to just ignore it.
And look at the article you just provided. It talks about Giuliani meeting with someone the Treasury dept has identified as a Russian agent. Giuliani is doing the research into the entire impeachment fiasco and looking into potential Ukrainian interference into the 2016 election. He is meeting with this guy on a public interview…nothing nefarious about it. So here are some questions for you. Did Giuliani actually try to dig up dirt on Biden? If so, where is the proof? All this article has is innuendo. When Swalwell was shacking up with a Chinese honey-pot, eventually the FBI gave him an update telling him she is a spy. When did anyone do that with Giuliani or even Trump or any of his campaign folks? The FBI is supposed to do all these things and they didn’t…so why not?
Face it…hypocrisy is rife in the left. Your own examples bear that out admirably.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Your reply to everything is to duck any legitimate challenge to your nonsense with “the Democrats did it first”. How about ANSWERING THE QUESTION for a change? Are you WRONG in claiming the fool did nothing to hinder Biden’s election? Of course you claim the department of the treasury in cahoots with all Federal Agencies, the courts, the media, etc. You must certainly understand why the rest of us can only view you as either delusional or hired to impersonate a lunatic.

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly Is there actually proof he did anything to hinder Biden? You are asking stupid questions. Let me ask the kind of question you would ask: Have you stopped beating your wife yet? Those are the quality of your questions. I have no proof you ever beat your wife, but I will say you did so now you have to defend yourself…prove beyond a shadow of a doubt you didn’t and aren’t still doing it. And nothing you will say will be good enough. If you say you never did, you are obviously lying so that you don’t get in trouble. If you tote Mrs. Stanley out to verify you never beat her, she is just scared if she says anything negative about you, you will just beat her more. Trying to prove something didn’t happen is impossible…especially when there is zero proof it ever happened. THOSE are the silly kind of things you fools on the left deal in every single day. @Call_Me_Jay provided an article that makes all sorts of wild speculations without a shred of evidence, without even an ounce of common sense. Yet you all take it as fact and expect someone to prove it isn’t true. When someone brings out some “facts” about the claim they are making and to which you are so dreadfully attaching yourself, then I can make a response to that issue. Meanwhile, why don’t YOU answer the question. Why you seem so up in arms about foreign interference when you think it might be Trump but totally ignore it when it is a Democrat (take your choice…Hillary, Feinstein, Swalwell, Biden…the list is endless)? Care to actually step into reality long enough to take on that piece of hypocrisy you exude? Or are you just going to go off on a Trump rant again? Maybe try to make some reference to how I am not from this country or some other dodge to avoid actually having to face your hypocrisy?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

All that and yet Wulfie you believe the election was stolen from your hero and without a shred of evidence ,
Want to keep talking about hypocrisy?

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 hundreds of sworn affidavits from witnesses, all the statistical impossibilities, software that has been proven to be designed to steal elections….yeah…no evidence whatsoever. I mean who could ever believe the Dems cheated?

stanleybmanly's avatar

Apparently not the courts, nor the media, nor REPUBLICAN election officials in the RED states, the fool’s own lick spittle toady of an attorney general.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Wulfie then why hasn’t that amazing and I use the term lightly” evidence “been presented in court?
As for sworn affidavits his base will swear to anything like Obama shot Kennedy, or they really did take over the air ports in 1776.
Why hasn’t the software been presented sorry old boy this time the fool title is all yours.
Even a big chunk of the Republican Party believes the election was fair, it’s just you fright wingers that keep saying rigged, or stolen.
I guess you are never going to let this go, and good for you everyone needs a hobby but it’s not going to change a thing TRUMP LOST! get over it..

mazingerz88's avatar

^^trump fans will never get over it or pretend not getting over it since it’s the only way to keep the deplorable and deadly trump fire burning. Lies, corruption and cruelty fuel their cause. Lost cause imo.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Wulfie is so eager to provide a ton of links to his arguments ,but not with this rigged election thing he has just jumped on the conspiracy band wagon full on.
If you challenge him at all he claims your a fool, or just full of hate.
Trump claims anything where he doesn’t win rigged, he claimed if he didn’t win in2016 that election was rigged.
His base just lap it up

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 None of the courts have said the evidence wasn’t valid. They have said they weren’t the right venue for the battle. Big difference.

jca2's avatar

@seawulf575: I haven’t heard that terminology “this is not the right venue for the battle” or anything similar. Do you have links to that? What I’m seeing all over the news is that the legal challenges are falling flat. Nothing saying “this is not the right venue for the battle.”

mazingerz88's avatar

Lol When asked by a judge if he was alleging or claiming there was fraud Giuliani apparently said no. They can’t lie under oath only in public.

And we all know by now most Republicans enabled trump’s lying and legitimized it.

Glad the courts are still sane and millions more sane Americans outvoted these enablers. Kudos to the biggest liar there is for inspiring more Americans to vote! On to his new reality TV show “The Voter’s Apprentice.”

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

None of the courts have said the evidence wasn’t valid.

Yes, some did. I’m not going to indulge the court jester by doing his homework. If he wants to give us specifics on all 59 cases he obviously has the time.

Put up or shut up. Or dodge the question and retain your reputation. Whatever.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Wulfie never heard what you are claiming on any news channel Canadian, or American.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

OAN and Newsmax are news channels for people who think Fox is a leftist Deep State mouthpiece. Though I think Hannity and Tucker are still pandering to the dementia crowd.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^They’re both very talented entertainers.

stanleybmanly's avatar

What the courts have implied goes well beyond what they have said. And each time they say it, they become ever less polite about it. The conservatives behind this nonsense won’t be satisfied until the Supreme Court hands them a decision stipulating that they are all delusional jackasses, ignorant of the laws of the land and an embarrassment to the rule of law.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Humour me Wulfie You said( None of the courts have said the evidence wasn’t valid. They have said they weren’t the right venue for the battle. Big difference.)is that not the same as no evidence relevant to the voter fraud case?

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 No…it is not the same. What it means is that the court feels they are not the right place for that argument. Example would be the Wisconsin Supreme Court that didn’t hear the case because they said it should go to a lower court first. It isn’t saying the evidence isn’t relevant to the voter fraud case, it’s saying that they don’t want to hear the case because they believe it could/should go to a lower court first. They aren’t the right venue.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@seawulf575 How come we haven’t heard this on any news channel,all we keep hearing is there is no evidence.
Mind sharing what your source is?

stanleybmanly's avatar

It’s more basic than that. Let’s think about this for a second. Those proffering these suits are asking the courts to overturn the election results in 5 states without a single conclusion from ANY jurisdiction of criminal tampering or deliberate irregularities. When actual Republican prosecutors from notoriously Republican states openly REFUSE to concur with visibly trumped up nonsense, the courts are no more obligated to entertain said nonsense than charges of sorcery or divine intervention as skewing the results.

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