General Question

luigirovatti's avatar

Can the police use deadly force against a convict who is attempting to escape?

Asked by luigirovatti (3025points) December 18th, 2020

In my experience, in most if not all the states of the US, that is not used as a last resort, but I want to hear what YOU think.

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10 Answers

Darth_Algar's avatar

They shouldn’t, but the police in this country have learned they can get away with pretty much anything.

kritiper's avatar

If following the rules of proper gun play, and he doesn’t have a gun, no. If he has a gun and points it at the police, then yes. Blow that sucker away! If he’s coming at the officer with a knife, shoot him! But you don’t shoot someone in the back when he’s running away.

zenvelo's avatar

Can they? yes.

Should they? No.

p.s. the scenario you are describing is of someone escaping prison or jail which is different from a suspect that runs away.

luigirovatti's avatar

@zenvelo: I might be dumb, but are you replying to me or @kritiper?

zenvelo's avatar

@luigirovatti I was referring to your scenario in your question.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Assuming the escaping convict has a weapon and is a threat to others, yes.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Not if the convict is just running though.

kritiper's avatar

If I was the cop, and the guy was running away from me, and I wasn’t following the rules of proper gunplay, it would probably piss me off and I’d fill that sucker so full of holes he’d look like a strainer! After all, dead men tell no tales and can’t testify against you, and you don’t have to pay for their recovery therapy.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

@kritiper have fun in jail then

bernd's avatar

I believe, no, only as an final rescue shot it is allow.

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